UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 221457Z NOV 19 MID510000719991U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 263/19 MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N2N6/NOV// SUBJ/NAVY INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY PROCUREMENT REQUEST FISCAL YEAR 2020 GUIDELINES// REF/A/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/121648ZDEC18// REF/B/LTR/CNO WASHINGTON DC/19OCT18// REF/C/LTR/ASN RDA/26APR2019// REF/D/LTR/CNO WASHINGTON DC/31MAY18// REF/E/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/041557ZFEB16// REF/F/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/011603ZAPR19// REF/G/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/261805ZDEC18// REF/H/LTR/CNO WASHINGTON DC/01FEB17// REF/I/LTR/DON CIO/12FEB16// REF/J/DOC/USD AT&L/01DEC17// NARR/REF A IS THE NAVADMIN 300/18, NAVY FY19 GUIDELINES FOR EXECUTION OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (IT) PROCUREMENT REQUEST (ITPR) POLICY. REF B IS THE NAVY POLICY AND REQUIREMENTS FOR THE NAVY ITPR PROCESS. REF C IS THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF THE NAVY FOR RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT, AND ACQUISITION (ASN(RDA)) MEMO AUTHORIZING INITIATIVES UNDER THE FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2017 NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION ACT (NDAA) SECTION 233 PILOT PROGRAM FOR THE ENHANCEMENT OF THE RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT, TEST AND EVALUATION CENTERS. REF D IS THE NAVY POLICY AND REQUIREMENTS FOR THE ACQUISITION OF MULTIFUNCTION DEVICES AND PRINT SERVICES. REF E IS NAVADMIN 026/16, GUIDANCE FOR MIGRATION FROM ALL LEGACY VERSIONS OF WINDOWS OPERATING SYSTEMS TO WINDOWS 10. REF F IS NAVADMIN 077/19, NAVY POLICY THAT REQUIRES COMPLIANCE WITH COMPILE-TO-COMBAT IN 24 HOURS FOR ITPR APPROVAL. REF G IS NAVADMIN 315/18, NAVY POLICY THAT ESTABLISHES THE COMPILE-TO-COMBAT IN 24 HOURS (C2C24) IMPLEMENTATION FRAMEWORK. REF H IS NAVY POLICY FOR THE PROMOTION, ACQUSITION, AND CONSUMPTION OF COMMERCIAL CLOUD SERVICES. REF I IS DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY (DON) CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER (CIO) GUIDANCE ON THE REPORTING REQUIREMENTS FOR ASSETS 25 ,000 DOLLARS AND BELOW. REF J IS DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (DOD) MANUAL 4140L.26, VOLUME 2, DOD INTEGRATED MATERIAL MANAGEMENT (IMM) FOR CONSUMABLE ITEMS: ITEM MANAGEMENT CODING CRITERIA.// POC/MS. BROOKE ZIMMERMAN/CIV/OPNAV N2N6G/WASHINGTON DC/TEL: 571-256-8521/DSN: 312-260-8264/E-MAIL: BROOKE.ZIMMERMAN(AT)NAVY.MIL// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN cancels reference (a) and provides amplifying guidelines for the execution of reference (b) during Fiscal Year 2020 (FY20). This NAVADMIN does not supersede, supplant, or re-state existing policy called out in references (b) through (j). As local policy may be more restrictive, all subordinate commands should refer to their Echelon II Command Information Officer (CIO) for additional guidance in regards to this NAVADMIN. Note: Deputy DON Chief Information Officer (Navy) (DDCIO(N)) will conduct a thorough assessment of all ITPR thresholds and Echelon I Subject Matter Expert (SME) review criteria established herein to find efficiencies and reduce administrative burden. Navy Information Technology Procurement Request (ITPR) policy and process documentation will be updated, as necessary. 2. The ITPR process ensures efficient expenditure of Information Technology (IT) funding; prevents duplicative investments; provides visibility into all Navy IT-related expenditures; achieves strategic sourcing for IT capabilities and procurements; and enforces compliance with Federal, Department of Defense (DoD), Department of the Navy (DON), and Navy laws, regulations, policies, and guidance (LRPGs). All ITPRs will be submitted electronically via the Navy Information Technology Approval System (NAV-ITAS) in accordance with reference (b). 3. The following FY20 guidelines will be used for the submission of ITPRs in FY20: a. SME Speed Pass: The SME Speed Pass was devised to make it easier for commands to expedite ITPR reviews. The SME Speed Pass may only be used for the following IT procurements to allow for expedited review and only when authorized by the applicable Echelon II CIO or similar authority. (1) All active programs of record (POR). POR information must be supplied within the ITPR if this option is selected. (a) Active Business Category (BCAT) programs that have been certified for the year of execution (YOE) in accordance with 10 U.S.C. 2222. Active BCAT programs that were not certified (e.g., below the certification threshold) are not eligible for SME Speed Pass; and (b) Active Acquisition Category (ACAT) programs currently registered in the Assistant Secretary of the Navy, (ASN) Research, Development and Acquisition (RDA) Information System (RDAIS) (https://rdais.navy.mil). Only Those programs that appear in the list of Navy Programs in RDAIS are considered active ACAT programs and are eligible for SME Speed Pass. ACAT programs that are currently in an inactive status in RDAIS or greater than 90 percent fielded are not eligible for SME Speed Pass. (2) Covered purchases under the FY17 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) Section 233 Pilot Program (reference (c)) and the ASN(RDA) approved process. Additional direction regarding the Section 233 ITPR process will be promulgated separately by ASN(RDA) and DDCIO(N). (3) Procurements that are out of scope of the ITPR policy per reference (b); and (4) Procurements that are exempt from the ITPR requirements in FY20, as noted in paragraph 5 of this document. b. Multi-Function Device (MFD) and print device products and/or services: The following guidelines are applicable for the procurement of any MFD product and/or service in FY20: (1) Print device products and/or services include but are not limited to all-in-one MFDs, single-use printers, additive manufacturing products (e.g., 3-D printers), copiers, scanners, fax machines, and all other print device products and/or services not documented herein but determined by DDCIO(N) to be in scope of reference (d). (2) Per reference (d), all procurement actions for MFD and print device products and/or services made outside of the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) or The Next Generation Enterprise Network (NGEN) marketplace must submit a waiver for approval by the appropriate Echelon I SME. (3) All ITPRs for the procurement of MFD and print device products and/or services from DLA must be submitted by 22 June 2020 in order to meet the DLA procurement cut-off date of 1 July 2020. Requests submitted after 22 June 2020 will not be considered without documented extenuating circumstances. c. Windows 10 Secure Host Baseline (WIN 10 SHB) Migration: Per reference (e), all DoD component organizations must migrate from Microsoft legacy operating systems to the Defense Information Service Agency approved WIN 10 SHB version Unless otherwise waived in accordance with DDCIO(N) issued guidance. A justification statement must be included in the ITPR executive summary for the procurement or sustainment of a legacy operating system (including any associated hardware, software, and/or support services). d. Commercial Internet Service Provider (ISP) Waivers: All procurements of commercial circuits must have a Commercial ISP Waiver approved by the appropriate authority. All ITPRs for commercial circuits must attach to the ITPR the approved Commercial ISP Waiver. e. ITPRs requesting approval for execution of FY21 funding will be accepted starting 1 June 2020. (1) ITPRs requesting approval for execution of FY21 funding submitted prior to 1 June 2020 will be handled on a case-by-case basis. All such ITPRs must include an additional statement in the ITPR executive summary stating the necessity to obtain approval for FY21 funding prior to 1 June 2020; and (2) The submitting command must include the following statement in the ITPR executive summary: The Budget Submission Office (BSO) asserts that it will not obligate FY21 funds prior to 1 October 2020 and affirms such funding is subject to all the provisions of either a FY21 DoD Appropriation Act or a FY21 Continuing Resolutions Act, whichever is applicable. All funds in support of a Defense Business System (DBS) are subject to FY21 DBS certification by the appropriate approval authority. Approving this request will not cause an Anti-Deficiency Act violation and/or an unauthorized commitment on behalf of the government. (a) For Navy Working Capital Fund (WCF) ITPRs, the following statement must be included in the ITPR executive summary: The BSO asserts that it will not obligate FY21 funds prior to 1 October 2020. All funds in support of a DBS are subject to FY21 DBS certification by the appropriate approval authority. Approving this request will not cause an Anti- Deficiency Act violation and/or an unauthorized commitment on behalf of the government. f. Manual ITPR Process: The following guidelines are applicable for the submission of manual ITPR packages during FY20: (1) The Manual ITPR Process will be used for the submission of: (a) Emergency ITPRs with an impact date of less than two (2) business days when the NAV-ITAS system is not accessible via the website due to significant outage identified by the NAV-ITAS Program Management Office (PMO); and (b) ITPRs with an overall classification above UNCLASS/FOUO. (2) Submitters will follow the instructions for submission of manual ITPR packages, found on the DDCIO(N) SharePoint site at https://portal.secn av.navy.mil/orgs/OPNAV/N2N6/DDCION/N2N6BC1/ITProcurementReviews/Shared %20Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspx. 4. The following criteria and thresholds are currently set for ITPRs submitted in FY20. a. All ITPRs submitted for the purchase of the following types of Navy IT, regardless of cost, will be routed to the applicable Navy Echelon I SME for Review. (1) Cloud computing services, commercial or government, as identified in reference (h). Each expenditure for a Cloud Service Offering (CSO) must be discretely identified in the ITPR, and should not be bundled within the contract. (2) Navy IT Help Desks or upgrades. (3) Procurement/maintenance support of portals, websites, and web presences. b. As applicable by policy, a waiver must be submitted and approved by the appropriate Echelon I SME for the purchase of the following types of Navy IT, regardless of cost. (1) Data Center/Data Server Waiver: ITPRs containing data center/data server items must route through the Data Center/Data Server Approval process to be reviewed and approved by DDCIO(N) and the DON Office of the Chief Information Officer. (2) MFD Waiver: Waiver is required for the procurement of an MFD and print device products and/or services (as defined in paragraph 3.b.(1)) from a vendor/distributor other than DLA or the NGEN Marketplace. (3) Enterprise License Agreement (ELA)/Enterprise Software Initiative (ESI) Waiver: Waiver is required if a DON, DoD, or Joint ELA or ESI is available but is not used for procurement of software, hardware, or related services. (4) All other Navy IT not documented herein but mandated by the DDCIO(N) To require procurement approval by the DDCIO(N). c. For all other Navy IT, the following thresholds apply for approval: (1) All requests of 500,000 dollars or greater will route to the DDCIO(N) for approval. (2) ITPRs submitted for 20,000,000 dollars or greater will be routed to the Resources Requirement Review Board (R3B) for a final procurement decision. (3) ITPRs submitted for less than 500,000 dollars will be approved by the applicable Echelon II CIO. For all ITPRs less than 500,000 dollars, the Echelon II CIO retains discretion to set a local approval threshold amount for assigned Echelon III and below commands. The Echelon II CIO may designate a Trusted Agent, responsible for the review and approval of ITPRs submitted for less than 25,000 dollars. (a) The Abbreviated ITPR Form in NAV-ITAS is authorized for use by Echelon II CIOs for review and approval of ITPRs less than 500,000 dollars unless specified below or covered by any requirement specified in reference (b). Echelon II CIOs retain discretion in the utilization of the Abbreviated ITPR Form by assigned Echelon III and below commands. The following are not authorized to use the Abbreviated ITPR Form: 1. Cloud computing services (commercial or government); 2. Data center and data server hardware/software waiver review and approvals; 3. Navy IT Help Desks or upgrades; 4. Procurement/maintenance support of portals, websites, and web presences; 5. MFD and print device products and/or services, as defined in paragraph 3.b.(1) (including those procured from DLA or the NGEN Marketplace); 6. Software/maintenance products procured with a DON, DoD, or Joint ELA or ESI; 7. FY20 year of execution DBS requirements; 8. Contract support services that will exceed the 25,000 dollars threshold over the course of the contract (including option years). (4) Echelon II CIOs are required to track IT transactions of 25,000 dollars or less but are not required to submit an ITPR in NAV-ITAS unless covered by paragraph 4.c.(3).a or any requirement specified in reference (b). (a) Echelon II CIOs are authorized to use the abbreviated ITPR Form in NAV-ITAS for these procurements. (b) Per reference (i), submission of an ITPR in NAV-ITAS is optional for purchases of 25,000 dollars or less (including government purchase card purchases). (c) Echelon II CIOs that do not utilize the Abbreviated ITPR Form must submit a quarterly report to the DDCIO(N) outlining all IT spend of 25,000 dollars or less in accordance with ITPR process and procedural guidance issues by the DDCIO(N). 5. Unless otherwise directed by the Echelon II command, the following are exempt from the ITPR requirements in FY20 and, therefore, do not require submission or approval of an ITPR: a. Software and/or systems embedded in non-command and control/ communications weapon systems. This is not a blanket exemption for all Warfighting Mission Area systems, lab infrastructure, or other types of National Security Systems. This exemption does not apply to embedded software and/or systems that will be purchased using a DON, DoD, or Joint ELA or ESI. This exemption does include IT embedded in replicas of weapons systems for Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation lab use. (1) Embedded software is computer software, written to control machines or devices that are not typically thought of as computers. (2) An embedded system is a programmed controlling and operating system with a dedicated function within a larger mechanical or electrical system, Often with real-time computing constraints. It is embedded as part of a complete device, often including hardware and mechanical parts. b. Consumable items and peripheral devices, as defined below. This exemption does not apply to peripheral devices that are data center/data server related; require certification and/or authorization to connect to the network; Will be purchased using a DON, DoD, or Joint ELA or ESI; or are related to MFDs or print device products and/or services as defined in paragraph 3.b.(1). (1) Per reference (j), a consumable item is an item of supply or an individual item (except explosive ordnance and major end items of equipment) that is normally expended or used up beyond recovery in the use for which it is designed or intended. (2) A peripheral device is an internal or external device that connects to and works with a computer to expand the functionality of the computer. A peripheral device is optional (i.e., not required for the computer to operate), and can only function when connected to a computer. Peripheral devices connect with a computer through an input/output (I/O) interface (e.g., Universal Serial Bus (USB) or serial port), or may be connected wirelessly. A peripheral device may also be referred to as an external peripheral, integrated peripheral, auxiliary component, computer peripheral, or I/O device. c. NGEN contract line item numbers (priced and unpriced) that are: (1) Not associated with NGEN program management; network infrastructure; or MFDs and print device products and/or services as defined in paragraph 3.b.(1); and (2) Not subject to Echelon II SME review and/or Echelon I waiver approval as specified in paragraph 4.a and 4.b of this document. d. Personnel IT training and subscriptions not reported in the Navy IT budget. 6. ITPR submitters should contact their Echelon II Customer Service Representatives (CSRs) with any questions about the ITPR policy issued in reference (b) or any guidelines issued herein. Information on Echelon II CSRs can be found on the NAV-ITAS site at https://navitas.navy.mil/About/ Help.aspx. 7. For additional information or for references, please refer to the DDCIO(N) SharePoint site at https://portal.secnav.navy.mil/orgs/OPNAV/N2N6/DDCION /SitePages/Home.aspx. 8. Released by VADM Matthew J. Kohler, Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Information Warfare, OPNAV N2N6.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//