UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 031843Z SEP 20 MID200000073016U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 244/20 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//DNS// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//DNS// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/DNS/JUN// SUBJ/245TH NAVY BIRTHDAY PLANNING ORDER UPDATE ONE// REF/A/OPNAV/16DEC2019// REF/B/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/261518ZJUN20// AMPN/REF A is OPNAVINST 5726.8C. REF B is NAVADMIN 180/20.// RMKS/1. 13 October 2020 will mark the Navy's 245th Birthday. The central theme of this year's 245th birthday and heritage week remains "Victory at Sea," which encompasses the Navy's efforts in battle during World War II. The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic requires a significant change to the traditional way of celebrating the Navy?s Birthday. As a result, there will not be a traditional Navy Ball. Alternative events are encouraged that are in accordance with COVID-19 protocols and references (a) and (b). 2. CNO and MCPON intend to produce a prerecorded video presentation that highlights Navy heritage, which allows us to flex our multi-media skillsets while incorporating Navy guidance provided in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Given the time constraints, our media team has maximum flexibility to coordinate schedules and location for recording and producing these presentations. The traditional events will also move to pre-recorded or live streamed video celebrations to include, but not limited to: a. The Navy Birthday Cake Cutting Ceremony b. The Navy Birthday Worship Service c. The Navy Birthday Band Concert 3. Execute Navy Birthday events in a manner that brings honor and respect upon our service while respecting the complications of the COVID-19 pandemic. 4. Fleet Commanders are requested to provide prerecorded video presentations that highlights Navy heritage in their prospective fleet concentration area to CHINFO by 02 October. 5. Command relationships. a. NHHC is the supported command. b. CNIC, CHINFO, COMRESFOR, and NDW are supporting commands. c. Additional coordination instructions and tasking to be provided by separate correspondence (SEPCOR) as plans develop. 6. Point of Contact (POC). a. NHHC POC is Alura Romero, comm: 202-685-6361, email: alura.romero(AT)navy.mil. b. CHINFO POC LT Clinton Ramsden, comm: 703-697-1922, email: clinton.ramsden(AT)navy.mil 8. Released by Mr. Andrew S. Haeuptle, Director, Navy Staff.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//