UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 011500Z APR 21 MID200000759152U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 072/21 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// MSGID/NAVADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/CNO/APR// SUBJ/NAVPERS 15665I VERBIAGE CHANGE// REF/A/DOC/COMNAVPERSCOM/1JAN03// NARR/REF A IS NAVPERS 15665I, U.S. NAVY UNIFORM REGULATIONS.// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN is the first in a series of uniform policy changes aimed to enhance clarity, interpretation and application of uniform policies found in reference (a) by deleting subjective terms and phrases that lead to inconsistent application of uniform standards. Reference (a) is issued by the direction of the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) and carries the force of a general order. The policy guidance promulgated by reference (a) applies to all Sailors equally and regardless of their rank, grade, positions held, ethnicity or community assigned. The difference between male and female grooming policies is intended to recognize the differences between the sexes. 2. Background. During the summer and fall of 2020, the Navy conducted a review of reference (a), hair and grooming policy statements for racial bias. Additionally, a series of focus groups, working groups and interviews with Sailors were conducted to determine whether or not there was perceived or unperceived racism in the Navys grooming policies. Participating Sailors were comprised of paygrades E-3 through O-6, male and female, ashore and afloat, various communities and multiple ethnicities representing the Navys diverse demographics. The review of reference (a) and discussions with Sailors concluded that the Navys grooming policies are not racially biased, but various terms, phrases and definitions were found to be subjective and lead to misinterpretation. Additionally, Sailors participating in focus groups, working groups and interviews cited numerous occurrences of inconsistent application and enforcement of grooming policies based on the interpretation of terms and definitions creating the perception of bias. 3. In response to reference (a) review findings, Sailor feedback and recommendations received, the following update of terms, phrases and definitions in Navy grooming and appearance policies is directed: a. Faddish (delete term) b. Good Taste (delete term) c. Eccentric/Eccentricities (delete term) d. Complement the Individual (delete term) e. Complement the Skin Tone (delete term) f. Smartness (delete term) g. Conspicuous/Inconspicuous (delete term) h. Outrageous (delete term) i. Professional Appearance (revise term) j. Complementary Appearance (add term and definition) k. Professional Military Appearance (add term) l. Uniform Distraction (add term and definition) 4. The appropriate articles in reference (a), chapters one through seven, will be updated to reflect the verbiage update. Updated uniform policy changes are forthcoming and will focus on simplifying grooming and appearance policies to alleviate misinterpretation and facilitate equal and ready compliance and enforcement. 5. Reference (a) is continuously reviewed for policy applicability, accuracy, clarity and comprehension. Navy uniform policy updates directly support Sailor 2025 objectives to attract and retain the very best Sailors by finding greater flexibility in our policies and practices, including uniforms. Navy uniform policy updates are the result of Fleet feedback, command sponsored requests and direction from Navy leadership. 6. Questions regarding this NAVADMIN should be addressed to Mr. Robert B. Carroll, Navy Uniform Matters and Emerging Issues Branch (OPNAV N13X), via e-mail at robert.b.carroll(at)navy.mil, ETCM(SW/AW/EXW) Richard Baumert, Deputy Branch Head, OPNAV N13X, via e-mail at richard.baumert(at)navy.mil or ETC(SW) Ryan P. Cameron, OPNAV N13X, via e- mail at ryan.p.cameron(at)navy.mil. 7. Feedback and recommendations regarding uniform policy, uniform components and uniform availability are welcomed and can be provided via MyNavy Portal at https://www.mnp.navy.mil/, select Professional Resources, U.S. Navy Uniforms and *Ask The Chiefs.* Feedback can also be provided via the MyNavy UNIFORMS App. 8. Retain this NAVADMIN until policy changes are incorporated in reference (a), superseded or cancelled, whichever occurs first. 9. Released by Vice Admiral John B. Nowell, Jr, N1.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//