UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 291431Z APR 20 MID510001152670U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 124/20 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N7// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N7// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N7/APR// SUBJ/NAVY ANALYTIC STUDIES PROGRAM FY21 - CALL FOR STUDY TOPICS// MSGID/GENADMIN/N7/N72A// REF/A/DOC/CNO/CNO GUIDANCE FOR POM-22/NOTAL// REF/B/DOC/CNO/FRAGO 01/2019: A DESIGN FOR MAINTAINING MARITIME SUPERIORITY/HTTPS://WWW.NAVY.MIL/CNO/DOCS/CNO%20FRAGO%20012019.PDF// RMKS/1. This message solicits study topics for the FY21 Naval Analytic Studies Program (NASP). Sponsors requesting CNO funding for analytic studies via the NASP must submit O6/GS-15 level topic inputs to OPNAV N7 POCs no later than 5 June 2020, followed by final principal-endorsed inputs NLT 26 June 2020. a. The list of NASP study sponsors (drawn from Echelon 1 and 2 organizations) is provided at paragraph 10. Echelon 2 sponsors are responsible for consolidating and forwarding any inputs from lower echelons. b. Required information for study topic submissions is provided at paragraph 7.a.(1). c. OPNAV N7 POCs are provided at paragraph 12. 2. The NASP process described here represents a significant shift from the FY20 process, designed to instill greater strategic focus and prioritization of NASP-funded studies. As such, this message should be reviewed in its entirety. Additionally, due to COVID-19 mitigation measures the FY21 NASP process will be conducted virtually, as described below. 3. Background: The FY21 NASP provides central funding for analytic studies into research problems of strategic importance to Navy decision-makers at the Echelon 1 and 2 levels. 4. Strategic Focus: NASP study topics must be directly relevant to the CNO's strategic guidance, and must generate actionable findings on timelines that support key Navy decision processes. Sponsors shall specify in their topic submissions which CNO-directed strategic focus area(s) each study is designed to address. a. NASP studies shall be targeted primarily at the Key Operational Problems (KOPs), Key Service Problems (KSPs), and Leverage Points identified in CNO Guidance for POM-22 (Ref A). This classified document can be obtained from the OPNAV N7 points of contact listed in paragraph 12. b. NASP study topics may also be derived from CNO FRAGO 01/2019: A Design for Maintaining Maritime Superiority (Ref B), or may be designed to support the continuing development of naval service operational concepts including Distributed Maritime Operations (DMO), Expeditionary Advanced Basing Operations (EABO), Littoral Operations in a Contested Environment (LOCE), Operational Logistics in a Contested Maritime Environment, and naval contributions to Joint warfighting concepts. c. Explicit justification of each study topic's strategic relevance is necessary for a study's inclusion in the NASP, and will be a primary consideration in the study's prioritization among NASP candidate studies. d. In contrast to previous years' NASP processes, the FY21 NASP build will begin with a 1-to-n prioritization of study topics, rather than an apportionment of NASP funds across sponsors prior to topic approval. Sponsors will have the opportunity to review and comment on the prioritization at the working level prior to Flag-level review and approval. (1) Because this is a significant process change from FY20 and previous NASP cycles, each sponsor is guaranteed that their top priority study will be funded as long as it has a substantial strategic justification. (2) In addition, sponsors should identify any discrete, unique analytic requirements historically funded via the NASP for specific consideration in the FY21 funding prioritization process. Note that this does not guarantee funding in the FY21 NASP, which will continue to be predicated on strategic relevance as described above. e. Nothing here constrains sponsors' ability to fund desired analysis using their own discretionary budgets. 5. Decision Relevance: Sponsors must specify in their submissions what decision points their studies are designed to support. These decisions could include program milestones, budget submissions, planning for major war games, Fleet exercises and experiments, etc. In every case, the request must identify the target decision date and demonstrate the feasibility of completing the requested study in time to inform the decision. 6. Resources: The estimated funding level for the FY21 NASP is roughly $40M (subject to the ongoing PB21 process), including approximately $15M budgeted for studies executed by the Center for Naval Analyses (CNA), the Department of the Navy's Federally Funded Research and Development Center (FFRDC). 7. Timeline: The NASP timeline is designed to allow study execution to commence on 01 October 2020 upon availability of FY21 funding. Key milestones are listed below (subject to modification due to evolving COVID-19 mitigation measures). Sub-paragraphs list key actions and coordination occurring after each milestone and prior to the next. a. 5 June 2020 - Sponsor topic submissions (O6/GS-15 level) due to OPNAV N7 POCs (1) Prepare submissions using template available from POCs in paragraph 12. Essential elements of information include: (A) Study topic (B) Strategic focus IAW paragraph 4 above (C) Decision supported by study, (D) Rank order of each study relative to other submissions by same sponsor (E) Study classification (F) Rough-order-of-magnitude cost (G) Proposed analytic methodology (desired quantitative and/or qualitative approach, milestones, and deliverables) (H) Requested study provider(s). Note that Government providers (e.g. Warfare Development Centers) will be selected over FFRDCs, UARCs, and private contractors unless specific justification is provided. Consult POCs for additional guidance. (2) Upon receipt of submissions, OPNAV N72A (Navy Analytic Office) in coordination with N81 will prepare an initial 1-to-n ranking (flagging each sponsor's top priority as described in paragraph 4.d.(1)). This process will include an assessment of analytic provider suitability, analytic tractability (the study's likelihood of producing relevant results), and proposed analytic methodology. (3) OPNAV N72A will coordinate with sponsor representatives (via the Navy Analytic Working Group, or NAWG) to refine draft prioritization, refine inputs as required, and identify and eliminate duplicative study requests. (4) OPNAV N72A will obtain NAWG comments on draft prioritization prior to forwarding for O8-level coordination. (5) During this period, sponsors must prepare detailed Statements of Work (SOW). b. 26 June 2020 - Flag principal-endorsed sponsor inputs due to OPNAV N7 POCs c. 10 July 2020 - O8-level sponsor coordination initiated by OPNAV N7 d. 17 July 2020 - O8-level coordination complete (1) OPNAV N7 will review results of O8-level coordination and provide executive guidance to the NAWG for revisions and/or additional coordination via OPNAV N72A. e. 10 August 2020 - O9-level sponsor coordination initiated by OPNAV N7 (1) Sponsor leadership will be afforded the opportunity to provide executive comments and recommendations on the draft study list, including facilitation of Fleet Commanders' comments. f. 21 August 2020 - O9-level coordination complete (1) OPNAV N7 will coordinate adjudication of any unresolved sponsor comments. g. 1 September 2020 - N7 approval of final study list (1) OPNAV N72A will forward the approved list to sponsors, who shall begin the contract development process in order to enable execution beginning on 01 October 2020. h. 1 October 2021 - Commence execution 8. Sponsors are responsible for all aspects of study creation, contracting, SOW development, provider selection (in coordination with OPNAV N72A), and study execution. Funding will be issued to sponsors in accordance with the approved FY21 NASP. N72A will track fiscal execution and study progress throughout the execution year. Sponsors shall conduct in-progress reviews (IPRs) of each study at least quarterly and shall provide copies of IPR reports to OPNAV N72A. Keep OPNAV N72A POCs apprised of scheduled IPR dates: representatives from OPNAV N72A and/or OPNAV N81 may attend IPRs at N7 discretion. 9. Upon completion of each study, electronic copies of all study products must be provided to OPNAV N72A for population of an online repository, subject to any special classification requirements (approved in advance by OPNAV N7). 10. Sponsor list: a. Commander U.S. Fleet Forces Command b. Commander U.S. Pacific Fleet c. Director, Navy Staff d. OPNAV N1 e. OPNAV N2/N6 f. OPNAV N3/N5 g. OPNAV N4 h. OPNAV N8 i. OPNAV N9 j. Commander U.S. Naval Forces Europe/U.S. Naval Forces Africa k. Commander U.S. Naval Forces Central Command l. Commander U.S. Naval Forces Southern Command m. Commander U.S. Fleet Cyber Command n. Commander U.S. Naval Special Warfare Command o. Commander U.S. Navy Reserve Force p. Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Research, Development, and Acquisition) 11. Candidate Analytic Providers include Navy and other government organizations that can conduct analyses (such as the Naval Warfare Centers, Naval War College, Naval Postgraduate School, N81, and Naval Research Laboratory), FFRDCs such as the Center for Naval Analyses (CNA), MITRE, and RAND; University Affiliated Research Centers (UARCs); and private contractors. 12. OPNAV N72A Points of Contact: a. (Primary) Mr. Chris Griffith: christopher.griffit1@navy.mil; christopher.griffit1@navy.smil.mil; 703-693-8714 b. Mr. Carlton Hill, Branch Head, Analytic Studies: carlton.hill1@navy.mil; carlton.hill1@navy.smil.mil; 703-697-5420 c. CAPT Thane Clare, Director, Navy Analytic Office (OPNAV N72A): thane.c.clare1@navy.mil; thane.c.clare@navy.smil.mil; 571-256-9816 13. Released by VADM Stuart B. Munsch, Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Warfighting Development, N7.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//