UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 021633Z APR 19 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 079/19 MSGID/GENADMIN/CNIC WASHINGTON DC/N9/APR// SUBJ/HOUSING SURVEY PARTICIPATION// POC/MR. GREG WRIGHT/CNIC WASHINGTON DC/N93/TEL: 202-433-4282/EMAIL: GREG.G.WRIGHT(AT)NAVY.MIL// POC/MS. CINDY MOGAN/CNIC WASHINGTON DC/N93/TEL: 202-433-4255/EMAIL: CYNTHIA.MOGAN(AT)NAVY.MIL// RMKS/1. The Navy is facing an urgent issue impacting our Sailors and their families. As we have learned over the past few months, the condition of our family housing and unaccompanied housing is not where it should be. Sailors and their families deserve safe, healthy quality living quarters. To this end, the Navy will be conducting Resident Satisfaction Surveys (RSS) to better understand resident concerns. 2. This NAVADMIN provides direction to Commanders, Commanding Officers and the chain of command to inform all Navy housing residents of ongoing Resident Satisfaction Surveys and to encourage maximum participation from our Sailors and their families. Over the past few months, media have reported on substandard health, safety and maintenance conditions in some of our family and unaccompanied housing units. As leaders, we have a responsibility to ensure our Navy provides the best quality of life possible. 3. The Housing Surveys will give Navy leadership a better understanding of overall resident satisfaction and an opportunity for residents to tell us about their housing experience and concerns. Constructive feedback is critical for the Navy to correct these issues and to understand where processes are working properly or not. 4. An independent contractor, CEL & Associates, Inc., will be sending a letter or email to each resident with instructions on how to complete the respective survey. These surveys are being conducted by a 3rd party and will not be influenced by the Partner or the Chain of Command. 5. Specific dates for the surveys are as follows: a. Government owned Family Housing survey: 19 MAR-6 JUN b. PPV Family Housing survey: 2-30 APR c. PPV Unaccompanied Housing survey: 2-30 APR d. Government owned Unaccompanied Housing: 2 APR-20 JUN 6. The Navy directs all command triads, department heads, division officers and leading Chief Petty Officers to communicate the value of the survey and emphasize the importance of participation by all residents. Command outreach with Family Readiness Groups (FRGs) and Command Ombudsmen is highly encouraged. 7. Points of contact are CNIC Director of Navy Housing, Mr. Greg Wright, 202- 433-4282, greg.g.wright@navy.mil; or CNIC Integration Support and Family Housing Operations Branch Manager, Ms. Cindy Mogan, 202-433-4255, cynthia.mogan@navy.mil. 8. This NAVADMIN will remain in effect until 21 June 2019. 9. Released by Vice Admiral M. M. Jackson, Commander, Navy Installations Command.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//