UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 311421Z JUL 19 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 172/19 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N3N5// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N3N5/JUL// SUBJ/ACADEMIC YEAR 2020-2021 POLITICO-MILITARY MASTERS AND ARTHUR S. MOREAU POST-MASTERS PROGRAMS CALL FOR APPLICATIONS// REF/A/DOC/CNO/22JUN2010// REF/B/DOC/CNO/07JAN2015// REF/C/DOC/CNO/141554ZJAN15// NARR/Ref A is OPNAVINST 1500.72G, Navy Politico-Military Fellowships, Graduate Education Programs, and Community Sponsorships. Ref B is OPNAVINST 1520.23C, Graduate Education. Ref C is NAVADMIN 011/15, Establishment of the Naval Strategy Subspecialty 2300X// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN solicits applications for the AY2020-2021 Politico- Military Master's (PMM) and Arthur S. Moreau (ASM) post- master's degree programs, with classes commencing Fall term 2020. The PMM program provides junior officers a graduate education in strategy and politico-military affairs at leading civilian universities. The PMM program is a key component of the Navy Strategic Enterprise, creating naval strategists who will to be utilized in subsequent strategy and policy-related billets. The ASM program is for candidates seeking to complete a PhD or to achieve an 'All But Dissertation' status in a politico-military related field. Additional program information and instructions to sign up for education program notifications are available at https://www.mnp.navy.mil/group/ training- education-qualifications/e-graduate-education-and-fellowship -programs. a. PMM Eligibility. Active duty O3-O5 Unrestricted Line (URL) and Restricted Line (RL) (1710, 1810, 1820, 1830) designated officers are eligible. This includes O2s selected for O3 and who will be promoted prior to the start of the academic year. Preference will be given to junior officers (O3-O4). Full Time Support (FTS) officers are not eligible. Officers who have already participated in a Department of Defense-funded graduate education program are not eligible. Those officers who earned a degree through the Tuition Assistance Program or Service war college retain their eligibility for PMM. b. ASM Eligibility. Active duty O4-O5 URL-only are eligible. This includes O3s selected for O4 and who will be promoted prior to the start of the academic year. Full Time Support officers are not eligible. ASM candidates must already possess a master's degree from either the Naval Postgraduate School or a civilian university in a politico-military related field such as national security studies, naval strategy, strategic intelligence, international relations, foreign affairs, regional pol-mil studies, special operations and low intensity conflict, or homeland security and defense. c. Program specifics. Per references (a) and (b), eight officers will be selected for the one-year PMM program. One (1) officer may be selected for Arthur S. Moreau (ASM) program. Selected officers in both PMM and ASM will carry a full academic load during the academic year. For the PMM program, the approved AY20-21 institutions and associated master's degree programs are listed below. The PMM-approved universities are also approved for the ASM program. Other universities and programs that meet the Naval Strategy (2300P) Educational Skills Requirements (ESRs) will be considered on a case-by-case basis by OPNAV N3N5. (1) Harvard University, Boston, MA: Mid-Career Master in Public Administration, John F. Kennedy School of Government. (2) Johns Hopkins University, Washington, DC: Master of International Public Policy, Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies. (3) Princeton University, Princeton, NJ: Master in Public Policy (MPP) - International Relations, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs. (4) Tufts University, Medford, MA: Master of Arts in the Mid-Career Program at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. (5) University of California, San Diego (UCSD), San Diego, CA: Master of Advanced Studies in International Affairs (MAS-IA), School of Global Policy and Strategy. (6) University of Chicago, Chicago, IL: Master of Arts in International Relations at the Committee on International Relations. (7) University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA: Master of Arts in Foreign Affairs (International Relations) in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Woodrow Wilson Department of Politics. (8) University of Washington, Seattle, WA.: Master of Arts in Applied International Studies, Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies. d. Per reference (c), PMM URL graduates will earn the 2300P Naval Strategy subspecialty and the 24A Additional Qualification Designator Code (AQD) codes. ASM graduates will earn either the 2300P or the 2300D Naval Strategy subspecialty code and the 24B AQD. The Education Plan (EP) for URL PMM and ASM officers must be in full compliance with the 2300P ESRs. Restricted Line PMM graduates will earn the 2000P National Security Studies subspecialty code and the 24A AQD. The EP for RL officers must be in compliance with the National Security Studies subspecialty 2000P ESRs. Details of the 2300P and 2000P ESRs can be found at: http://www.public.navy.mil/bupers-npc/career/education/ subspecialty/pages/default.aspx. e. Service obligation. PMM and ASM graduates incur a service obligation equal to three times (3x) the number of months in the education program, up to 36 months total. URL PMM and ASM graduates will serve at least one tour in a validated strategy subspecialty billet in either politico-military affairs or strategy and policy as soon as possible. 2. Application Procedures and Timeline a. Candidates must apply to both the Navy and to the university; acceptance by the Navy does not equal acceptance by the school. Applications to the Navy require a personal statement to the board, a curriculum vitae, biography, and endorsements from both the Commanding Officer and the detailer. Submission of official undergraduate/graduate transcripts (as appropriate) and GRE/GMAT scores to the Navy selection board is highly encouraged, but not required. A sample PMM/ASM application package is found at reference (a), enclosure (1). b. Applications to the school vary according to each school's specific requirements. When completing the university application, prospective students should state that they are a Navy-funded Politico-Military Master's or Arthur S. Moreau Post-Master's candidate. Candidates must verify that they meet each university's work experience requirements and are advised to apply to at least three schools. c. Applications are due to Navy Personnel Command NLT 11 September 2019. All supplemental information to the board (e.g. GRE scores and letters of recommendation) must be received NLT 29 October 2019. The selection board will convene in mid-November 2019 and results will be announced in December 2019. d. Interested officers should submit applications via encrypted email to PERS-440_submit_fct(at)navy.mil or, if encrypted email is unavailable, by mail to: Navy Personnel Command Attn: PERS-443B 5720 Integrity Drive Millington, TN 38005 Before submitting, ensure that all copies are clear, legible, and properly endorsed. 3. Points of Contact: a. OPNAV: Mr. Edward Fay, N5I6B; DSN 260-4782 or Comm: 571-256-4782; edward.fay(at)navy.mil b. OPNAV: LCDR Stewart Latwin, N5I6; DSN 222-4906 or Comm: 703-692-4906; stewart.latwin(at)navy.mil c. OPNAV: David Loneman, N5I6; DSN 225-5461 or Comm: 703-695-5461; david.r.loneman.ctr(at)navy.mil d. NAVPERSCOM: PERS-440_submit_fct(at)navy.mil 4. Released by VADM S. B. Munsch, Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Operations, Plans and Strategy (N3N5).// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//