UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 051929Z MAR 21 MID200000637003U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 058/21 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/MAR// SUBJ/FY-22 ACTIVE DUTY NAVY NUCLEAR LIMITED DUTY OFFICER IN-SERVICE PROCUREMENT SELECTION BOARD RESULTS// REF/A/DOC/MANMED/20FEB19// AMPN/REF A IS NAVMED P-117, MANUAL OF MEDICAL DEPARTMENT.// RMKS/1. Congratulations to selectees of the FY-22 Active Duty Navy Nuclear Limited Duty Officer (LDO) In-Service Procurement Board. 2. For LDO selectees, read name, commissioning month/year. All appointments are effective on the first day of the commissioning month. Members are directed to verify their select status via BUPERS Online. Limited Duty Officer Ensign Nuclear Power (620X) Acker Britany A 1121 Bannister Sandra E 1021 Bartha Michael J 0222 Baumeister Christopher A 0422 Beaird Daniel R 1021 Bellis William R 0722 Bottoms Ethanallen C 1121 Brown Paul J 0822 Cameron Nathaniel R 0722 Campbell Zachary P 1221 Carey Travis D 0922 Carriger Nicholas B 1121 Clough Ian M 0822 Contreras Angel R 0422 Curran Jeffrey E 0322 Deangelo John J III 1221 Escobedoaguilar David 0222 Fairchild Robert L 0922 Free Tanawan L 0322 Fullmer Bruce W 1021 Garver Brandon K 1021 Gerhards Mitchell A 0822 Geronimo James J Jr 1121 Glover Roger S 0822 Gould Michael G 1121 Hanlon Devon T 0922 Henson Thomas C Jr 0922 Hernandez Joey E 1121 Herrin Nicklas A 0422 Jones Isaac D 0222 Jones Kyle J 0322 Kimmel Zachery L 1021 Majcher Patrick T 0722 Marchese Michael J 0222 Martinez Marcos A 0722 Mckinley Richard G 0222 Mitchell Devin E 0822 Nemeskal Adam M 0422 Oakes Timothy C 1221 Perezsalazar Armando E 1221 Rackleff Zachary A 0322 Shelton Justin L 1021 Smith Sean M 0722 Stephens John A Jr 1221 Tossey Aaron J 0922 Vick Samuel W 0722 Williams Jeremy R 1221 Wolbrueck Andrew J 0222 3. Each applicant should take pride in knowing that the superior performance documented in the evaluations reviewed by the board required the members to dedicate long hours in making hard choices to ensure only the best and fully qualified applicants were selected. I am confident that each selectee will justify their selection time and again in their new career as naval officers. Those not selected are highly encouraged to seek out a LDO in your area for advice on ways to grow professionally and improve opportunity for future selection. Bravo Zulu to all who were willing to answer the call. 4. This message is not authority to issue appointments. Frocking is prohibited. COMNAVPERSCOM (PERS-806) will deliver appointments to MyNavy Career Center (MNCC) Millington approximately 60 days prior to the commissioning date. MNCC will forward appointments to the Transaction Service Center (TSC) Great Lakes, who will distribute directly to the respective CPPAs. TSC Great Lakes will also process the conversion from enlisted to officer status for LDOs, for all commands other than those who have the ability to process their own (CVN, SPECWAR, etc.). TSC Great Lakes can be contacted directly at the below email address. 5. Commanding Officers are directed to: a. Notify selectee. b. Notify PERS-803 via official correspondence not later than 10 days following release of this message of selectees who do not accept appointment. Selectees who decline their commission within this 10 day period will be considered by the FY-22 Enlisted Selection Boards. After the 10 day period, PERS-802 will invalidate all FY-22 Active Duty Navy Nuclear LDO In-Service Procurement Selection Board selectees eligibility for the FY- 22 Active Duty Enlisted Selection Boards. c. Per reference (a), ensure LDO selectees obtain a commissioning physical within 90 days preceding the appointment month. Notify the Nuclear LDO Detailer (PERS 422B) upon completion. d. Hold execution of all permanent change of station orders in abeyance, if applicable, and immediately notify PERS-40 of members selection. e. Administer official physical fitness assessment (PFA) within 4 months of commissioning date. Selectees must hand carry test results to Officer Indoctrination School, Newport, RI. If selectee fails to achieve satisfactory medium, notify the Nuclear LDO Detailer (PERS 422B). Hold commissioning in abeyance until successful completion of PFA. f. Hold appointment in abeyance if it is determined that a selectee is no longer mentally, physically, morally or professional qualified or if they fail to meet current PFA requirements. Immediately forward documentation citing reason to PERS-803. 6. Nuclear LDO selectees who do not successfully complete a final technical interview will maintain their enlisted status and not be commissioned as LDOs. Technical interviews will be scheduled by PERS-422B and selectees notified via separate correspondence. 7. If a LDO selectees enlistment (including any extensions) expires after the date of appointment, they are not reenlistment eligible unless appointment is declined. 8. Each selectee should contact the Nuclear LDO Detailer (PERS-422B) for submission requirements with regard to personal information and history cards and inform PERS-806 of address changes to facilitate appointment delivery. 9. Points of Contact a. PERS-422B point of contact for Nuclear LDO In-service Procurement Board, issues/questions is the Nuclear LDO detailer, LT William Ruthart at (901) 874-3938/DSN 882 or email nukeldo(at)navy.mil. b. PERS-806 point of contact for issuance of oath and commissioning documents issues/questions is Ms. Shelly Hayes, at (901) 874-4374/DSN 882, or email at officer_appt.fct(at)navy.mil. c. MNCC point of contact for distribution of oath and commissioning documents is askmncc(at)navy.mil. d. TSC Great Lakes point of contact for oath of office distribution and conversion questions is M-GRLK-TSCEOPP(at)navy.mil. 10. Released by VADM John B. Nowell, Jr, N1.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//