UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 181450Z NOV 19 MID110000201484U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 262/19 MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N8/NOV// SUBJ/NAVY WINNERS OF THE 2019 SECRETARY OF DEFENSE MAINTENANCE AWARDS// REF/A/MSG/CNO/031351Z DEC 18// REF/B/MSG/CNO/031339Z DEC 18// REF/C/MEMO/OSD/6NOV19// NARR/REF A IS NAVADMIN 289/18 ANNOUNCING COMPETITION FOR THE 2019 SECRETARY OF DEFENSE (SECDEF) MAINTENANCE AWARDS FOR FIELD LEVEL UNITS AND COMMANDS. REF B IS NAVADMIN 288/18 ANNOUNCING COMPETITION FOR THE 2019 SECRETARY OF DEFENSE (SECDEF) ROBERT T. MASON DEPOT MAINTENANCE EXCELLENCE AWARD. REF C IS OUSD(A&S) MEMO OF 6 NOV 19 ANNOUNCING THE 2019 SECRETARY OF DEFENSE MAINTENANCE AWARD WINNERS.// POC/DAN SCHRADER/CIV/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N83I1/TEL: 703-695-4925// E-MAIL: DANIEL.L.SCHRADER(AT)NAVY.MIL// RMKS/1. The annual Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) Awards Program recognizes the Department of Defense's (DoD) most outstanding field-level and depot- level military maintenance units from a highly competitive field of candidates. I would like to extend my congratulations and gratitude for all Navy units that submitted nomination packages in accordance with references (a) and (b). Each nominee should be proud of their accomplishments. 2. Reference (c) announced the 2019 SECDEF Maintenance Award winners for the entire DoD. I am pleased to inform you that the following Navy Commands have been selected as winners of the 2019 SECDEF Maintenance Awards: a. Field-Level Small Category: Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron TWELVE (HSC-12), Naval Air Facility Atsugi, Japan b. Field-Level Medium Category: USS OKANE (DDG 77), Destroyer Squadron ONE, Carrier Strike Group ONE, San Diego Naval Base, San Diego, CA c. Field-Level Large Category: TRIDENT Refit Facility (TRIREFFAC), Kings Bay, GA 3. All of the above winners will be formally recognized as part of the SECDEF Maintenance Awards Banquet and Ceremony on 10 December 2019, held in conjunction with the 2019 DoD Maintenance Symposium in Spokane, Washington. The overall Phoenix Award winner will be announced at the Awards Ceremony as well. The Phoenix Award represents the very best of all the field-level winners, and is the highest SECDEF award for field-level maintenance. 4. The 2019 DoD Maintenance Symposium will be held 9-12 December 2019 at the Spokane Convention Center, Spokane, Washington. This SECDEF sponsored event is intended to be a forum to discuss key maintenance related topics and increase overall awareness of DoD maintenance initiatives. Maximum participation from the maintenance community is highly encouraged. Interested personnel should register at https://www.sae.org/attend/dod/. 5. Please join me in congratulating each of our Navy winners for a job well done, you represent the very best of our military maintenance community which contributes directly to the readiness of our Navy. BRAVO ZULU! 6. Released by direction Neil W. T. Hogg, SES, Assistant Deputy Chief Of Naval Operations, N8B.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//