UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 241734Z JUL 20 MID510001488207U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 212/20 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//DNS// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//DNS// MSGID/NAVADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/CNO/JUL// SUBJ/2020 DOD OPERATIONS SECURITY CAMPAIGN REQUIREMENTS// REF/A/MEMO/SECDEF/20JUL20// NARR/REF A IS REINFORCING OPERATIONS SECURITY AND THE IMPORTANCE OF PREVENTING UNAUTHORIZED DISCLOSURES// RMKS/1. All Navy military, civilian, and on-site contractor personnel must complete Operations Security (OPSEC) training no later than 15 September 2020. Echelon II commands send reports of completion to Director of Navy Staff (DNS) POC no later than 15 September 2020. 2. Required Training. Center for the Development of Security Excellence (CDSE) OPSEC Training required by reference (a): a. OPSEC Awareness b. Unauthorized Disclosure of Classified Information for DoD and Industry c. Insider Threat Awareness d. Introduction to Information Security 3. Training is available without login or password at https://securityawareness.usalearning.gov/2020-dod-security-stand-down 4. In lieu of two of the CDSE training courses, Insider Threat Awareness and Introduction to Information Security, the equivalent Navy eLearning courses DON -CIAR-1.0-NCIS Counterintelligence and Insider Threat Awareness and Reporting Training and CSCS-COM-M02-118-CAI-v1-Information Security are acceptable. Both courses are available on Navy eLearning (https://learning.nel.navy.mil/ELIAASv2p/) with CAC login. Use your email certificate when accessing the Navy eLearning website. 5. This is a new training requirement. Courses completed prior to 20 July 2020 do not fulfill this requirement. If operational commitments prevent an organization from completing training online, notification shall be sent to the Echelon II commander via the chain of command. 6. Proper OPSEC is critical to protecting our forces, ensuring our mission success, and implementing the National Defense Strategy. Poor OPSEC may lead to unnecessary loss of life and mission failure and can mean the difference between our winning and losing as we face great power competitors. Sound OPSEC practices are critical to enhancing the Nation's safety, prosperity, and competitiveness. 7. Questions or feedback should be sent via e-mail to CAPT James Toczko at james.toczko(AT)navy.mil. 8. This NAVADMIN will remain in effect until 31 December 2020. 9. Released by Mr. Andrew S. Haeuptle, Director, Navy Staff.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//