UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 102127Z DEC 20 MID600050071280U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 320/20 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNP WASHINGTON DC/N1/DEC// SUBJ/IMPLEMENTATION OF NAVY ENLISTED CLASSIFICATION CODE N33Z IDENTIFYING NUCLEAR ENGINEERING WATCH SUPERVISOR AND PROPULSION PLANT WATCH SUPERVISOR QUALIFICATIONS// REF/A/DOC/OPNAV/15NOV16// NARR/REF A IS OPNAVINST 1220.1E, CHANGING OR REMOVING NAVY ENLISTED CLASSIFICATION CODES FOR NUCLEAR PROPULSION PLANT PERSONNEL.// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN announces the implementation of the N33Z Navy enlisted classification (NEC) code to document qualification as an engineering watch supervisor (EWS) and propulsion plant watch supervisor (PPWS). 2. N33Z is a secondary NEC that is awarded after a Sailor qualifies EWS or PPWS and will be used in conjunction with the Sailors primary NEC. 3. For Sailors to be assigned the N33Z NEC, the following is required: a. Submit a NAVPERS 1221/6 (NEC Change Request) signed by the commanding officer (CO), or reactor officer (RO) on CVNs, requesting assignment of N33Z NEC and the associated effective date in YYMM format. By direction signatures are not authorized. b. The *effective date* is defined as the year and month of the Sailors initial qualification of EWS or PPWS. The effective date shall be annotated in block 12 of the NAVPERS 1221/6. c. COs, or ROs on CVNs, must verify the effective date of qualification prior to submitting the NAVPERS 1221/6. d. For commands with multiple Sailors who are qualified EWS or PPWS, a single NAVPERS 1221/6 shall be submitted with an attached letter signed by the CO, or RO on CVNs. This letter shall identify the applicable Sailors names (last name, first name, middle initial), rates/ranks, social security number, and the qualification effective dates. *REF ATTACHED* must be entered in blocks 3, 4 and 5 of the NAVPERS 1221/6. e. No other documentation is required to be submitted to Nuclear Enlisted Community Manager (OPNAV N133D). 4. For all future Sailors who qualify EWS or PPWS, a NAVPERS 1221/6 shall be submitted to request assignment of the N33Z NEC. COs, or ROs on CVNs, shall verify the effective date is the qualification date and annotate the effective date in block 12 of the NAVPERS 1221/6. 5. Submit all N33Z NEC requests to OPNAV N133D via e-mail to bullnuke(at)navy.mil. 6. The N33Z NEC will be managed during re-qualifications as follows: a. Sailors shall nominally requalify within 6 months of reporting onboard a submarine or CVN. b. ROs on CVNs shall determine the appropriate requalification time periods for personnel to qualify PPWS for those who previously qualified EWS on a submarine or a Nuclear Power Training Unit. c. The removal of N33Z should be recommended by a CO when the Sailor fails to requalify in the allotted time described in paragraphs 6(a) or 6(b) and after failing to complete any upgrade programs. In these cases, the CO must also address the disposition of the primary NEC (NEC N1XO/N2XO or N1XS/N2XS) of the Service Member. The removal of the N33Z NEC does not require removal of the supervisor NEC of the Service Member for E-6 and below personnel but will result in removal of all nuclear NECs for E-7 and above. COs are required to submit a NAVPERS 1221/6 requesting removal of the N33Z. 7. The removal of NEC N33Z should be recommended when the CO considers the Sailor no longer suitable to carry out the duties and responsibilities associated with the N33Z NEC. In these cases, the CO must also address the disposition of the primary NEC (NEC N1XO/N2XO or N1XS/N2XS) of Service Members. The removal of the N33Z NEC does not require removal of the supervisor NEC of Service Members for E-6 and below personnel but will result in removal of all nuclear NECs for E-7 and above. COs are required to submit a NAVPERS 1221/6 requesting removal of the N33Z. 8. Points of contact: for all questions and concerns, commands and Sailors should contact OPNAV N133D at (703)604-5491/DSN 664, (703)604-5492/DSN 664, or via e-mail at bullnuke(at)navy.mil. 9. This NAVADMIN will remain in effect until reference (a) is revised. 10. Released by Vice Admiral John B. Nowell, Jr, N1.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//