UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 051708Z DEC 19 MID510000776997U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 278/19 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N9/N98// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N9/NOV// SUBJ/INTRODUCTION OF NATIONAL GEOSPATIAL-INTELLIGENCE AGENCY (NGA) AERONAUTICAL CONTENT EXPLOITATION SYSTEM (ACES), ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENT PROCEDURES LIBRARY (E-IPL) AND EXTENSION OF JEPPESEN MILITARY CONTRACT SERVICE (JMCS)// REF/A/CNAF M-3710.7/YMD: 20181030 AMPN/Ref A is NATOPS General Flight and Operating Instructions Manual.// POC/Daniel Pugh/CDR/OPNAV/LOC: N980M/ TEL: (703) 695-2630; DSN: 224-2630// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN is applicable to all DON flying organizations and activities that use DoD FLIP and Jeppesen Military Contract Service (JMCS) products. 2. The NGA Aeronautical Content Exploitation System (ACES) is a graphics- based web application designed to provide DOD customers with immediate access to a worldwide aeronautical data repository to include the Electronic Instrument Procedures Library. ACES provides users access to multiple geospatial intelligence and aeronautical information data bases (e.g., Automated Air Facility Information File (AAFIF), Digital Aeronautical Flight Information File (DAFIF), Intel Imagery, Aeronautical Information Publications (AIP) and Flight Information Publications (FLIP)). 3. ACES features a worldwide library of instrument procedures, translated into English and delivered in a standardized format. NGA's E-IPL is now accessible via ACES and NGA's AERO app, but is not yet approved for operational use. Further guidance will be provided when the E-IPL is authorized for use. 4. All mission planners, terminal procedure designers and Naval aircrew are directed to begin reviewing and familiarizing themselves with ACES and E-IPL. A comprehensive user's guide is accessible in the ACES "help" tab. 5. Disseminate to user level. Users will need to create an account on the NGA ACES website at: https://aerodata.nga.mil/AeroBrowser/, from a CAC- enabled NIPRNET computer. Upon account creation, users may access ACES via a username and password from any computer on the World Wide Web at https://aerodata.leidos.com/index.html. Users can find the ACES users guide under the "help" tab. 6. Users should report any ACES issues directly to NGA via the feedback button located in the upper right corner of the ACES homepage. 7. Due to ACES and E-IPL not being suitable for operational use the JMCS contract has been extended through 29 FEB 2020. Jeppesen products will continue to be available to all Navy and Marine Corps aircrew through the Jeppesen website and Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) applications, Foreflight and Flightdeck Pro. As the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) transitions to E-IPL, Jeppesen products will no longer be available through the ACES website, but will continue to be available to DOD aircrew directly through the Jeppesen web site at: https://www.jeppesen.com/elink/. Users are required to create an account on the Jeppesen website at: http://www .jeppesen.com/aviation/military/echarts-online-registration.jsp. 8. The OPNAV N9 POC for this message is CDR Daniel Pugh; COM: (703)695-2630; DSN: 224-2630. 9. Released by VADM J. W. Kilby, DCNO, Warfighting Requirements and Capabilities (N9)// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//