UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 171553Z JUL 20 MID510001443367U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 202/20 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N2N6// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N2N6// MSGID/NAVADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N2N6/JUL// SUBJ/2020 ANNUAL DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER AWARD CALL FOR NOMINATIONS// REF/A/DOC/DOD CIO/13APR2020// REF/B/DOC/NSWDG NSW/2019// REF/C/DOC/MNP/2019// NARR/REF A PROVIDES DOD CIO OVERVIEW AND GUIDANCE FOR THE 2020 DOD CIO AWARDS PROGRAM. REF B IS THE 2019 WINNING NAVY INDIVIDUAL SUBMISSION. REF C IS THE 2019 WINNING NAVY TEAM SUBMISSION.// POC/SALAZAR/CIV/OPNAV N2N6G/(571) 256-8248 /EMAIL: JOSEPH.A.SALAZAR1(AT)NAVY.MIL// RMKS/1. Department of Defense (DoD) Chief Information Officer (CIO) has announced the 2020 DoD CIO Awards Program call for nominations. This annual event, now in its 20th year, recognizes individuals and teams for exceptional achievements in delivering forward-leaning and strategically impactful capabilities and management practices within the DoD. The 2020 DoD CIO Awards Program will focus on excellence and achievements in DoD Information Technology and Digital Modernization in the following areas: a. Cybersecurity b. Command, Control and Communications (C3) Modernization c. Artificial Intelligence d. Cloud Computing e. Data, Accountability, Transparency, and Reform 2. Nominations will be evaluated on outstanding achievement in one or more of the six criteria areas: a. Mission Impact b. Innovation c. Improved information delivery and dissemination d. Management efficiency and effectiveness (better, faster, cheaper) e. Magnitude of cost savings or avoidance f. Broad user base 3. DoD CIO awards also include special award categories for excellence in Implementing Transition to Electronic Records Management, Information and Communications Technology Accessibility, and Cyberspace Workforce Management. These special awards have their own nomination format and evaluation criteria apart from other CIO awards. a. The special awards criteria are: (1) Achievement of goals and objectives (2) Impact and reach (3) Innovation (4) Management efficiency and effectiveness b. One winning individual or team will be named for each special award. Reference (a), the 2020 Annual DoD CIO Awards Guidance Sheet - Nomination template must be completed and submitted in Microsoft Word format. References (b) and (c) are the Navy winning submissions for individual and team from the previous year. 4. Strongly encourage nomination participation to recognize our fine Sailors and staff for the outstanding jobs they are doing and their many accomplishments. The nomination template can be located on the Secretary of the Navy SharePoint website page: https://portal.secnav.navy.mil /orgs/OPNAV/N2N6/DDCION/N2N6BC1/Enterprise_Efficiencies/Shared Documents/Forms /AllItems.aspx. 5. Please submit your unclassified best achiever nominations for individual and team efforts to Ms. Michele Boswell, shirley.boswell(at)navy.mil, no later than 31 July 2020 for processing. Nominations received after 31 July 2020 will not be considered and those submitted directly to DoD CIO will be rejected by the DoD CIO. 6. Award winners component CIOs will be notified and their individual/team will be posted on DoD CIO web page. Award winners will receive a physical honorary award (i.e. plaque or trophy). In addition, DoD CIO plans to nominate selected DoD CIO award winners to the Federal CIO Council to compete for the Gears of Government Award. The Federal CIO Council award winners will be announced in November. 7. Point of contact is Mr. Joseph Salazar, OPNAV N2N6G3 at (571) 256-8248 or email: joseph.a.salazar1(at)navy.mil. 8. Request widest dissemination. This NAVADMIN will remain in effect until cancelled or superseded. 9. Released by VADM Jeffrey E. Trussler, Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Information Warfare, OPNAV N2N6.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//