UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 092002Z SEP 20 MID510001710858U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC NAVY INSIDER THREAT HUB ELEMENT WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 250/20 MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N2N6/SEP// SUBJ/NAVY INSIDER THREAT AWARENESS MONTH// REF/A/DOC/NDAA/23DEC16// NARR/REF A IS NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2017, SECTION 922, ORGANIZATION OF THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE FOR MANAGEMENT OF SPECIAL OPERATIONS FORCES AND SPECIAL OPERATIONS.// RMKS/1. Purpose: To announce the Department of the Navy observance of Insider Threat Awareness Month in September 2020. 2. Protecting military, civilian and contractor personnel and their families from insider threats is a Navy priority. The Navy Insider Threat Program will use this month to promote insider threat awareness, develop trust, establish communication pathways, build relationships, and teach ways for reporting insider threat concerns. 3. Insider Threat Definition. As defined in reference (a), a threat presented by a person who: a. Has or once had, authorized access to information, a facility, network, person, or resource of the Department; and b. Wittingly, or unwittingly, commits: (1) An act in contravention of law or policy that resulted in, or might result in, harm through the loss or degradation of government or company information, resources, or capabilities; or (2) A destructive act, which many include physical harm to another in the workplace. 4. The Navy Insider Threat Program is an effective capability that allows the Navy to prevent, detect, deter, and mitigate insider threat risks from potential malicious or unwitting insiders. The program focuses on measures aimed at preventing unauthorized disclosure of classified information as well as deterring future workplace violence. 5. During September Insider Threat Awareness Month, the Insider Threat Program encourages Navy personnel to renew attentiveness in recognizing when coworkers demonstrate concerning behaviors. Early identification of personnel in need of assistance is key. The goal is to provide early intervention and assistance for individuals that may be in need or are experiencing great stress and hardship within their work or personal lives. Recognize the signs and report insider threat concerns to the Department of the Navy Analytic Hub at 703-695 -7700, insiderthreat.fct(at)navy.mil, or https://www.secnav.navy.mil/itp. 6. Counter-Insider Threat educational and training resources (i.e. posters) can be found at the following URL: https://www.cdse.edu/resources/posters- insider -threat.html and can be posted in common areas. The Navy Insider Threat Program has been sending out awareness materials for the past several months. Please be on the lookout as we continue to bring awareness of the insider threat to the Navy workforce. 7. The Navy will continue to support the national effort to counter insider threats. Keeping the workforce safe requires your vigilance and timely reporting of any suspicious activity or potentially threatening behaviors you may observe. This partnership is essential to our nation and its ability to counter the threat from within. 8. Released by Vice Admiral Jeffrey E. Trussler, Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Information Warfare, OPNAV N2N6.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//