UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 212007Z MAR 20 MID110000505261U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO SECNAV WASHINGTON DC CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 080/20 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// INFO SECNAV WASHINGTON DC//CNO// CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// MSGID/NAVADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/CNO/MAR// SUBJ/NAVY MITIGATION MEASURES IN RESPONSE TO CORONAVIRUS OUTBREAK UPDATE 3// REF/A/NAVADMIN/OPNAV/122210ZMAR20// REF/B/NAVADMIN/OPNAV/142000ZMAR20// REF/C/NAVADMIN/OPNAV/192309ZMAR20// REF/D/MEMO/OSD/20MAR2020// REF/E/OPLAN/NORTHCOM/DOD GCP-PI&ID-3551-13/15OCT13// REF/F/INST/DODI 6200.03/28MAR19// REF/G/MEMO/OSD/30JAN2020// REF/H/EXORD/JOINT STAFF J3/012240ZFEB20// REF/I/MEMO/OSD/07FEB2020// REF/J/MEMO/OSD/25FEB2020// REF/K/NAVADMIN/OPNAV/071613ZFEB20// REF/L/NAVADMIN/OPNAV/112054ZFEB20// REF/M/NAVADMIN/OPNAV/051456ZMAR20// REF/N/GENADMIN/JOINT STAFF/051908ZMAR20// REF/O/MEMO/JOINT STAFF/06MAR2020// REF/P/MEMO/OSD/10MAR2020// REF/Q/MEMO/OSD/11MAR2020// REF/R/ALNAV/SECNAV/025-20// REF/S/MEMO/OSD/11MAR2020// REF/T/ALNAV/SECNAV/026-20// REF/U/MEMO/OSD/13MAR2020// REF/V/MEMO/SECNAV/21MAR2020// NARR/REF A IS NAVADMIN 064/20, NAVY MITIGATION MEASURES IN RESPONSE TO CORONAVIRUS OUTBREAK (OVERSEAS). REF B IS NAVADMIN 065/20, NAVY MITIGATION MEASURES IN RESPONSE TO CORONAVIRUS OUTBREAK UPDATE 1 (DOMESTIC). REF C IS NAVY MITIGATION MEASURES IN RESPONSE TO CORONAVIRUS OUTBREAK UPDATE 2. REF D IS MEMO FROM UNDERSECRETARY OF DEFENSE FOR PERSONNEL AND READINESS, AUTHORIZED DEPARTURE INDIVIDUALS AT HIGHER RISK FROM COVID-19. REF E IS DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (DOD) GLOBAL CAMPAIGN PLAN FOR PANDEMIC INFLUENZA AND INFECTIOUS DISEASE. REF F IS DODI 6200.03, PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT WITHIN THE DOD. REF G IS MEMO FROM UNDER SECRETARY OF DEFENSE FOR PERSONNEL AND READINESS PROVIDING FORCE HEALTH PROTECTION GUIDANCE FOR PERSONNEL RETURNING FROM CHINA DURING THE NOVEL CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) OUTBREAK. REF H IS SECDEF-APPROVED EXORD THAT DIRECTS USNORTHCOM TO EXECUTE ITS PANDEMIC PLAN 3551-13 AND SUPPORTING GEOGRAPHIC COMBATANT COMMANDERS TO EXECUTE THEIR PANDEMIC PLANS IN RESPONSE TO THE NCOV (COVID-19) OUTBREAK. REF I IS SUPPLEMENT 1 TO REF G. REF J IS SUPPLEMENT 2 TO REF G. REF K IS NAVADMIN 033/20, OPNAV REPORTING GUIDANCE SUPPORTING DOD RESPONSE TO THE COVID- 19 OUTBREAK. REF L IS NAVADMIN 039/20, UPDATED DOD GUIDANCE FOR MONITORING PERSONNEL RETURNING FROM CHINA DURING THE NOVEL CORONAVIRUS OUTBREAK. REF M IS NAVADMIN 058/20, UPDATED NAVY GUIDANCE DURING THE NOVEL CORONAVIRUS OUTBREAK. REF N IS JOINT STAFF MESSAGE FOR DOD COVID-19 PASSENGER SCREENING GUIDELINES FOR OVERSEAS MILITARY TRANSPORTATION TERMINALS. REF O IS JOINT STAFF FORCE HEALTH PROTECTION GUIDANCE TO MITIGATE THE RISK OF COVID-19 TRANSMISSION. REF P IS MEMO FROM UNDER SECRETARY OF DEFENSE FOR PERSONNEL AND READINESS PROVIDING FORCE HEALTH PROTECTION GUIDANCE FOR THE USE OF PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT AND NON-PHARMACEUTICAL INTERVENTIONS DURING THE CORONAVIRUS DISEASE 2019 OUTBREAK. REF Q IS MEMO FROM UNDER SECRETARY OF DEFENSE FOR PERSONNEL AND READINESS PROVIDING FORCE HEALTH PROTECTION GUIDANCE FOR PERSONNEL TRAVELING DURING THE NOVEL CORONAVIRUS OUTBREAK. REF R IS ALNAV 025/20, FORCE HEALTH PROTECTION GUIDANCE FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF NAVY. REF S IS MEMO FROM SECRETARY OF DEFENSE FOR TRAVEL RESTRICTIONS FOR DOD COMPONENTS IN RESPONSE TO CORONAVIRUS DISEASE. REF T IS ALNAV 026/20, OFFICIAL AND PERSONAL DOMESTIC TRAVEL FORCE HEALTH PROTECTION GUIDANCE FOR DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY (CONUS TRAVEL GUIDANCE). REF U IS MEMO FROM DEPUTY SECRETARY OF DEFENSE FOR STOP MOVEMENT FOR DOMESTIC TRAVEL FOR DOD COMPONENTS IN RESPONSE TO CORONAVIRUS DISEASE 2019. REF V IS ASN (M&RA) MEMO ON AUTHORIZED DEPARTURE INDIVIDUALS AT HIGHER RISK FROM COVID-19.// POC/RADM KARL THOMAS/OPNAV N3N5B/703-692- 9291/KARL.O.THOMAS1(AT)NAVY.MIL/ RADM JEFFREY JABLON/OPNAV N13/703-604- 5040/JEFFREY.JABLON(AT)NAVY.MIL/ RADM GAYLE SHAFFER/OPNAV N093B/703-697-7399/ GAYLE.SHAFFER(AT)MED.NAVY.MIL// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN supersedes references (a) through (c) and consolidates those NAVADMINs into one NAVADMIN for ease of reference. It also adds implementing guidance in paragraph 3.H. for an Authorized Departure (AD) of DoD eligible family members (EFMs) and civilian employees in line with references (d) and (v). This NAVADMIN contains measures to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 throughout the Navy enterprise and amplifies DoD and DoN direction for Service Members and Navy civilians. It summarizes and repeats applicable guidance where appropriate so that this will serve as a one-stop information source. Authorized travelers will adhere to the Force Health Protection Guidelines (FHPG) as detailed throughout references (a) through (v) as summarized in this NAVADMIN, and later guidance. 1.A. Background. The DoD has transitioned to Phase Three (Respond) of reference (e), the global campaign in response to the COVID-19 outbreak. Our workforce is our first line of defense. All hands must proactively take action to ensure the health of our force, and to ensure we mitigate the spread of COVID-19 in order to maintain our readiness. During the COVID-19 outbreak, the DoD and DoN will continue to protect and preserve the operational effectiveness of forces worldwide in accordance with (IAW) references (e) and (f). Utilizing FHPG from the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness (USD (P&R)) provided in references (g) and (q), USNORTHCOM is executing its pandemic plan and geographic combatant commanders are executing their supporting pandemic plans IAW reference (h). In compliance with updated USD (P&R) FHPG issued in references (i) and (j), Office of Chief Naval Operations (OPNAV) published initial reporting guidance supporting DoD response to the COVID-19 outbreak in reference (k) and updated that guidance in references (c), (l), and (m). 1.B. Role of the CDC. As the leading U.S. government Public Health Agency, the CDC continues to assess the risk of COVID-19 and to provide guidance for those residing in the U.S. and traveling abroad. Because CDC guidance is principally tailored for persons residing in the U.S., some CDC COVID-19 guidance may have limited applicability for commanders, particularly those outside the United States, and is not recognized by other sovereign nations. While DoD continues to follow the lead of the CDC, when needed, additional military specific measures are authorized to mitigate risk to U.S. forces stationed or deployed around the world, and to protect Service Members, Navy civilian employees, and their family members. USD (P&R) FHPG issued in reference (q) provides guidance for DoD personnel traveling during the novel coronavirus outbreak. 1.C. CDC Travel Health Advisories. The CDC provides travel health advisories at https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019- ncov/travelers/index.html. The Advisory Levels are noted below and will be referenced in this NAVADMIN (note that CDC warning levels DO NOT apply to the U.S.): Level 1 Watch, practice usual precautions (risk of limited community transmission) Level 2 Alert, practice enhanced precautions (sustained (ongoing) community transmission) Level 3 Warning, avoid nonessential travel (widespread sustained (ongoing) transmission) 1.D. DoN Civilian Guidance. The DoN civilian workforce more than 220,000 strong plays an integral role in supporting our Sailors and building, manning and maintaining our ships, aircraft, and submarines. Working shoulder to shoulder with our Service Members, it is imperative to have alignment between Navy civilian and military COVID-19 policy and guidance. DoN civilian guidance is contained in references (r) and (t) as well as this NAVADMIN. 1.E. Military Health Protection Guidance. The Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) provided explicit FHPG in references (g) and (q) which is more restrictive than CDC guidance. Commanders must read both documents in their entirety and ensure they are following the actions spelled out in this guidance. Local Commanders can be more restrictive based on Command location, local community transmission, risk to mission and risk to force. Each and every Sailor must ensure they proactively manage and minimize their personal risk to exposure, and that of their families. Commands are charged with ensuring they track and monitor each Sailor and aggressively follow SECDEF guidance in these references. 2. Mission. All commands will take specific actions to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 worldwide and adhere to the policies and reporting requirements contained in this NAVADMIN. 3. Policy. This NAVADMIN applies to all Navy Service Members, Navy civilians, and their families assigned to DoD installations world-wide. In order to maintain force health protection, readiness of the force and mitigate the risk of transmission among personnel, SECDEF directed an OCONUS travel stop movement to affected countries and areas effective 13 Mar 2020 in reference (s). This includes all forms of travel (Permanent Change of Station (PCS), Temporary Duty (TAD/TDY), and government-funded leave). For Service Members this also includes personal leave and other non-official travel. On 13 March 2020 Deputy SECDEF directed a domestic travel stop movement in reference (u). In line with references (t) and (u), which provides domestic travel guidance, all Service Members will stop movement and Navy civilian personnel and family members whose transportation is government funded will also stop movement. The domestic travel stop movement applies to PCS and TAD/TDY, and Service Members are only authorized local leave. Until the domestic travel restrictions prescribed above are lifted, Navy commands may only gain/onboard civilian employees within the local commuting area. The following domestic travel is authorized: (1) Travel by patients and medical providers for the purpose of medical treatment for Navy personnel and their family members (2) Individuals who have already initiated PCS or TDY travel (including intermediate stops) are authorized to continue to their final destination (see paragraphs 3.B. through 3.E. for further amplification) (3) Individuals whose TDY and/or leave ends while this NAVADMIN is in effect are authorized to return to their home station at the end of their TDY and/or leave (see paragraph 3.C. through 3.F. for further amplification) (4)Individuals pending retirement or separation during this period are exempt. This stop movement (both overseas and domestic) will remain in effect until 11 May 2020. 3.A. Permanent Change of Station (PCS) Overseas. Service Members, Navy civilians and dependents under OCONUS PCS orders to locations designated CDC COVID-19 Warning Level 3 or CDC COVID-19 Alert Level 2 will follow the guidance in section 3.A. of this NAVADMIN. Note that CDC warning levels DO NOT apply to CONUS. 3.A.1. PCS orders to or from CDC COVID-19 Warning Level 3 locations for Service Members. Service Members and their dependents under PCS orders to or from a CDC COVID-19 Warning Level 3 location will stop movement. This policy applies to currently designated CDC COVID-19 Warning Level 3 locations, or those designated Level 3 at a later date. 3.A.1.a. Service Members who have detached from their parent command prior to the date of this NAVADMIN and are in transit are directed to contact Navy Personnel Command (NPC) for follow-on guidance per paragraph 5.A. NPC is standing by to address each specific case and will authorize entitlements based on current location and situation. 3.A.1.b. Detaching and gaining commands shall make every effort to contact affected Service Members enroute to/from their command to advise them of the contents of this message. 3.A.2. PCS orders to CDC COVID-19 Alert Level 2 locations for Service Members. Service Members under PCS orders to a CDC COVID-19 Alert Level 2 location will execute orders. Dependents of Service Members executing accompanied PCS orders to a CDC COVID-19 Alert Level 2 location will delay travel to the CDC COVID-19 Alert Level 2 location until 11 May 2020. This policy applies to currently designated CDC Alert Level 2 locations and those designated at a later date. 3.A.2.a. Service Members who have detached from their parent command prior to the date of this NAVADMIN and are in transit are directed to contact NPC for follow-on guidance per paragraph 5.A. NPC is standing by to address each specific case and will authorize entitlements based on current location and situation. 3.A.2.b. Detaching and gaining commands shall make every effort to contact affected Service Members enroute to/from their command to advise them of the contents of this message. 3.A.3. PCS orders to or from CDC COVID-19 Warning Level 3 locations for Navy civilians. Navy civilians and their dependents under PCS orders to or from a CDC COVID-19 Warning Level 3 location will stop movement. This policy applies to currently designated CDC COVID-19 Warning Level 3 locations, or those designated Level 3 at a later date. Contact your supervisory chain of command for further guidance. 3.A.4. PCS orders to CDC COVID-19 Alert Level 2 locations for Navy civilians. Navy civilians under PCS orders to a CDC COVID- 19 Alert Level 2 location will execute orders. Dependents of Navy civilians executing accompanied PCS orders to a CDC COVID-19 Alert Level 2 location will delay travel to the CDC COVID-19 Alert Level 2 location until 11 May 2020. This policy applies to currently designated CDC Alert Level 2 locations and those designated at a later date. Additionally, until the travel restrictions are lifted Navy civilian hiring actions for positions in Level 2 and Level 3 countries are postponed for non-essential civilian personnel who have not yet begun travel. Contact your supervisory chain of command for further guidance. 3.B. PCS in the United States and its territories. Service Members, Navy civilians and dependents under domestic PCS orders will follow the guidance in section 3.B. of this NAVADMIN. 3.B.1. Navy Civilians. All Department of the Navy civilian employees whose transportation is government funded will stop movement. Navy commands may continue civilian hiring actions, but may only onboard civilian employees in the local commuting area. Contact your supervisory chain of command for further guidance. 3.B.2. Service Members. 3.B.2.a. Service Members who have not yet initiated PCS travel as of the effective date of this NAVADMIN are directed to contact NPC for follow-on guidance per paragraph 5.A. NPC is standing by to address each specific case and will authorize entitlements based on current location and situation. 3.B.2.b. For Service Members who have already initiated PCS travel, detaching and gaining commands shall make every effort to contact those Service Members to advise them of the contents of this message. 3.B.2.c. A local PCS move may be executed without an exception since it does not involve travel outside of the local area. To be clear, same geographic location PCS moves will only be executed with due regard to the operational readiness of the commands involved. Losing and gaining commands are encouraged to coordinate with placement coordinators and detailers in PERS-4 as required. PERS-4 shall adjudicate same geographic location PCS move decisions in situations where losing and gaining commands do not agree on an execution timeline. This adjudication may be delegated, but no lower than the O-6 Division Director level at PERS-4. 3.C. Other Official Overseas Travel (Meetings, Conferences, Site Visits, etc). All other official travel by Service Members and Navy civilians to or from a country designated as CDC COVID-19 Warning Level 3, is prohibited and will require an exception IAW paragraph 3.G. Navy Reserve personnel will follow guidance promulgated by the Chief of Navy Reserves. 3.D. Other Official Domestic Travel (Meetings, Conferences, Site Visits, etc.). All other official travel by Service Members and Navy civilians in the United States is prohibited and will require an exception IAW paragraph 3.G. Navy Reserve personnel will follow guidance promulgated by the Chief of Navy Reserves. 3.E. Travel for Official Training (Overseas and Domestic). 3.E.1. Service Member and Navy civilian travel to attend formal training will require an exception IAW paragraph 3.G prior to travel, will require advance coordination with the training command and will comply with Navy Component Commander guidance concerning pre- and post- travel medical screening and reception procedures to include restriction of movement (ROM) if applicable. 3.E.2. Service Members and Navy civilians currently under PCS or TAD/TDY orders and attending training and/or schools will complete their current training and/or school. For those on TAD/TDY orders, Service Members and Navy civilians are directed to contact the command that issued the orders for returning instructions/guidance. Navy civilians executing PCS orders are directed to contact the command that issued the orders for further guidance. Service Members executing PCS orders are directed to contact Navy Personnel Command for guidance and potential orders modification. Once the current school/training is complete, Service Members should expect to take one of the following actions: (1) Return to their previous Permanent Duty Station (PDS), (2) Remain at the school/training site if prudent for health protection, (3) If the next school/training is in the same location and the course is still being offered, continue training. Reevaluate after school/training completion, (4) Proceed to the ultimate PDS. Decisions will be based on force health protection considerations. Throughout the process, Service Members should consult with their affected command (current, losing or future) as well as their detailer where applicable. 3.F. Personal Leave and Liberty (overseas and domestic). Commanding Officers (CO) and officers in charge may authorize local leave IAW command policy for Service Members. Leave or personal travel outside of the local area, as defined by Commanding Officers and officers in charge, requires an exception as outlined in paragraph 3.G. For those Service Members currently on leave, COs or officers in charge are delegated authority to terminate leave early or allow completion of leave as authorized based on location, duration and risk to Service Member. For Navy civilians, approval or denial of civilian annual leave requests will be based on mission requirements. While intended travel outside the local commuting area may be considered in determining impact to mission requirements, leave requests for Navy civilians cannot be denied solely because an employee is travelling outside of the local commuting area. In line with reference (t) paragraph 3(b), Navy civilian employees are strongly encouraged to avoid personal leave outside of the local area. 3.G. Exceptions. 3.G.1. Individuals pending retirement or separation within the next 60 days are exempt from this stop movement. 3.G.2. Commanding officers and officers in charge may request an exception to paragraphs 3.A. through 3.F. in the following cases: (1) determined to be mission essential, (2) necessary for humanitarian reasons, or (3) warranted due to extreme hardship. Mission-essential travel refers to work that must be performed to ensure the continued operations of mission essential functions, as determined by the local Commander. 3.G.2.a. Navy Personnel Command (PERS-4) is authorized to approve or deny stop movement exceptions for Service Member PCS travel in paragraphs 3.A., 3.B., and 3.E.2. Approvals of exception requests shall be made via message traffic to all concerned and will specify whether dependents are authorized to accompany the Service Member. Detaching Commander endorsement is required. Upon receipt of an approved exception, Transaction Service Center or Personnel Support Detachment/personnel offices will process the Service Member for transfer to the gaining command. Send all exception requests to pers451(at)navy.mil with the subject line PCS EXCEPTION REQUEST. Exception request formats will be provided by PERS-4 and posted on MyNavy Portal. Service Members who are granted an exception and are traveling from a CDC COVID-19 Warning Level 3 or Alert Level 2 location will receive guidance from NPC concerning Navy Component Commander pre- and post- travel medical screening and reception procedures to include ROM. 3.G.2.b. Authority to approve or deny stop movement exceptions for Service Members in the case of: (1) Official travel in paragraph 3.C. and 3.D., and (2) Official training, not associated with a PCS, in paragraph 3.E., and (3) Leave requests that include travel outside of the local area in paragraph 3.F, is delegated to the echelon 2 commander. The echelon 2 commander may further delegate exception authority, but no lower than the first flag officer or Senior Executive Service (SES) in the chain of command of the Service Member. Those who are granted an exception will comply with the echelon 2 guidance concerning pre- and post- travel screening and reception procedures. 3.G.2.c. Exceptions for PCS of Navy civilians. Authority to approve or deny exceptions of the PCS of Navy civilians from outside the local commuting area in paragraphs 3.A. and 3.B is delegated to the echelon 2 commander. The echelon 2 commander may further delegate exception authority, but no lower than the first flag officer or SES in the chain of command of the command or activity performing the hiring action. Those who are granted an exception will comply with the echelon 2 guidance concerning pre- and post- travel screening and reception procedures. 3.G.2.d. Authority to approve or deny stop movement exceptions for Navy civilians in the case of: (1) Official travel in paragraph 3.C. and 3.D. and (2) Official training, not associated with a PCS, in paragraph 3.E. is delegated to the echelon 2 commander. The echelon 2 commander may further delegate exception authority, but no lower than the first flag officer or SES in the Service Member or Navy civilian employee chain of command. Those who are granted an exception will comply with the echelon 2 guidance concerning pre- and post- travel screening and reception procedures. 3.H. Authorized Departure. 3.H.1. The Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Personnel and Readiness) has announced an Authorized Departure (AD) as outlined in reference (d). In line with reference (v), Navy Service Member eligible family members (EFMs) and Department of the Navy civilian employees who have determined they are at higher risk of a poor health outcome if exposed to COVID-19 or who have requested departure based on a commensurate justification in foreign areas as well as a civilian employee and/or other eligible family members who may need to accompany them - are authorized to depart their current duty station. DoN civilian employees who wish to depart their duty station must consult with their chain of command. 3.H.2. The designated safe-haven for departing Service Member eligible family members is the contiguous United States (US). The designated safe-haven for departing DoN civilian employees is Arlington, Virginia. Members should work with their commands and local travel office to arrange for transportation to their safe- haven. Authorized departures are only permitted when appropriate transportation and reception procedures are in place consistent with reference (s). Travelers should be aware that preventative health measures to include restricted movement and business closures have been implemented in the United States to various degrees by federal, state and local governments. Travelers shall be advised to check the restrictions applicable to their situation, based on their departure location, any enroute locations (foreign and in the United States) and their ultimate safe-haven, as well as availability of lodging, prior to commencing travel. IAW the Joint Travel Regulations (JTR), chapter 6, dependents must designate their specific safe haven location in the United States upon, or prior to, entry to the United States. Once designated, the specific safe- haven cannot be changed. Dependents of uniformed personnel will be processed for safe-haven allowances IAW with the JTR, Chapter 6, paragraph 0602. DoN civilian employees and their eligible family members will be processed for allowances IAW with the JTR, Chapter 6, paragraph 0604. 3.H.3. It is strongly recommended that eligible family members and civilian employees after traveling to, through and from a location with a Center for Disease Control Travel Health Notice for COVID-19 take the following measure for the next 14 days: (a) Implement self-observations for symptoms of fever, cough or difficulty breathing (b) Implement social distancing, e.g., remain out of congregate settings, avoid mass gatherings, and maintain 6 feet distance from others when possible (c) If individuals feel feverish or develop measured fever, cough, or difficulty breathing, immediately self-isolate, limit contact with others, and seek advice by telephone from the appropriate healthcare provider to determine whether medical evaluation is required,. 3.H.4. The following provides general information for Service Member eligible family members regarding allowances. Members are advised that the impact of this authorized departure on their specific allowances is highly dependent on member individual circumstances. For questions regarding specific allowances, members should contact their nearest Personnel Support Detachment or My Navy Career Center (MNCC) or consult the JTR, chapter 6. 3.H.4.a. Per diem: Transportation expenses and travel per diem are authorized from the time the family departs the evacuation site, through the time they reach their selected safe haven location in the continental United States including processing time at both the evacuation and receiving site. A non-command sponsored dependent is only authorized transportation and per diem. Other allowances will not be paid. 3.H.4.b. Escort allowances: Travel and transportation allowances are also payable to a member, a U.S. government civilian employee, or a person who travels under an official travel authorization/order as an escort for an evacuated dependent who is incapable of traveling alone to the safe haven due to age, physical or mental incapacity, or other extraordinary circumstances. 3.H.4.c. Household goods (HHG)/shipping allowance: upon a dependent departing for a safe haven, unaccompanied baggage (for the dependent), and HHG items as needed for dependent comfort and well-being, may be transported at government expense. 3.H.4.d. POV: Transportation of a POV at government expense to a safe haven is not authorized. 3.H.4.e. Pets: A member is authorized transportation to the safe haven location incident to an evacuation from a foreign PDS for up to two household pets (defined by JTR 060204 as a cat or dog), which the member owned at the evacuated foreign PDS (to include quarantine fees). 3.H.4.f. Housing allowance: A member, whose command sponsored dependents are evacuated and who was authorized a with dependent housing allowance on the evacuation date, continues to be paid such allowance while the members PDS remains unchanged and the member continues to maintain private sector housing, as long as the command-sponsored dependents are receiving evacuation allowances. 3.H.4.g. Family separation allowance (FSA): A member is entitled to FSA if a member has a dependent depart an overseas duty station at government expense because of an evacuation and begins on the 31st day of dependent departure from the PDS. 3.H.5. The above listed allowances are not all inclusive and may not be applicable in all cases. Members are encouraged to contact the MNCC to obtain information specific to their circumstances. Receipts/records pertaining to evacuation should be retained. 3.I. Actions upon return from a CDC COVID-19 Alert Level 2 or higher location or if in close contact with a confirmed COVID-19 infection. 3.I.1. Service Members who travel or have traveled in the prior 14 days to or through a CDC COVID-19 Warning Level 3 or Alert Level 2 location will immediately notify their chain of command and be placed in a 14 day ROM status. Immediate supervisors will not require Service Members to report to their duty location or otherwise disregard the ROM. Service Members will comply with reference (q) and Navy Component Commander guidance concerning pre- and post- travel medical screening and reception procedures to include ROM. Commanders may, pursuant to DoD and Navy regulations and policies, authorize telework opportunities, permissive TAD/TDY or work from home as necessary. 3.I.2. Service Members who have had close contact with someone with a confirmed COVID-19 infection and feel sick with a fever, cough or difficulty breathing shall: 3.I.2.a. Inform their Senior Medical Department Representative immediately. 3.I.2.b. Seek medical care immediately. Before going to the office of a doctor or emergency room, call ahead to provide recent travel locations and symptoms. 3.I.2.c. Avoid contact with others. 3.I.2.d. Stay home except to get medical care. 3.I.2.e. Cover mouth and nose with tissue or sleeve (not hands) when coughing or sneezing. 3.J. Holding Conferences. All Navy personnel shall maximize the conduct of virtual conferences, meetings and classes to the fullest extent. Holding conferences are strongly discouraged and must be approved by a Navy Component Commander, Deputy Fleet Commander, Task Force Commander or Navy Region Commander charged with hosting the conference. 3.K. General Health Guidance. Compliance with CDC guidance is critical to minimize the spread of COVID-19. All personnel shall: 3.K.1. Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom, before eating, and after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing. If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60 percent alcohol. Always wash hands with soap and water if hands are visibly dirty. 3.K.2. Avoid close contact with people who are sick. 3.K.3. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. 3.K.4. Stay home when you are sick. 3.K.5. Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash. 3.K.6. Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe. 3.K.7. Maximize open doors within area with equivalent classification levels. 3.K.8. Minimize meetings of more than five persons. 3.K.9. Practice social distancing. 3.K.10. Minimize attendance at large group gatherings outside of the workplace (for example shopping malls and restaurants with large attendance). 3.L. Supplemental Guidance for Commanders. 3.L.1. IAW reference (q), Commanders should identify and track all Service Members who travel or have a history of travel in the prior 14 days. This includes travel by military or commercial means as well as private conveyance and includes all forms of travel to include PCS, temporary duty and leave. Commanders shall ensure Service Members implement the following actions for the next 14 days: 3.L.1.a. Implement self-observation, i.e., take temperature twice a day and remain alert for fever (>100.4 degrees F or 38 degrees C) and remain alert for fever, cough or difficulty breathing. 3.L.1.b. To the extent possible implement social distancing, i.e., remain out of congregate settings, avoid mass gatherings and maintain 6 feet or 2 meter distance from others when possible. 3.L.1.c. If individuals feel feverish or develop measured fever, cough or difficulty breathing, immediately self- isolate, limit contact with others and seek advice by telephone from the appropriate healthcare provider to determine whether medical evaluation is required. 3.L.2. Commanders will adhere to DoD guidance for personnel traveling during the novel coronavirus outbreak per reference (q) to include COVID-19 screening at overseas military transportation terminals per reference (n). Commanders will review the supplemental risk-based measures and observe the operational risk level mitigation actions for COVID-19 outlined in reference (f). 3.L.3. For individuals traveling OCONUS to OCONUS, Commanders will ensure travel is mission essential and follow the guidance listing in reference (s) if compelling exceptions are necessary. Military air crew are exempt from the requirements in this NAVADMIN, but will ensure they actively practice social distancing and prudent measures to mitigate potential contact and COVID-19 transmission. 3.L.4. Commanders will comply with status of forces agreements when applicable. 3.L.5. Consider measures to place mission essential shore staffs on alternating day or split shift rotations. 3.L.6. Use maximum latitude to authorize telework, liberal leave, permissive TDY as necessary to minimize spread within your teams. 3.L.7. Implement social distancing techniques for any meetings you conduct. 3.L.8. Ensure the health of your force by conducting regular screenings and restrict movement of those potentially infected with COVID-19. 3.M. Entitlements. Changes to entitlements associated with a ROM have been approved and put in place by DoD. The entitlements include, but are not limited to per diem for Service Members and dependents directed to ROM after arrival at a duty station after a PCS move and the implementation of Hardship Duty Pay (HDP) ROM for members who incur unreimbursed lodging expenses when directed to ROM at their PDS. Additionally, the Pay and Personnel Management Branch (PERS-2) has released Pay and Personnel Information Bulletin (PPIB) 20-5 and 20-6 which provided Navy Pay Offices with information regarding recent JTR changes regarding self-isolation and establishment of HDP-ROM. Eligibility for entitlements varies based on individual circumstances. If you have questions about entitlements, please contact the MyNavy career center (1-833-330- 6622) or via e-mail at askmncc(at)navy.mil. 4. Regular Reporting. For CONUS commands, ensure your points of contact (POC) submit accurate and timely COVID-19 daily reports and CCIRs to USFFC, with an information copy to the local installation commander, for consolidation and subsequent reporting to OPNAV. For OCONUS commands, ensure your POCs submit accurate and timely COVID- 19 daily reports and CCIRs to the Navy Component Command/echelon 2 command, with an information copy to the local installation commander, for consolidation and subsequent reporting to OPNAV. Given potential rapid escalation of case numbers and impact on readiness, additional reporting is required. Navy commands will report the following through their chain of command and via OPREP where appropriate: 4.A. COVID-19 daily reports. COVID-19 Case Information broken out by Active-Duty, DON Civilian, Military Family Members and Navy Contractors as follows: 4.A.1. Active-Duty: Total Persons Under Investigation (PUI)/Positive Cases/Positive Cases in Home Isolation/Positive Cases in Hospital/Positive Cases Recovering Post-Hospitalization/Positive Cases Returned to Work/Deaths, 4.A.2. DoN Civilian: Total PUI/Total Positive Cases/Positive Cases in Home Isolation/Positive Cases in Hospital/Positive Cases Recovering Post-Hospitalization/Positive Cases Returned to Work/Deaths, 4.A.3. Family Members: Total PUI/Total Positive Cases/Positive Cases in Home Isolation/Positive Cases in Hospital/Positive Cases Recovering Post-Hospitalization/Deaths, 4.A.4. DoN Contractors: Total PUI/Total Positive Cases/Positive Cases in Home Isolation/Positive Cases in Hospital/Positive Cases Recovering Post-Hospitalization/Deaths. 4.B. CCIRs. For COVID-19 Active-Duty Service Members and Navy civilians only (in accordance with HIPAA and the Privacy Act): 4.B.1. Date individual identified as infected 4.B.2. Date individual admitted to hospital (if applicable) 4.B.3. Is individual in ICU? 4.B.4. Is individual on a ventilator? 4.B.5. Date individual is discharged 4.B.6. Date individual recovers 4.C. The death of a Navy Service Member, Navy civilian, Navy contractor, or family member due to COVID-19. 4.D. Any shortage of medical personal protective equipment (PPE) or test kits. 4.E. Significant or newsworthy installation or facility closures. 4.F. Unit or installation is unable to meet isolation requirements. 4.G. Unit or installation is unable to meet operational requirements. 4.H. Any local or regional change in health protection condition (HPCON). 5. Points of Contact. 5.A. Sailor Support. Service Members with questions regarding this stop movement or entitlements for PCS travel should contact the MyNavy Career Center (1-833-330-6622) or email ASKMNCC(AT)NAVY.MIL. Detailers are ready to support all order modifications and commands should work with their placement officers. 5.B. Medical Questions. BUMED Watch: 703-681-1087/1125 or NIPR EMAIL: usn.ncr.bumedfchva.list.bumed---2019-ncov-response- cell(AT)mail.mil. 5.C. Reporting Requirements. OPNAV Battle Watch Captain at 703-692-9284 or BWC.PTGN(AT)NAVY.MIL. 5.D. Navy civilians. Navy civilians with questions regarding this guidance should contact their supervisory chain of command. 6. The Navy will ensure the best possible Navy-wide Force Health Protection for its Sailors, civilian employees and family members. However, all members of the Navy family must do their part by adhering to CDC guidelines as they relate to basic hygiene and human interaction. The Navy will remain focused on meeting our global commitments while also ensuring the health and well-being of our Service Members, Navy civilians and our families. 7. Our understanding of COVID-19 is rapidly evolving and this guidance will continue to be evaluated as conditions change. We recognize many of the policies in this NAVADMIN will place a strain on our force, but they are absolutely necessary to preserve our ability to conduct the mission. Local Commanders will exercise prudent judgement when determining mission essential travel and granting waivers and err on the side of conservatism. This is not business as usual. The expectation is that these exceptions are done on a case by case basis and that they are very limited in number. The entire team must understand their role in minimizing the spread of COVID-19 among our ranks. All efforts should be taken to combat the spread of COVID-19 and to minimize impact on our force. The Navy will remain focused on meeting our global commitments while also ensuring the health and well-being of our Service Members, Navy civilians and our families. 8. As the COVID-19 situation continues to evolve, Commander feedback is an important part of issuing revised or additional guidance. It is virtually impossible to address all specific cases or situations. However, Commanders have the latitude to adjust direction based upon their unique situation. For example, a unit that has been at sea for 14 days with no COVID-19 cases may make the decision to relax social distancing requirements until they pull into port. Thank you for your leadership at the tip of the spear, wherever that may be. We know that it is not easy and simply ask that you make the best call possible we will back you up. 9. Released by Vice Admiral John B. Nowell, Jr, N1.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//