UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 112007Z JUN 20 MID510001254497U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 166/20 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//DNS// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//DNS// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/DNS/JUN// SUBJ/ESTABLISHMENT OF DEPUTY CHIEF OF NAVAL OPERATIONS (DCNO) FOR WARFIGHTING DEVELOPMENT (OPNAV N7)// REF/A/DOC/EDUCATION FOR SEAPOWER (E4S) STUDY REPORT/DEC 2018// REF/B/DOC/SECNAV/5FEB2019// REF/C/DOC/DESIGN FOR MAINTAINING MARITIME SUPERIORITY 2.0/DEC 2018// REF/D/DOC/VCNO/13AUG2019// REF/E/DOC/FRAGO 01-2019/DEC 2019// REF/F/DOC OPNAVNOTE 5430/DNS/15MAY2020// AMPN/REF A IS RESPONSE TO THE SECRETARY OF THE NAVY-DIRECTED COMPREHENSIVE REVIEW OF NAVAL EDUCATION. REF B IS ACTION MEMO IMPLEMENTING E4S REPORT RECOMMENDATIONS. REF C IS 2018 NAVY STRATEGY IMPLEMENTATION GUIDANCE. REF D IS THE OPNAV N7 TERMS OF REFERENCE. REF E IS CNO GILDAY SUPPLEMENTAL GUIDANCE TO REF C. REF F MODIFIES THE OPNAV STAFF ORGANIZATION TO ESTABLISH DCNO N7.// POC/KEVIN BRAND/CAPT/LOC: WASHINGTON DC/EMAIL: KEVIN.M.BRAND(AT)NAVY.MIL/TEL: COMM: (703) 692-5146// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN announces the formal establishment of the Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Warfighting Development (DCNO N7). DCNO N7 is charged with advancing Navy Warfighting advantage in order to deter, dissuade and deny, or defeat adversaries. N7?s mission and functions follow three broad, interrelated lines of effort: warfighter development, warfare development, and warfighting corps development. Specifically, N7: a. Establishes and maintains the Navy?s strategy and communicates it with a single voice to internal and external audiences; b. Ensures that strategy guides navy-wide processes including CNO guidance to the POM, concept development, and the development of material and non -material solutions to our key operational problems; c. Aligns the Naval education enterprise with strategy, improves how the navy utilizes its flagship educational institutions, and selectively tailors employment of its most academically successful personnel; d. Advances warfighting development more quickly and effectively through wargames, exercises, experiments, tests, and studies; e. Empowers individuals to provide their insights and discoveries to drive necessary change; and f. Ensures a supply of warrior-scholars, leaders who are both superb warfighters and exceptional thinkers, to advance future warfighting development for the navy. 2. Background. In April 2018, the Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV) commissioned a comprehensive review (reference (a)) of all department of the Navy education efforts. In response to the findings and recommendations, the SECNAV directed the department to make its educational institutions directly relevant to the achievement of warfighting advantage (reference (b)). In support, CNO recommended (reference (c)) and SECNAV directed the creation of a new three -star led organization in the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations (OPNAV) to focus naval education on warfighting. Reference (d) articulated a vision for the roles and missions of the new DCNO position. In December 2019, CNO Gilday further directed that DCNO N7 should improve our ability to develop warrior scholars, warfighting ideas, and deliver warfighting advantage (reference (e)). 3. Reference (f) formally codified the establishment of the DCNO for Warfighting Development (N7) as an OPNAV principal official, effective 25 October 2019, with VADM Stuart B. Munsch assuming duties as DCNO N7. 4. The new N7 directorate is composed of the following divisions, with codes and functions as noted: a. N71 (Warfighter Development), with lines of effort (LOE) for education strategy and policy, fellowship and scholarship management, and educational institution fiscal management. b. N72 (Warfare Development), with LOEs for analytics, strategy, doctrine and concepts, and investment alignment. c. N73 (Strategic Warfighting Innovation Cell), manned by hand-picked, highly qualified active-duty and reserve-component officers (O4 through O6), civilian equivalents, and select enlisted personnel, nominated and detailed to run a framework focused on addressing the Navy?s most pressing operational problems. d. N74 (Warfighting Integration), overseeing the navy strategy panel to ensure our competitive posture and strategic alignment. 5. N7 has established a number of online venues to facilitate a collaborative network where motivated stakeholders can both learn about N7?s organization, lines of effort, and actively participate in ground breaking work focused on solving key operational problems. You are invited to join the conversation; communicate and collaborate with the team; and become part of the solution. Connect with us at one of the following initial entry points. a. On SIPR: https://intelshare.intelink.sgov.gov/sites/dcnodwo/ b. On NIPR: https://portal.secnav.navy.mil/orgs/opnav/N7/ c. On the N7 public web page: https://www.navy.mil/local/opnavn7 6. Questions, suggestions, and further information can be obtained by contacting opnav_n7_pao.fct(AT)navy.mil. 7. As the Navy and the nation enters a renewed era of great power competition against potential peer adversaries, maintaining and accelerating our warfighting advantage will require solving a number of key operational problems (kops)/challenges. These challenges span the full spectrum of conflict, from day-to-day competition to lethal combat. The DCNO N7 organization will enhance individual learning; accelerate institutional learning; and broaden and deepen our warfighting knowledge. Together, this will maintain our warfighting advantage ensuring that we can outthink and outfight any adversary. 8. Released By Mr. Andrew S. Haeuptle, Director, Navy Staff.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//