UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 312130Z JAN 19 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 026/19 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/JAN// SUBJ/SPRING FY-19 FULL-TIME SUPPORT OFFICER TRANSFER AND REDESIGNATION BOARD// REF/A/DOC/COMNAVPERSCOM/12FEB08// REF/B/DOC/COMNAVPERSCOM/21JUN07// REF/C/DOC/COMNAVPERSCOM/11SEP16// NARR/REF A IS MILPERSMAN ARTICLE 1001-020, FULL-TIME SUPPORT (FTS) OF THE NAVY RESERVE OFFICER PROGRAM. REF B IS MILPERSMAN ARTICLE 1301-213, OFFICER SPECIAL ASSIGNMENTS - RESERVE FLEET LOGISTICS SUPPORT SQUADRON (VR). REF C IS MILPERSMAN ARTICLE 1321-100, ORDERS FOR OFFICER SPECIAL PROGRAMS.// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN announces the convening of the Spring FY-19 Full-Time Support (FTS) Officer Transfer and Redesignation Board on 1 April 2019. Applications from qualified active component (AC) and Ready Reserve officers will be considered by this board. In line with reference (a), this board will also accept applications from FTS officers requesting redesignation into another FTS officer community. 2. Application requirements and procedures are provided on the FTS redesignation board website at https://www.public.navy.mil/bupers- npc/officer/communitymanagers/reserve/fts/Pages/FTSRedesignationBoar d.aspx. Complete application packages and waiver requests must be received no later than 1 March 2019. All correspondence (e.g., awards or FITREPs) must be received no later than 2359 on 22 March 2019 to be considered for the board. 3. Eligibility. a. All applicants must meet eligibility requirements outlined in reference (a) and the spring FY-19 FTS eligibility criteria document found on the redesignation website. Specific eligibility requirements are described for each designator and aviation community. General eligibility criteria include projected rotation date (PRD), minimum service requirement (MSR), year group (YG) and aviation bonus (AvB)/ aviation career continuation pay (ACCP) contracts. (1) PRD. Applicants must have a PRD no later than October 2020. (2) MSR. Non-aviation applicants must complete their MSR prior to 31 October 2020. All aviation applicants (13X0) with an MSR prior to 30 April 2020 may apply, aviators executing second sea tour orders may apply if their MSR is completed prior to 31 October 2020. (3) AvB/ACCP. Aviation officers with obligated service as a result of AvB/ACCP are eligible to apply if the officer will be within 12 months of completing AvB/ACCP obligation or department head tour at the time the board convenes. Redesignation immediately following a department head tour may result in cancellation of AvB, which will be adjudicated by Aviation Officer Assignments Division (PERS-43). (4) Failure of Selection (FOS). AC officers in a 2xFOS status for promotion to LCDR are eligible to apply for FTS regardless of MSR and AvB/ACCP contract term, a waiver request is not required. (5) YG. The tentative YG considerations are indicated below. The final approved YGs will be posted on the FTS Officer Community Management (OCM) webpage along with the remainder of the application data. Community/Designator Available YG FTS SWO (1117/1167) 05 to 07, 09 and junior FTS SUB (1127) 06 and junior FTS SPECWAR (1137) 06 and junior FTS EOD (1147) 06 and junior FTS AVIATION (1317/1327) VAQ 05 and junior VFA/C 05 and junior VR 05 and junior VT 05 and junior HSC 05 and junior HSM 05 and junior HM 05 and junior VAW 05 and junior VP/VUP 05 and junior HT 05 and junior FTS HR (1207) 05 to 07, 10 and junior FTS AMDO (1527) 05 to 06, 08 and junior FTS SUPPLY (3107) 05 to 06, 09 and junior b. All AC applications will be routed by the FTS OCM through the applicable AC OCM for community release prior to applications being sent to the board. Applicants who are not released by the AC OCM will not be eligible for the board. AC officers with a resignation submitted or are a 2xFOS are eligible to apply and do not fall under AC OCM release. c. Limited duty officers and chief warrant officers are eligible for the FTS program. All officers applying to the FTS officer program shall possess a 4-year baccalaureate degree. d. Members who do not meet all eligibility requirements in line with reference (a) and the Spring FY-19 FTS eligibility criteria document posted on the FTS redesignation board website will be pending waiver request approval by Head Reserve Officer Community Manager (BUPERS-35) without any applicant action. A PRD waiver request is the only waiver request that is required to be submitted including a commanding officer endorsement using the template on the redesignation website. 4. AC officers will incur a minimum 2 year FTS obligation if selected. In line with references (b) and (c), aviators selected for the Fleet Logistics Support Squadron (VR) community will incur a 3-year FTS obligation. All Selected Reserve officers will incur a 3-year FTS obligation regardless of community. All FTS obligations will begin on the date a member becomes redesignated as an FTS Officer, unless otherwise stated in reference (c). 5. Upon approval of the board proceedings, the results of the board will be posted on the FTS redesignation board website. Applicants can expect to see the results posted within 30 days of board adjournment. Within 2 weeks of the board results being posted, selectees will receive an acceptance package and will have 14 days upon receipt to accept or decline FTS transfer/redesignation. 6. Points of contact are CDR Michael Austin, PERS-92, at (901) 874- 4512/DSN 882, or PSC Nathaniel Ndikum, PERS-92, at (901) 874- 3209/DSN 882. 7. This NAVADMIN will remain in effect until superseded or canceled. 8. Released by Vice Admiral R. P. Burke, N1.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//