UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 091856Z JUL 19 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 148/19 MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/DNS/JUL// SUBJ/2019 CNO NAVAL HISTORY ESSAY CONTEST WINNERS (CORRECTED COPY)// REF/A/NAVADMIN 022/19// POC/Dr. Kristina Giannotta/ EMAIL: KRISTINA.GIANNOTTA(AT)NAVY.MIL// RMKS/1. The Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) is announcing the winners of the CNO 2019 Naval History Essay Contest. 2. Per reference (a), CNO requested submissions for the 2019 CNO Naval History Essay Contest to further our understanding of how lessons from history inform our way ahead. Entrants submitted 141 essays - 20 in the Professional Historian category and 121 in the Rising Historian category. The exceptional quality of the essays made judging very difficult. All who submitted essays should be proud of their efforts. Thank you to the United States Naval Institute (USNI) for assisting with the contest and providing cash prizes. Congratulations to all of the winners. 3. Winners: a. Professional Category: FIRST PRIZE: $5,000; One-year membership in USNI; One-year subscription to Naval History; Publication in the September-October issue of Naval History. "Confidence in His Team" Slade Cutter, USS Seahorse, and Maintaining Maritime Superiority" by Commander Joel Holwitt, USN SECOND PRIZE: $2,500; One-year membership in USNI; One-year subscription to Naval History. "Suppose They Gave a War and the Merchant Marine Did Not Come?" by Dr. Salvatore R. Mercogliano THIRD PRIZE: $1,500; One-year membership in USNI; One-year subscription to Naval History. "America’s Future Navy Should Learn from Interwar Submarine Development" by Commander Joel Holwitt, USN b. Rising Category: FIRST PRIZE: $5,000; One-year membership in USNI; One-year subscription to Naval History; Publication in September-October issue of Proceedings "Fighting Along a Knife Edge: The Falklands and Senkakus Wars" by Lieutenant Commander Jeff Vandenengel, USN SECOND PRIZE: $2,500; One-year membership in USNI; One-year subscription to Naval History. "Tactical Incubators: Sailors and their Systems" by Lieutenant Commander Ryan P. Hilger, USN THIRD PRIZE: $1,500; One-year membership in USNI; One-year subscription to Naval History. "Incubate Innovation: The Development of Naval Aviation in the Interwar Period" by Lieutenant Philip D. Mayer, JAGC USN 4. Additional recognition for the winners: a. All winners will be invited to attend and be recognized by the CNO during an awards reception on the Washington Navy Yard. b. First Prize essays will be published as noted above. Other essays may be published in Naval History, Proceedings, or online by the Naval History and Heritage Command. c. All winners will receive a piece of copper sheathing from USS CONSTITUTION. d. OPNAV will provide all winners with hosted orders to attend the awards reception and be recognized by the CNO in Washington, D.C. 5. Many thanks to the professional efforts of USNI, U.S. Naval Academy (USNA), Naval War College (NWC), Naval Postgraduate School (NPS), NHHC, and all judges: a. Professional Category Judges: NHHC: Dr. Richard Hulver NPS: Dr. Daniel Moran USNA: Dr. Mark Folse NWC: Dr. David Kohnen OPNAV: CAPT Calvin Foster, USN USNI: Dr. A. Scott Mobley Jr. b. Rising Category Judges: NHHC: Mr. Glenn Helm NPS: Dr. Jeffry Kline USNA: CDR BJ Armstrong, USN NWC: Dr. Jeremiah Dancy OPNAV: LCDR Christopher Thomas, USN USNI: Dr. Kathleen Broome Williams 6. Released by Ms. Steffanie B. Easter, Director, Navy Staff.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//