UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 311443Z AUG 20 MID200000051917U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 239/20 MSGID/NAVADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/CNO/AUG// SUBJ/SECOND EXCEPTION TO POLICY FOR SMALL ARMS TRAINING AND QUALIFICATION CRITERIA AND NAVY SECURITY FORCES ANNUAL SUSTAINMENT TRAINING REQUIREMENTS// REF/A/NAVADMIN/CNO/071853ZAPR20// REF/B/DOC/OPNAV/12AUG2009// REF/C/DOC/SECNAV/31JAN2013// REF/D/DOC/OPNAV/28JAN2009// REF/E/DOC/SECNAV/20MAY2019// REF/F/DOC/OPNAV/14JUN2019 (NOTAL)// REF/G/DOC/DOD/18NOV2016// NARR/REF A IS NAVADMIN 101/20 EXCEPTION TO POLICY FOR SMALL ARMS TRAINING AND QUALIFICATION CRITERIA AND NAVY SECURITY FORCES ANNUAL SUSTAINMENT TRAINING REQUIREMENTS. REF B IS OPNAVINST 3591.1F SMALL ARMS TRAINING AND QUALIFICATION. REF C IS SECNAVINST S8126.1 NAVY NUCLEAR WEAPONS SECURITY POLICY. REF D IS OPNAVINST 5530.14E NAVY PHYSICAL SECURITY AND LAW ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM. REF E IS SECNAVINST 5500.37 ARMING AND THE USE OF FORCE. REF F IS OPNAV N4 LETTER 5530 SER N46/19U133246 NAVY SECURITY FORCE ANNUAL SUSTAINMENT TRAINING REQUIREMENTS. REF G IS DODD 5210.56 ARMING AND THE USE OF FORCE.// POC/CWO5 LUIS MARTINEZ/OPNAV N462/CNO WASHINGTON DC/TEL: 703-695-5526/ EMAIL: LUIS.A.MARTINEZ6@NAVY.MIL.// RMKS/1. Reference (a) provides guidance regarding an exception to policy on small arms training, qualification, and sustainment criteria and Navy Security Force annual sustainment training requirements, as described in references (b) through (g). Due to the continued impacts from COVID-19, this NAVADMIN provides an extension to reference (a) through 30 November 2020. The expiration time period for the required small arms annual qualification and semi-annual sustainment criteria in reference (b) and the Navy Security Forces annual sustainment training in references (d) and (f) are extended through 30 November 2020. Commanders shall continue small arms live-fire qualification and sustainment criteria, and Navy Security Force sustainment training, as applicable, to the extent possible within COVID-19 restrictions and guidance. Personnel returning to live-fire training shall be prioritized based on their expiration of qualifications, to minimize or eliminate the need for further extensions. 2. Applicability. Provided in reference (a), paragraph 2. 3. Exception to Policy. a. Small Arms Training and Qualification. Per reference (b), all personnel must requalify with live-fire annually. The expiration time period for small arms live-fire requalification/semi-annual sustainment may be extended through 30 November 2020; however, qualifications will not exceed a period of 24-months since the last live-fire qualification. Commands are directed to continue providing firearms safety and weapons familiarization, to include use of simulators for sustainment if available, within COVID-19 restrictions and guidance. b. Per reference (b), for deployed afloat commands, qualification /sustainment may be extended until two months after return to homeport. c. Per reference (g), extensions for live-fire small arms qualifications will not exceed a period of 24-months since the last live-fire qualification. Personnel who do not complete live-fire small arms qualifications within a period of 24-months will not be authorized to be armed. d. Navy Physical Security and Law Enforcement Program. Per reference (d), table 6-1, Navy Security Force personnel are required to complete annual sustainment training requirements. Reference (f) provides annual sustainment training requirements for Navy Civilian Guard Force and Auxiliary Security Forces. The expiration time period for all Navy Security Force and armed sentry watch-stander annual sustainment training requirements may be extended through 30 November 2020, with the exception of training in paragraph 4 of this message. 4. Required continued training: Commanders will ensure all personnel who are armed will continue to complete Use of Force, awareness, and acknowledgement training, stated in references (d), (e) and (g). 5. Exception to this NAVADMIN will be submitted to OPNAV N4 via the appropriate chain of command. Exceptions for reference (g), regarding the period of 24 -months since the last live-fire qualification, will not be accepted. Updates to this NAVADMIN will be provided as applicable. 6. Released by VADM R. L. Williamson, OPNAV N4.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//