UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 231445Z DEC 20 MID200000466470U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 337/20 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/DEC// SUBJ/FY-20 SUMMARY OF RETENTION BEHAVIOR, FY-21 RETENTION BENCHMARKS AND RETENTION EXCELLENCE AWARD CRITERIA// REF/A/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/121637ZNOV19// REF/B/PUB/BUPERS/17JAN17// REF/C/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/162058ZAPR18// REF/D/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/231840ZAPR18// REF/E/DOC/OPNAV/22FEB12// NARR/REF A IS NAVADMIN 254/19, CULTURE OF EXCELLENCE. REF B IS BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL CAREER COUNSELOR HANDBOOK. REF C IS NAVADMIN 095/18, BRILLIANT ON THE BASICS II PART A REVISITING THE BASICS. REF D IS NAVADMIN 100/18, BRILLIANT ON THE BASICS II PART B ENGAGEMENT. REF E IS OPNAVINST 1040.11D, NAVY ENLISTED RETENTION AND CAREER DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM.// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN announces the highlights for fiscal year (FY) 2020 retention behavior, outlines the FY-21 retention environment, provides FY-21 reenlistment benchmarks and updates the FY-21 Retention Excellence Award (REA) criteria. Additionally, it reemphasizes our commitment towards promoting a culture of excellence in line with reference (a) and the need to retain the best and brightest talent on our Navy team. 2. FY-20 Retention Behavior. In FY-20, the Navy achieved the following reenlistment rate attainment in Zones A, B, and C, which included Reserve affiliation: 69 percent for Zone A (57 percent benchmark), 76 percent for Zone B (67 percent benchmark) and 89 percent for Zone C (82 percent benchmark). The Navy was able to meet and exceed these goals due to retaining Sailors within both the Active and Reserve Components and because of a considerable decrease in Zone A attrition. 3. FY-21 Retention Environment. Building upon the retention gains in the last few years, the Navy remains committed to retaining the right talent and experience in the right pay grades and ratings. While we have grown over the years, some enlisted ratings have become overmanned, creating imbalances in the Fleet. As we move into FY-21, the Navy will make a concerted effort to provide balanced enlisted ratings and improve community-rating health across the Fleet. Part of this effort will include opening opportunities for Sailors to convert from overmanned to undermanned ratings. Leadership and engagement at every level is needed to sustain our level of retention, with a renewed focus on strengthening undermanned ratings and providing for expanded career progression opportunities for our Sailors. 4. FY-21 Retention Benchmarks. In order to retain the right talent, with the right skills, in the right rating, we must continue to keep the press on. Echelon II and III commands must meet or exceed the aggregate reenlistment rates and attrition target set forth as follows: Zone A (0 TO 6 Years of Service) 57 percent Zone B (6 TO 10 Years of Service) 67 percent Zone C (10 TO 14 Years of Service) 82 percent Zone A Attrition 4.5 percent or less In FY-20, our Navy Reserve team provided outstanding support across the Fleet. Our Reservists activated to ensure COVID-19 accountability reporting, filled vacant gaps at sea and special shore assignments as recruiters and trainers at recruit training command and so much more. The Navy Reserve team consistently and effortlessly supports our global efforts, therefore, retention through reserve affiliation is a key component to a successful Navy mission and will be factored into REA computations. a. As detailed in reference (b), Echelon II commands will align their recognition programs to support achievement of the FY-21 All- Navy retention benchmarks. b. Echelon II commands, type commanders (TYCOM) and immediate superiors in command (ISIC) will determine the necessity of waivers where command-level performance and personnel complement dictate. 5. REA. The annual REA is built upon the tenets in references (c) and (d), Brilliant on the Basics. The annual benchmarks remain the measure to determine commands who are brilliant on the basics of retaining the most talented Sailors in the Navy and their families. If commands meet the FY-21 retention and attrition benchmarks, which include Reserve affiliation cited in paragraph 4, they are eligible for the REA. a. Computation Exceptions. A zone with zero transactions at or before expiration of active obligated service (EAOS) will qualify as 100 percent reenlistment rate if the command has qualifying transactions in the other zones. Only two zones may be allowed to default to 100 percent. b. Loss transactions on a Sailor transferred from a command due to pending separation, medical hold or legal hold will reflect on the command the Sailor was last attached to in an accounting code 100 status. c. Commands must have at a minimum one zone of qualifying transactions to be eligible for the REA. Waivers may be considered on a case-by-case basis for small commands who have outstanding programs, but no junior Sailors. d. Requests for waivers of any award element in paragraph 4 must be submitted in writing via the respective ISIC or TYCOM with specific justification. Waiver requests must be signed by the commanding officer. Requests not positively endorsed at any level will not be considered. Waiver approval authority resides with Echelon II commands. e. TYCOM and direct reporting counselors will evaluate and submit eligible commands to their respective Echelon II commands no later than 1 December 2021. 6. REA Announcement and Recognition. Echelon II commands should announce their FY-21 REA recipients following consolidation of Echelon III and direct reporting command submissions no later than 31 December 2021. Following the announcement message, awardees may fly the retention excellence pennant or paint their anchor gold until release of the following fiscal year award message. 7. Command Information Program Review (CIPR). The CIPR and how well commands score remains a vital part of the Command Career Development Program (CDP). Its effectiveness is measured throughout the career of a Sailor, from entry level to transition. Therefore, conducting a CIPR as a self-assessment tool as well as through TYCOM and ISIC inspections remains a strategic imperative. For commands who demonstrate the ability to retain talent, those who earn the REA are exempt from a TYCOM and ISIC review, not to exceed 2 consecutive years. To ensure no degradation of the CDP, TYCOMs and ISICs must conduct spot checks on subordinate commands to include those exempted. Echelon II commands with TYCOM input will determine the percentage of CDP spot checks. A key component in running an effective program is the ability to access and transmit information. In line with references (b) and (e), it is vital that the command career counselors (CCC) have the highest level of internet access to accomplish mission requirements. 8. Career Counselor of the Year (CCOY). A key component of brilliant on the basics as detailed in references (c) and (d) is recognition. As a method to recognize those Sailors who play a critical role at every level of a Sailors career, Echelon II commands have the CCOY program. This program is open to rated Navy Counselors and collateral duty counselors. Each Echelon II command will publish program guidance via separate correspondence. 9. Points of Contact a. Manpower, Personnel, Training and Education, Fleet Career Counselor. NCCM(SW/AW) Latonya Luter, at (703) 604-5353/DSN 664 or via e-mail at latonya.luter(at)navy.mil. b. U.S. Fleet Forces, Fleet Career Counselor. NCCM(SW/AW/IW) Raymond Martinez, at (757)836-7780/DSN 836 or via e-mail at raymond.martinez1(at)navy.mil. c. U.S. Pacific Fleet, Fleet Career Counselor. NCCM(SW/AW) Susan Garrow, at (808) 474-5848/DSN 315 or via e-mail at susan.m.garrow(at)navy.mil. d. Career Waypoint Branch (BUPERS-33). Mr. Randy Miller, at (901) 874-2376/DSN 882 or via e-mail at randy.miller(at)navy.mil. e. Enlisted Force Plans and Policy Branch (OPNAV N132). Mr. Glenn Arrington, at (703) 604-5089/DSN 664 or via e-mail at glenn.arrington(at) navy.mil. 11. Released by Vice Admiral John B. Nowell, Jr, N1.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//