UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 211617Z APR 20 MID510001140651U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO SECNAV WASHINGTON DC CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 115/20 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// SECNAV WASHINGTON DC//CNO// CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// MSGID/NAVADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/CNO/APR// SUBJ/UPDATE TO NAVY COVID-19 REPORTING REQUIREMENTS// REF/A/OPNAVINST F3100.6J CH-3/31MAY16// REF/B/NAVADMIN/OPNAV/212007ZMAR20// REF/C/NAVADMIN/OPNAV/171541ZAPR20// REF/D/DOC/BUMED/27MAR20// NARR/REF A IS OPNAVINST F3100.6J, SPECIAL INCIDENT REPORTING PROCEDURES. REF B IS NAVADMIN 080/20, NAVY MITIGATION MEASURES IN RESPONSE TO CORONAVIRUS OUTBREAK (UPDATE 3). REF C NAVADMIN 113/20 RESTRICTION OF MOVEMENT (ROM) GUIDANCE UPDATED. REF D IS BUMED RETURN TO WORK GUIDANCE.// POC/RDML GREG HUFFMAN /OPNAV N31/703-692-8545/GREGORY.C.HUFFMAN1(AT)NAVY.MIL/ OPNAV COVID RESPONSE CELL/703-571-2822/ OPNAV_COVID_RESPONSE _CELL(AT)NAVY.(SMIL.)MIL RMKS/1. This message supersedes reporting guidance in ref (b) para 4, and supplements reporting guidance in ref (a) for COVID-19 reporting only. 2. This NAVADMIN provides updated reporting guidance while the Navy continues to operate in a COVID-19 environment. All OPREP-3 messages sent related to COVID-19, will be reported as detailed in paragraph 4, and must include CNO WASHINGTON DC as an action addee as well as all addees required in ref (b) and required by Echelon 2 and 3 commanders. This message supersedes the reporting guidance in ref (b). The reporting guidance is significantly enhanced to better understand COVID-19 positive, suspect COVID-19 cases, and command actions at sea. 3. APPLICABILITY. This message applies to all Navy units responsible for service members, both active duty and reservists, and Navy civilian employees. 4. DEFINITIONS. To maintain uniformity and consistency of reports, the following definitions are provided. 4.A. Person under investigation (PUI): Anyone suspected of COVID-19, being monitored for COVID-19 without diagnosis by a health care provider or in close contact with a positive tested individual. 4.B. POSITIVE CASE: a positive COVID-19 test or diagnosis of COVID-19 by a healthcare provider. 4.C. RECOVERED: A previously reported COVID-19 positive case that is no longer positive IAW CDC or OPNAV guidelines. 4.D. RESTRICTION OF MOVEMENT (ROM): ROM guidance is updated in Ref (c). 5. COVID-19 REPORTING. Guidance below is for reporting to OPNAV directly from all Navy Echelon 2 and below commands. Reporting guidance provided by Fleet Commanders to subordinate commands is unchanged by this guidance. Paragraph 5.a. is for the Fleet Commander reports to OPNAV. Paragraph 5.b. provides OPNAV CCIR reporting guidance, definitions and guidance for all command reports. Paragraph 5.c. provides a reporting template and required information descriptions to capture required information. For CONUS commands, ensure points of contact (POC) continue to submit accurate and timely COVID- 19 reports to USFFC and OPNAV, with an information copy to the local installation commander. For OCONUS commands, ensure POCs submit accurate and timely COVID-19 daily reports to Navy Component Command/Echelon 2 Commander and OPNAV, with an information copy to the local installation commander. Given potential rapid escalation of case numbers and impact on readiness (especially underway), additional reporting is required. Navy commands will report the following through the chain of command and OPREP-3 ensuring both CNO Washington DC and appropriate Echelon 2 commanders are included: 5.A. Fleet Update Reporting. USFFC, COMNAVEUR/AF, COMNAVCENT, COMNAVSOUTH will report to OPNAV by 1500Q daily and COMPACFLT will report by 0100Q daily with the following information by Active-Duty, DON, Civilian, Military Family Member and Navy Contractors. Civilian employee authorized dependents overseas are counted in the dependents category. Midshipmen, drilling and mobilized reserves and coalition forces are included in the Active-Duty category. 5.A.1. Current Active Positive Cases/Total Currently Hospitalized/Total in ROM/Total Recovered/Total Deaths/Current total Persons Under Investigation (PUI). 5.A.2. Reporting the historical total number of cases is not required and is assumed to equal active cases plus recovered cases plus deaths. If this is not the case, highlight with a detailed explanation (e.g. Sailor previously reported as recovered but subsequently had a positive COVID-19 test (relapsed)). 5.A.3. Review past reports prior to submission. Any anomalies must include a detailed explanation (e.g. Starting on (date), one case was reported as a military dependent, this case is actually a government civilian and has been moved to that category for tracking, effective (date)). Do not resubmit past data, provide the correction going forward. 5.B. CCIRs. READ REPORTING REQUIREMENTS CAREFULLY AS THEY HAVE BEEN UPDATED SIGNIFICANTLY. 5.B.1. All commands will send OPREP-3 series messages to CNO Washington DC and parent Echelon 2 commands for all Military (Active and Reserve) and civilian (in accordance with HIPAA and the Privacy Act) members who test positive for COVID-19. 5.B.2. Each OPREP-3 will be formatted and contain the information in paragraph 4.C at a minimum, and each command will provide updates VIA OPREP-3 as information changes. 5.B.3. OPREP-3 updates are required for each change in status (e.g. admitted to or discharged from the hospital, placed in or discharged from the ICU, placed on a ventilator or removed from the ventilator). 5.B.4. Ensure the original OPREP-3 date time group is included in the references. 5.B.5. The OPREP-3 will be closed (FINAL) with the report of the individual as recovered from COVID-19. 5.B.6. Multiple individuals may be reported on a single message with a separate paragraph for each individual containing required information. 5.B.7. Commands with embarked detachments or subordinate commands shall be the reporting command for all embarked commands, clearly delineating the individual's home command. 5.B.8. If information is unknown for the initial OPREP, list as UNKNOWN and update within 48 hours. When reporting the time, use the actual time zone designation vice "L" indicating local time. 5.C. Template. The following template is provided as the body of the message with example entries for clarification only. If multiple Sailors are being reported in a single message, each sailor (or civilian) will have a separate paragraph. FM USS NAVY COMMAND TO CNO WASHINGTON DC INFO additional addees as directed by ref A UNCLAS SECINFO/U/- // MSGID/OPREP-3NB,USMTF,2020/USS NAVY COMMAND /011B// REF/A/DOC/CNO/31MAY16// REF/B/DOC/CPF/20MAR19// REF/C/MSG/CPF/121110ZAPR18// REF/D/VOX/ NAVY COMMAND /160415ZAPR20// REF/E/VOX/ NAVY COMMAND /160423ZAPR20// REF/F/MSG/ NAVY COMMAND /170400ZAPR20// REF/G/MSG/ NAVY COMMAND /180400ZAPR20// NARR/REF A IS OPNAVINST F3100.6J. REF B IS COMPACFLT OPORD 201 CH1. REF C IS PACADMIN 005/18 PERSONNEL INCIDENT REPORTING REQUIREMENTS SUPPLEMENTAL GUIDANCE. REF D IS INITIAL VOICE REPORT TO ISIC. REF E IS INITIAL VOICE REPORT TO CNSP COVID COORDINATION CELL. REF F INITIAL SITREP. REF G IS NAVY COMMAND UPDATED SITREP.// FLAGWORD/NAVY BLUE/-// TIMELOC/190400ZAPR20/HOMEPORT, STATE/UPDATE// GENTEXT/INCIDENT IDENTIFICATION AND DETAILS/ 1. COMMAND/UIC: USS NAVY COMMAND /NNNNN 1.A. COMMAND LOCATION: [e.g. EVERETT, WA, USA] Note: Command?s location: Port, City, State, Country or At Sea in [Geographic COCOMAOR]. Multi-crew ships report on-crew or off-crew. When underway, SSBN’S report only At Sea vice any other geographic information. 1.B. FLEET CONCENTRATION AREA AND NAVY REGION: [e.g. PACNORTHWEST, CNRNW] 2. DOD ID NUMBER: NNNNNNNNNN 2.A. RATE/RANK: [e.g. RSSN/E-3] 2.B. AGE: NN 2.C. GENDER: M/F 3. DATE INDIVIDUAL WAS DIAGNOSED COVID-19: [e.g. 15APR20] 3.A. TYPE OF DIAGNOSIS: [e.g. POSITIVE COVID-19 TEST] Note. Type of diagnosis: Positive COVID-19 Test or Diagnosis by a health care provider without a positive COVID-19 test. 3.B. DATE OF COVID-19 TESTING: [e.g. 1700T, 15APR20] 3.C. TESTING RESULTS: [e.g. POSITIVE 2000T, 15APR20] 4. REASON FOR PUI/CASE STATUS: [e.g. MEMBER TRANSFERRED TO MADIGAN ARMY MEDICAL CENTER ON JOINT BASE LEWIS-MCCHORD (JBLM), PLACED IN ICU AND PLACED ON VENTILATOR.] 4.A. ISOLATION BERTHING LOCATION: HOSPITAL (ICU IF APPLICABLE) OR HOME/BARRACKS. 4.B. ISOLATION START DATE: [e.g. 2000T, 15APR20] 4.C. DESCRIPTION OF SYMPTOMS EXHIBITED: [e.g. FEVER OF 104.9, FULL BODY ACHES, SHAKES.] 4.D. DATE INDIVIDUAL ADMITTED TO HOSPITAL AND HOSPITAL NAME: [e.g. 2230T, 16APR AT MADIGAN ARMY MEDICAL CENTER ON JOINT BASE LEWIS-MCCHORD.] 4.E. WHETHER OR NOT INDIVIDUAL REQUIRED TREATMENT IN ICU OR RELEASED FROM ICU: [e.g. YES. SERVICE MEMBER WAS PLACED IN ICU AT 0500T, 18APR20.] 4.F. WHETHER OR NOT INDIVIDUAL WAS PLACED ON VENTILATOR OR REMOVED FROM A VENTILATOR: [e.g. YES. SERVICE MEMBER PLACED ON VENTILATOR AT 0500T, 18APR20.] 4.G. DATE INDIVIDUAL DISCHARGED FROM THE HOSPITAL: 4.H. DATE INDIVIDUAL RECOVERED: 5. 14 DAY TRAVEL HISTORY: 6. COMMANDERS ASSESSMENT: [e.g. COMPREHENSIVE TIMELINE BELOW. MEMBER LAST ONBOARD 13APR20. WHILE OFF DUTY, MEMBER REMAINED AT HIS BARRACKS ONLY GOING OUT FOR ESSENTIAL ITEMS. MEMBER DISPLAYED SYMPTOMS ON 15APR20. AT 1630L, 15APR20 MEMBER ADMITTED TO ER AT PROVIDENCE HOSPITAL IN EVERETT, WA. MEMBER TESTED POSITIVE AT 2000L, MEMBER WAS EVALUATED AS STABLE AND DISCHARGED AT 2245L, 15APR20.MEMBER WAS ISOLATED IN BLDG 2028 NAVSTA EVERETT, WA. AT 1000, 16APR20, MEMBERS SYMPTOMS INCREASED AND TRANSPORTED TO PROVIDENCE HOSPITAL. MEMBER WAS PROVIDED MEDICATION AND STABILIZED. MEMBER WAS DISCHARGED AROUND 1300L, 16APR20. BASED ON FURTHER MEDICAL ASSESSMENT MEMBER WAS TRANSPORTED AND ADMITTED TO MADIGAN ARMY MEDICAL CENTER ON JOINT BASELEWIS-MCCHORD (JBLM) AT 2230L, 16APR20. AT 0500L, 18APR20, MEMBER TRANSFERRED TO ICU AND PLACED ON VENTILATOR AT MADIGAN ARMY MEDICAL CENTER. COMMAND ASSESSES CONTACT ON 13APR20 WITH FOUR SAILORS WITHIN SIX FEET OR LESS FOR GREATER THAN TEN MINUTES: HM2,GSM3, CSSN, CSSN. IT1 DROVE MEMBER TO PROVIDENCE ER THE EVENING OF 15APR. SAME HM2 MENTIONED ABOVE, DROVE MEMBER FROM PROVIDENCE TO BARRACKS THE EVENING OF 15APR20. AS OF 0900L, 18APR20, ALL FIVE SAILORS REPORT NO SYMPTOMS.] Note. Include how many additional members have been exposed (Contact, large gatherings, etc.) 7. IMMEDIATE AND SECOND ORDER IMPACTS TO READINESS: [e.g. ROM OF 1 OF 2 GENERAL CORPSMAN, 1 OF 1 MESS DECK MASTER-AT-ARMS, 1 OF 12 FOOD SERVICE ATTENDANTS, 2 OF 13 CULINARY SPECIALIST. ABLE TO CONTINUE CURRENT MISSION.] 8. MEDIA INTEREST: YES 9. FOR UNDERWAY UNITS ONLY (N/A for inport units) 9.A. 14 DAY TRAVEL SUMMARY: 9.B. TOTAL NUMBER OF CLOSE CONTACT PERSONNEL: 9.C. TOTAL NUMBER OF CLOSE CONTACT PERSONNEL AT WATCH / WORK STATION: 9.D. TOTAL NUMBER OF CLOSE CONTACT PERSONNEL DUE TO BERTHING CONFIGURATION: 9.E. DUTY / WATCH ROTATION: (E.g. 3 sections) 9.F. MITIGATION MEASURES PUT IN PLACE: 9.G. ACTIONS FOR INDIVIDUALS IN CLOSE CONTACT: 9.H. MEDEVAC / DEBARK INTENTIONS: 10. PRE-UNDERWAY ISOLATION / QUARANTINE INFORMATION FOR THE INDIVIDUAL (n/a for inport units): 10.A. ISOLATION LOCATION: 10.B. QUARANTINE START DATE: 10.C. QUARANTINE STOP DATE: 10.D. ANY SPECIFIC QUARANTINE GUIDANCE PROVIDED TO THE INDIVIDUAL: 11. ANY SHORTAGE OF MEDICAL PPE OR TEST KITS FOR ASSIGNED UNITS OR COMMANDS: 12. SUMMARY UPDATE OF COVID-19 CASES ONBOARD: [e.g. 1 ACTIVE CASE ONBOARD.] Note: Update on ships COVID-19 cases: (i.e. 15-total positives, 7-active, 8-recovered, no hospitalizations, DTG of related initial OPREP-3 messages and updates.) 13. POC: [e.g. CDR SAILOR/XO/(NNN)NNN-NNNN/XO(AT)UNIT.NAVY.MIL] 14. For questions on reporting requirements, contact OPNAV Battle Watch Captain at 703-692-9284 or BWC.PTGN(AT)NAVY.MIL. 15. RELEASED BY VADM P. G. SAWYER, DEPUTY CHIEF OF NAVAL OPERATIONS FOR OPERATIONS, PLANS AND STRATEGY, OPNAV N3/N5.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//