UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 111354Z MAY 20 MID510001179582U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 138/20 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N9/N98// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N9/APR// SUBJ/CANCELLATION OF 2020 MULTI SERVICE AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL SYMPOSIUM// REF/A/NAVADMIN 0202/19// REF/B/DOC/JTR/YMD: 20170501// AMPN/Ref A is NAVADMIN 0202/19 announcing the 2020 Multi Service Air Traffic Control Symposium. Ref B is the Joint Travel Regulations.// POC/Jeff Dugard/CDR/OPNAV/LOC: N980A/TEL: (703) 695-8534, DSN 224// RMKS/1. Cancel reference (a). This NAVADMIN announces the cancellation of the Multi Service Air Traffic Control Symposium in Myrtle Beach, SC from 1-4 June 2020. 2. The event was to be held at the Sheraton Convention Center, 2101 North Oak Street, Myrtle Beach, SC 29577. Individuals should immediately cancel event reservations with the hotel to ensure no costs are incurred. All travel scheduled in support of this event shall be cancelled immediately through DTS or your DTS administrators. 3. This is a coordinated OPNAV (N98) and HQMC (APX) message. 4. Released by VADM J. W. Kilby, Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Warfighting Requirements and Capabilities (N9)// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//