UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 231550Z AUG 19 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 197/19 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N2N6// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/AUG// SUBJ/RISK MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK TRANSITION AFLOAT WAY AHEAD// REF/A/DOC/DODI 8510.01/DOD/28JUL17// REF/B/DOC/OPNAVINST 5239.1D/CNO/18JUL18// REF/C/LTR/N2N6G/8U121038/29MAY18// REF/D/MSG/FLTCYBERCOM/101128Z AUG 17// REF/E/OPORD/FLTCYBERCOM/19-058// NARR/REF A IS DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (DOD) INSTRUCTION 8510.01, RISK MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK (RMF) FOR DOD INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (IT). REF B IS CHIEF OF NAVAL OPERATIONS INSTRUCTION 5239.1D, U.S. NAVY CYBERSECURITY PROGRAM. REF C IS DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY DEPUTY CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER (NAVY) MEMORANDUM WHICH DIRECTS THE TRANSITION TO RMF BY 31 DECEMBER 2020. REF D IS THE FLTCYBERCOM MESSAGE U.S. NAVY RMF IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY/DIACAP TO RMF BRIDGE CONVERSION (RBC) - UPDATE NR 1. REF E IS THE FLTCYBERCOM OPORD 19-058 OPERATION TRITON BASTION (OTB) ISO CAMPAIGN FOR NAVY-WIDE TRANSITION TO RMF.// POC/KELLEY/CIV/OPNAV/N2N6/TEL: 571-256-8523/ EMAIL: PETER.KELLEY(AT)NAVY.MIL// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN provides transition assistance for the afloat community to assist the Navy in converting to Risk Management Framework (RMF) by 31 December 2020. This RMF Afloat way ahead process is intended to provide an alternative solution for attaining RMF site authorizations for ships, which in turn will allow for a deliberate RMF transition of the systems hosted on those ships. 2. Ships under U.S. Fleet Forces Command (USFF), Commander, U.S. Pacific Fleet (COMPACFLT) and Military Sealift Command (MSC) with Defense Information Assurance Certification and Accreditation Process (DIACAP) Authorizations to Operate (ATO) that expire on or before 1 January 2020 are authorized to pursue an Afloat RMF Bridge Conversion (RBC). The intent of the Afloat RBC is to utilize the assessed and certified risk of a DIACAP submission, and issue an RMF ATO instead of a DIACAP ATO. The Afloat RBC ATO will be issued for no more than 12 months. All ships under the scope of this NAVADMIN will be required to transition to full RMF on or before the Authorization Termination Date (ATD) of their respective RBC. Amplifying guidance is as follows: a. The Package Submitting Officer (PSO) will process the package for a DIACAP Certification Determination (CD) issuance from the Navy Security Control Assessor for impacted ships as per references (c) and (d). b. The DIACAP CD shall be no older than 180 days. c. Following the CD issuance, the PSO will process the package for an Afloat RBC following reference (d). d. All DIACAP artifacts will be in compliance with reference (d). e. The DIACAP artifacts that accompanied the DIACAP submission will be used to leverage Afloat RBCs. 3. Programs outside of the afloat community are eligible for additional new alternate RMF transition processes, which are detailed in reference (e). 4. This NAVADMIN will remain in effect until cancelled or superseded. 5. Released by VADM Matthew J. Kohler, Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Information Warfare, OPNAV N2N6.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//