UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 161940Z DEC 20 MID600050096472U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 329/20 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/DEC// SUBJ/CULTURE OF EXCELLENCE SIMPLIFY AND ALIGN// REF/A/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/121637ZNOV19// REF/B/DOC/DOD/20FEB20// REF/C/DOC/DOD/8MAY17// REF/D/MSG/COMPACFLT PEARL HARBOR HI/110156ZJUL19/NOTAL// REF/E/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/301310ZSEP19// REF/F/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/051546ZJAN16// REF/G/DOC/CNO/20MAY20// REF/H/DOC/SECNAV/1MAY18// REF/I/DOC/CNO/2OCT17// REF/J/DOC/CNO/24JUL17// REF/K/DOC/CNO/13AUG15// REF/L/DOC/CNO/26JUN18// REF/M/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/101920ZDEC20// REF/N/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/271513ZFEB20// REF/O/DOC/CNO/24JUN20/NOTAL// REF/P/DOC/CNO/AUG2019// REF/Q/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/091538ZMAR16// REF/R/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/181228ZJUL13// REF/S/DOC/CNO/14JUN16// REF/T/DOC/CNO/22JAN13// REF/U/MSG/ COMUSFLTFORCOM NORFOLK VA/271056ZAUG18/NOTAL// REF/V/DOC/OUSD/13AUG19/ NARR/REF A IS CULTURE OF EXCELLENCE (COE) NAVADMIN 254/19. REF B IS DODI 1322.31 COMMON MILITARY TRAINING (CMT); REF C IS DODI 2000.12 DOD ANTITERRORISM (AT) PROGRAM. REF D IS ONE LOVE ESCALATION WORKSHOPS PACADMIN 007/19. REF E IS OPERATIONAL STRESS CONTROL (OSC) POLICY UPDATE NAVADMIN 222/19. REF F IS U.S. NAVY INCLUSION AND DIVERSITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES. REF G IS DOMESTIC VIOLENCE INCIDENT COUNT-CONSEQUENT COMMAND ACTIONS NAVADMIN 004/16. REF H IS SECNAVINST 5340.7A FUNDRAISING AND SOLICITATION IN SUPPORT OF THE NAVY-MARINE CORPS RELIEF SOCIETY (NMCRS). REF I IS OPNAVINST 1740.3D COMMAND SPONSOR AND INDOCTRINATION (INDOC) PROGRAM. REF J IS OPNAVINST 5354.1G NAVY EQUAL OPPORTUNITY PROGRAM MANUAL. REF K IS OPNAVINST 1752.1C NAVY SEXUAL ASSAULT AND RESPONSE (SAPR) PROGRAM. REF L IS NAVEDTRA 7542 COMMAND RESILIENCE TEAM GUIDE. REF M IS THE CULTURAL CHAMPION NETWORK NAVADMIN 318/20. REF N IS NAVY INCLUSION AND DIVERSITY POLICY UPDATE NAVADMIN 051/20. REF O IS COE GOVERNANCE BOARD CHARTER. REF P IS GUIDE 13 - COMMAND FITNESS GUIDE COMMAND/UNIT PHYSICAL TRAINING (PT) AND FITNESS ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM (FEP). REF Q IS IMPLEMENTATION OF PHYSICAL READINESS PROGRAM POLICY CHANGES UPDATE #2 NAVADMIN 061/16. REF R IS IMPLEMENTATION OF NAVY SAPR PROGRAM INITIATIVES NAVADMIN 181/13. REF S IS OPNAVINST 6520.1A (OSC). REF T IS OPNAVINST 5350.8 USE OF HAND-HELD ALCOHOL DETECTION DEVICES. REF U IS 12-STAR MESSAGE: SUICIDE PREVENTION-THERE ARE NO BYSTANDERS. REF V IS DTM 19-009, FINANCIAL READINESS CMT REQUIREMENTS. RMKS/1. Per reference (a), the Culture of Excellence Oversight Committee (COE OC) has been reviewing, simplifying and aligning policies and programs that are duplicative or ineffective. This NAVADMIN provides a status report on this process and implements specific policy changes as a result of this work. In September 2019, the COE Governance Board approved the COE OCs recommendations regarding the 197 resilience related policies, programs, practices and processes (P^4s), with only 28 to continue as-is. Those recommendations that require policy changes and guidance are identified below, are effective immediately and will remain in effect until the guiding instructions and references, where applicable, are updated: a. General Military Training (GMT). The recent release of reference (b) has limited mandatory GMT to the following and will be reflected in subsequent annual GMT NAVADMINs: (1) Annual: (a) SAPR (b) Cyber Awareness Challenge (c) Counterintelligence Awareness and Reporting (d) Records Management (e) Suicide Prevention (2) Biennial: (a) Privacy Act (3) Triennial: (a) Anti-Terrorism (AT) Level I (Annually for first three years) b. Other Training: (1) Per references (b) and (c), Combating Trafficking in Persons training is required within the first year of service. Additional training remains an optional GMT subject to Commanding Officers discretion. (2) Consolidated Training: (a) Per reference (c), Active Shooter Training may be consolidated into existing AT Level 1 training. (b) Discretionary GMT Hazing Policy and Prevention training has been combined with Equal Opportunity, Harassment and Resolution Options. (3) The One Love Escalation Workshop is under review. U.S. Pacific Fleet commands have master trainers available in most locations to support discretionary training. See reference (d) for details. (4) Discontinued Trainings: (a) Pure Praxis (b) Per reference (e), OSC pre-deployment training and OSC for Families (c) Unit level Alcohol Aware, Course Identification Number (CIN) S-501-0160 and Drug Awareness, CIN CPPD-NADAP09-010 (d) Alcohol, Drugs and Tobacco Awareness, discretionary GMT c. Collateral Duties: (1) Echelon II and enterprise Family Advocacy Liaisons established in reference (f) are no longer required. Command- designated Family Advocacy Liaisons, required in reference (g), remain a requirement. (2) The Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) Coordinator should only be assigned for the duration of the fundraising campaign that may include pre- campaign training and/or post-campaign award ceremonies. (3) Per reference (h), NMCRS Active Duty Fund Drive (ADFD) coordinators and key personnel should be assigned only for the duration of the Secretary of the Navy ADFD. (4) Per reference (i), the Command Sponsor Program Coordinator and Command Indoctrination (INDOC) Program Coordinator collateral are a combined collateral duty. (5) Command Fitness Leader (CFL) Seminars were reduced 25% from 12 per year to eight per year, adding regional Fitness Coordinators to teach as well. (6) Command Training Teams have been disestablished by reference (j) and are no longer required. (7) Per reference (k), unit SAPR Point of Contacts (POCs) are no longer required. SAPR POC duties and responsibilities shall be included in the SAPR Victim Advocate (VA) responsibilities. Commands will appoint one unit SAPR VA as the primary unit SAPR VA responsible for ensuring the SAPR POC responsibilities outlined in reference (k) are met. Commands will have 180 days from the date of this message to transfer POC duties to the appointed Unit VA. (8) In alignment with best practices and, at the discretion of Commanders, Echelon II and III SAPR Officers may expand their duties and responsibilities to include other COE initiatives. d. Programs, practices and processes: (1) CRTs will manage the conduct of Human Factors Councils (CRTHFC), which will assess risk factors at the individual Sailor level. References (j), (l), and (m) provide additional guidance. (2) The Force Preservation Council (FPC) pilot lessons learned will be integrated into CRT guidance. The FPC will stand down and be managed as CRTHFCs in accordance with references (j) and (l). (3) The Strategic Workforce Action Group was disestablished by reference (n). It was replaced by the Inclusion and Diversity Practitioners Sync and convenes under the COE Working Group in accordance with reference (o). (4) The Strategic Workforce Council was replaced in reference (o) by the Inclusion and Diversity Council (IDC), comprised of senior Navy leaders and key workforce stakeholders chaired by the Vice Chief of Naval Operations. The IDC convenes semi-annually opposite the Chief of Naval Operations COE Governance Board in accordance with reference (n). (5) Per reference (p), disenrollment from FEP no longer requires a Sailor to remain in FEP until the next official Physical Fitness Assessment (PFA). (6) Body Composition Assessment (BCA) spot checks, introduced in reference (q), remain a highly encouraged best practice. (7) Barracks Roving Patrols implemented as a SAPR preventive measure in references (k) and (r) are discontinued as a SAPR program; however, they may be integrated into the base security programs if required by the base commander. (8) SAPR *first flag reports* mandated in reference (k) are no longer required. Other *first flag officer* responsibilities detailed in reference (k) remain in effect. Immediate Superiors in Command (ISICs) may require additional reporting or information if needed. Other *first flag officer* responsibilities detailed in reference (k) remain in effect. (9) Behavioral Health Quick Polls are no longer a program of record and were replaced by the Status of Forces Survey and stress- related questions in the Defense Organizational Climate Survey. (10) Per reference (s), OSC Governance Board has been disestablished. (11) Several competing substance abuse campaigns (e.g. *That Guy*, *Keep What You Earned*, *The Domino Strategy How to Drink Responsibly*, *Who Will Stand Your Watch?*, *Keep What You Earned* and *Prescription for Discharge*) have been cancelled and/or consolidated. (12) Reference (t), Hand-Held ADD Program, remains a commanding officers discretionary program. Reference (t) will be cancelled when incorporated into OPNAVINST 5350.4E to ensure commands that use ADDs have sufficient guidance. (13) Urinalysis testing. As a best practice and to reduce excessive administrative burden, smaller commands (approximately 80 authorized billets or less) are encouraged to join a larger commands urinalysis testing program. A memorandum of understanding or memorandum of agreement shall be signed by the two commanding officers in order to specify the responsibilities of each command. For further guidance, commands should contact their Type Commander/ISIC or Echelon II Alcohol and Drug Control Officer (ADCO). 2. The following 28 P^4s will continue per existing guidance: a. Training. OSC and Suicide Prevention. Conduct refresher training PRIOR to the end of deployment as required by reference (u). Note: E-OSC of reference (e) is currently in PILOT phase. b. Command Discretion GMTs and other Training Opportunities: (1) Combating Trafficking in Persons (CO discretion GMT) (2) Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) (3) Operations Security (CO discretion GMT) (4) Personal Financial Management (CO discretion GMT) Note: required at personal and professional touchpoints by reference (v) (5) Stress Management (CO discretion GMT) (6) safeTalk (sT) (Recommended, or a similar program, to be included in Command INDOC) (7) Operational Risk Management (ORM) (CO discretion GMT) c. Positional Responsibilities and Collateral Duties: (1) Command Casualty Assistance Calls Officer (2) Morale, Welfare, Recreation President (3) Command Fitness Leaders (4) Education Service Officer (5) Command Safety Officer (6) Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (7) Alcohol and Drug Control Officer (8) Suicide Prevention Coordinator (9) Motorcycle Safety Representative d. Programs, Policies, Information: (1) Motorcycle Safety Program (2) Motorcycle Mentorship Program (3) Graphic Novel Availability (4) CNIC Installation SAPR Drills (5) National Prisoner of War/Missing in Action (6) Suicide Crisis Response Plan (7) Personal Financial Management Program 3. In coordination with the Office of Civilian Human Resources, the COE OC is reviewing CIVPERs P^4s to better align our civilian requirements to our military requirements where feasible. 4. All future pilots require COE OC and/or Echelon 2 Commander review and approval before moving forward. 5. Leaders are encouraged to reach out to any of the POCs in this message and provide feedback and further recommendations to eliminate ineffective or redundant resilience related P^4s. 6. The policy changes in this NAVADMIN remain in effect until superseded by subsequent policy and/or formal changes to instructions. 7. POCs are CROCE, JOHN/CIV/USPACFLT/N17/DSN:315-471-3981/ TEL:(808)471-3981/E-MAIL: JOHN.CROCE(AT)NAVY.MIL// POC/CHAUNCEY, TERRY/CIV/USFFC/N1Z/DSN:312-836-0480/ TEL:(757)836-0480/E-MAIL: TERRY.CHAUNCEY (AT)NAVY.MIL// POC/MURRAY, MICHAEL/CDR/CNE-CNA/CODE/DSN:314-626-3681/ TEL:(+39)081-568-3681/E-MAIL: MICHAEL.P.MURRAY(AT)EU.NAVY.MIL// POC/YAVORSKI, THOMAS/CIV/OPNAV/N170/DSN:312-664-1094/ TEL:(703)604-1094/E-MAIL: THOMAS.YAVORSKI(AT)NAVY.MIL// POC/OBERLEY, MARK/CIV/NETC/N522/DSN:312-459-4884/ TEL:(850)452-4884/E-MAIL: MARK.OBERLEY(AT)NAVY.MIL// POC/GRIFFEN, CRYSTAL/CIV/CNIC/CODE/DSN:312-288-3161/ TEL:(202)433-3161/E-MAIL: CRYSTAL.C.GRIFFEN(AT)NAVY.MIL// POC: BAKER, JERALD/MCPO/OPNAV N17/DSN: 312-882-2487/ TEL: (901) 874-2487/E-MAIL: JERALD.D.BAKER(AT)NAVY.MIL// 8. Released By Vice Admiral John B. Nowell, Jr. N1.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//