UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 251503Z JUN 19 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 138/19 MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N9/JUL// SUBJ/FY20 PROJECTED SHIP INACTIVATION SCHEDULE// REF/A/DOC/OPNAVINST 4770.5H/20140424// REF/B/ DOC/OPNAVINST 5400.44A/20111013// NARR/REF A IS OPNAV POLICY AND GUIDANCE FOR THE INACTIVATION, RETIREMENT, AND DISPOSITION OF U.S. NAVAL VESSELS. REF B IS NAVY ORGANIZATION CHANGE MANUAL (NOCM) FOR SUBMITTING ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE REQUESTS (OCR) TO INCLUDE SHIP DECOMMISSIONINGS OR INACTIATIONS.// POC/J. ERSKINE/CIV/N9IS/LOC: Washington DC/TEL: 703-692-3534/DSN 224-3534/EMAIL: james.erskine(at)navy.mil// RMKS/1. This message shall be read in its entirety to ensure all stakeholders in the ship inactivation process are aware of the projected retirement schedule for the upcoming fiscal year 2020 (FY-20), respective responsibilities and necessary follow-up actions. Ship retirement decisions reflected in paragraph 2 below align with the President’s Budget for 2020 or subsequent execution year decisions made by leadership. 2. To facilitate fleet planning efforts to conduct decommissioning continuous maintenance availability (CMAV) or inactivation availability (INAC), the projected schedule for inactivating U.S. battle force and non- battle force naval vessels in FY20 is promulgated as follows: Ship Name Proj Inactive Date Post Inactive Status USS OLYMPIA 02 Jun 2020 Dismantlement (SSN 717) USS LOUISVILLE 02 Jun 2020 Dismantlement (SSN 724) USS CHAMPION 31 Mar 2020 Logistics Support Asset (MCM 4) USS SCOUT 31 Mar 2020 Logistics Support Asset (MCM 8) USS ARDENT 31 Mar 2020 Logistics Support Asset (MCM 12) 3. For the purposes of this NAVADMIN, inactivation dates projected in paragraph 2 refer to the start of an INAC for nuclear vessels, when the vessels are no longer counted as part of the Navys battle force. Decommissioning will occur at a later date and be reported to CNO per reference (a). 4. Per ref (b), Fleet Commanders shall submit an Organizational Change Request for commissioned U.S. ships and per reference (a) to formally notify the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations (OPNAV) of a ships decommissioning, INAC, or end of service. Submit revisions due to operational schedule changes per references (a) and (b). It is the responsibility of Commander, U.S. Fleet Forces Command and Commander, U.S. Pacific Fleet in coordination with their respective TYCOM to ensure the appropriate lower echelon commands are notified of any changes in the ship inactivation schedules, as well as Integrated Warfare (OPNAV N9I) and OPNAV resource sponsor. 5. Adjustments to paragraph 2 ship inactivations that cross the current fiscal year must be coordinated with OPNAV N9I due to reporting requirements that Navy must inform Congress on execution year force structure changes that differ from what Congress authorized/appropriated and signed into law by the President. OPNAV shall promulgate changes to the inactivation fiscal year as required. 6. The ships commanding officer, masters, or Immediate Superior In Command, shall submit a final naval message (normally transmitted in conjunction with the decommissioning ceremony) announcing the ships official retirement date and include a brief history of the significant events in the life of the ship per ref (a). The Naval History and Heritage Command (NAVHISTHERITAGE WASHINGTON DC) and Naval Vessel Register Custodian (NVR NORFOLK VA), shall be included as INFO addees. 7. Released by VADM W. R. Merz, Deputy Chief of Naval Operations, Warfare Systems (N9).// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//