UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 071806Z FEB 19 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 029/19 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/FEB// SUBJ/FY 19-20 SECRETARY OF THE NAVY TOURS WITH INDUSTRY ANNOUNCEMENT// REF/A/DOC/SECNAV/13NOV15// AMPN/REF A IS SECNAVINST 1320.1, SECRETARY OF THE NAVY TOURS WITH INDUSTRY PROGRAM.// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN announces the FY 19-20 Secretary of the Navy Tours with Industry (SNTWI) Program, as outlined in reference (a). This program is a unique and non-traditional opportunity to provide Active Component and Full-Time Support Sailors (E-6 to O-6) the opportunity to work with partnering corporations for up to 12 months. SNTWI fellows are included and immersed in the corporations to which they are assigned to learn and observe corporate processes and best practices, to enable drawing on their experience later to enhance military operational processes. Tours are normally 10-12 months in length, depending on community and corporate requirements. 2. The SNTWI program provides a venue for exceptional Sailors to experience innovative business practices. Navy fellows are fully immersed in company practices and will be actively engaged in projects and company operations. Past fellows were assigned to companies including VMware, Qualcomm, Apple, Incorporation, Boeing, Tesla, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, GE Digital, Amazon, FedEx, Northrup Grumman, Space X, LinkedIn and USAA. 3. Applications must be routed through the detailer of the applicant. Eligibility will be based solely on individual community needs and demands. Community distribution division will select candidates. The application form is NAVPERS 1330/4, SNTWI application is a requirement to apply to the SNTWI special program. NAVPERS 1330/4 is available online at https://www.public.navy.mil/bupers- npc/reference/forms/NAVPERS/Pages/default.aspx 4. Eligibility: Applicants must be high performing and within physical standards of readiness. Applicants must be within 3 months of their projected rotation date by September 2019 to be eligible for participation. Participation in the program should not negatively impact the applicants career milestones. Applicants who are within 11 months of a career milestone and not positively endorsed by their community will not be considered for this program. 5. Service Obligation: Selectees incur a service obligation for three times the number of months of the SNTWI program (i.e. 30-36 months). 6. In addition to the eligibility requirements, additional restrictions apply. a. Reservists are not eligible for this program. b. Applicants who are within 3 years of separating are not eligible for this program. c. Applicants who are within 3 years of retirement and/or have requested retirement are not eligible for this program. d. Enlisted applicants who are not approved for reenlistment or have no intention of reenlisting and are within 1 year of reenlistment by July 2019 are not eligible. 7. All communities must submit the names of their selectees to the Out- Service Education Branch Head, Director of SNTWI, no later than 15 March 2019. Communities are responsible for notifying selectees of acceptance status. Communities may submit alternate names for unfilled quotas. 8. All selectees will be matched with a company by July 2019. Selectees unable to report to their assigned company due to community obligations +/- 1 month of September 2019 will be reviewed and addressed on a case by case basis. 9. Learning objectives must be approved by the community of the applicant and must be aligned with the community mission. Selectees will be matched with companies that will best match the needs of the learning objectives. 10. The following information lists communities eligible for program participation: SURFOR a,b,f,g SUBFOR b,c,f,g WARCOM b,c,f,g AIRFOR b,d,f,g HR b,f,g E6-E9 b,f,g,h EDO b,e,f,g NAVIFOR b,f,g NAVFAC b,f,g,e CHINFO b,f,g NAVSUP b,f,g 11. Notes: a. Surface Warfare Officer (SWO) Tours of Industry Selections have already been made for FY 19-20. SWOs must have the SWO qualification completed and selected for department head (DH) to apply for the program. Selectees must sign for DH Retention Bonus contract to be eligible. Quotas may not be filled due to manning levels. b. Contact your detailer for more information. Quotas may not be filled due to manning levels. c. Officers screened not cleared for their next career milestone are not eligible. d. Contact your detailer with questions regarding eligibility regardless of Active Duty Service Obligation from winging and Aviation Career Continuation Pay fulfillment. Applicants must not be up for sea duty, and must have a due course record. e. Applicants must have fulfilled at least 24 months of their post graduate education payback tour in order to apply. Civil Engineer Corps (CEC) officers must have accepted CEC Critical Skills Retention Bonus to be eligible. f. Executing orders, slating to a billet, or serving in a hard fill billet or one with significant training required could disqualify a candidate for consideration and eligibility. g. Applicants are required to contact their detailer to discuss milestones and performance requirements to be considered for eligibility. h. Applicants must not be eligible for sea duty and must be enroute to shore duty. 12. Points of contact. a. For community-specific eligibility and application questions, contact your detailer. b. For program questions not pertaining to application and eligibility, contact SNTWI_SUPPORT.fct@navy.mil. 13. This NAVADMIN will remain in effect until superseded or canceled, or whichever occurs first. 14. Released by Vice Admiral R. P. Burke, N1.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//