UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 171421Z AUG 21 MID600050895145U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 178/21 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1/N7// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/AUG// SUBJ/NAVY PERSONNEL AND PAY (NP2) SYSTEM DELIVERY PLAN PHASE 1 (DESIGNATION OF FUNCTIONAL ACCOUNT MANAGER (FAM))// RMKS/1. Command engagement is critical to the successful deployment of the new Navy Personnel and Pay (NP2) system. This NAVADMIN announces Phase 1 of 2 of the NP2 system delivery plan, requiring command designation of their Functional Account Manager (FAM) and the initial account creation for the FAM. The FAM is responsible for final approval of all user role requests in NP2, with the exception of self-service user roles; this role in the Navy Standard Integrated Personnel System (NSIPS) is referred to as the NSIPS Access Manager (NAM). In line with phase 1, FAM designation and account approval will be complete by all commands not later than 1 October 2021. a. Each unit identification code (UIC), to include Reserve commissioned units, must have a designated FAM. A designated FAM can, and often will, support more than one UIC. The FAM will ultimately act as the final approval authority for the remainder of the command initial user roles and should be an individual E5 or above or GS-5 or above. Ideally, the initial designated FAM will have at least 9 months remaining at the command. If that is not possible, due to the enduring nature of the FAM requirement, when a FAM leaves a command, a relief must be designated; this role cannot be vacant. b. To assist all commands, an NP2 Command Startup Guide has been developed with step-by-step guidance and user role checklists. Appendix A of the Command Startup Guide includes a sample FAM designation letter and the System Authorization Access Request Navy (SAAR-N) routing process. The Command Startup guide can be found on the NP2 Resources page of MyNavy Portal at https://my.navy.mil/np2.html. c. The establishment of the FAM user role will be conducted via the manual SAAR-N PDF method, which consists of the user completing a traditional SAAR-N PDF and routing it through the required offices at their command in accordance with the Command Startup Guide. A template of the SAAR-N PDF can be found in the NP2 Command Startup Guide. The request for FAM access requires the member to upload the approved SAAR-N PDF form with proof of completion of the current Cyber Awareness Challenge training and the member designation letter into the NP2 SAAR-N Request at https://np2.navy.mil to complete the application for the FAM user role. While the NP2 Command Startup Guide covers the processes listed above in detail, additional assistance, if required, will be provided through the MyNavy Career Center (833) 330-MNCC or askmncc(at)navy.mil. 2. NP2 System Delivery Plan Phase 2 is anticipated to be announced by NAVADMIN no later than October 2021. Phase 2 will guide commands through the steps to complete the NP2 command setup and organizational hierarchy and workflow processes. When NP2 goes live, all Sailors will have NP2 self- service accounts automatically pre-populated in their current UIC. However, anyone required to approve a personnel or pay action must have a higher level user role that will be covered in Phase 2. 3. MyNavy HR continues to transform the Human Resources delivery model. NP2 will provide personnel and payroll operations for all Sailors, active and reserve components and Midshipmen, and allow the Navy to transition from the Defense Joint Military Pay System (DJMS) to Treasury Direct Disbursing and provide for internal audit controls and financial management. Regularly scheduled enhancements will be made to NP2 over the next few years, as we continue to modernize and increase the system functionality for the Fleet. 4. A transition of this magnitude is certainly daunting. To accomplish it, we will rely on the cooperation of our partners and customers across the Fleet. That cooperation is paramount to our successful transition to a new modern service delivery which is key to the future readiness of the Navy. 5. This NAVADMIN will remain in effect until superseded or canceled, whichever occurs first. 6. Released by Vice Admiral John B. Nowell, Jr, N1.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//