UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 061518Z AUG 19 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 182/19 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// MSGID/NAVADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/AUG// SUBJ/MODIFICATION TO NOTICE OF CONVENING FY-20 OFFICER CONTINUATION SELECTION BOARDS AND ANNOUNCEMENT OF CONTINUATION POLICY// REF/A/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/172326ZDEC18// REF/B/DOC/NDAA/13AUG18// REF/C/USC/7JAN11// REF/D/DOC/DOD/7JUL17// REF/E/DOC/SECNAV/22JAN19// REF/F/USC/7JAN11// NARR/REF A IS NAVADMIN 306/18, NOTICE OF CONVENING FY-20 ACTIVE-DUTY OFFICER CONTINUATION SELECTION BOARDS AND ANNOUNCEMENT OF CONTINUATION POLICY. REF B IS THE JOHN S. MCCAIN NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2019, SECTION 506, APPLICABILITY TO ADDITIONAL OFFICER GRADES OF AUTHORITY FOR CONTINUATION ON ACTIVE DUTY OF OFFICERS IN CERTAIN MILITARY SPECIALTIES AND CAREER TRACKS. REF C IS TITLE 10 U.S. CODE, SECTION 637A, CONTINUATION ON ACTIVE DUTY: OFFICERS IN CERTAIN MILITARY SPECIALITES AND CAREER TRACKS. REF D IS DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE INSTRUCTION 1320.08, CONTINUATION OF COMMISSIONED OFFICERS ON ACTIVE DUTY AND ON THE RESERVE ACTIVE- STATUS LIST. REF E IS SECRETARY OF THE NAVY INSTRUCTION 1920.7C, CONTINUATION ON ACTIVE DUTY OF REGULAR COMMISSIONED OFFICERS AND RESERVE OFFICERS ON THE RESERVE ACTIVE STATUS LIST IN THE NAVY AND MARINE CORPS. REF F IS TITLE 10 U.S. CODE, SECTION 1251, AGE 62: REGULAR COMMISSIONED OFFICERS IN GRADES BELOW GENERAL AND FLAG OFFICER GRADES, EXCEPTIONS.// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN announces a modification to paragraphs 1 through 5 of reference (a) and the Fiscal Year 2020 Active-Duty Officer Continuation Plan. This modification implements enhanced authorities enacted by reference (b), permitting the continuation of officers in certain military specialties and career tracks under the Up-and-Stay initiative. Apart from continuation selection boards specified in reference (a), two additional continuation selection boards will convene on 16 September 2019, or as soon as practicable thereafter. One board will consider captains (CAPT) in the engineering duty officer and unrestricted line (URL) officer competitive categories who have a specific designation as acquisition corps (AC) members. The other board will consider foreign area officer captains who are currently serving, or have completed a tour, as defense attach (DATT) or naval attach (NATT) and URL CAPTs who are selected for are currently serving, or who have completed, a tour as a DATT or NATT. 2. Boards will convene under references (c), (d) and (e), which authorizes the Secretary of the Navy to convene continuation selection boards to retain on active-duty beyond 30 years of active commissioned service officers serving in the rank of CAPT who have designated critical skills. Eligible officers on the active-duty list who meet the requirements in paragraph 4 will be considered for continuation. 3. Prerequisite assignments for necessary service as an AC major program manager or as a NATT or DATT often leave limited time for the officer to serve prior to statutory retirement. Continuation of a select number of these officers will provide the Navy with a significant return on investment by retaining critical expertise in the officer corps, which is a pillar of our Up and Stay initiative. 4. Eligibility. Captains must not be on a rear admiral (lower half) promotion list and must have 28 or more years of active commissioned service on the convening date of the board. a. Captain (CAPT) engineering duty officers and URL who are AC members and hold one or more of the following additional qualification designation (AQD) codes: (1) AA3 Program Management (2) AG3 Production, Quality, and Manufacturing (3) AS3 Engineering b. CAPT foreign area officers who are currently serving or have completed a tour in the Defense Attach Service as DATT or NATT. c. CAPT URL: (1) Who holds one or more of the following AQD codes: (a) CBF Major Shore Installation Command (b) CBJ Post-Major Shore Installation Command (c) CF1-6 Major Shore Command (e) KG8 Explosive Ordnance Disposal Major Command (f) LN4 Captain Command (g) LN8 Sequential Command Captain (h) QG1 Special Warfare Major Command (i) SC8 Served Major Command (j) 2D3 Major Command Qualified (2) Who is selected for, are currently serving or who have completed a tour in the Defense Attach Service as DATT or NATT. 5. Eligible officers are encouraged to review reference (a) guidance concerning providing letters to the board. Officers selected by these boards will be continued to 33 years of active commissioned service, subject to the statutory maximum age requirement of 62 years per reference (f). 6. All other provisions of reference (a) remain in effect. 7. This NAVADMIN will be canceled for record purposes on 30 September 2019. 8. Released by Vice Admiral John B. Nowell, Jr, N1.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//