UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 292122Z NOV 21 MID600051229095U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 272/21 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/NOV// SUBJ/PUBLICATION OF BUPERSINST 1610.10F (EVALMAN)// REF/A/DOC/BUPERS/06DEC19// REF/B/NAVADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/201449ZDEC18// NARR/REF A IS BUPERSINST 1610.10E, NAVY PERFORMANCE EVALUATION SYSTEM. REF B IS NAVADMIN 312/18, ADVANCEMENT POLICY UPDATE.// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN announces the cancellation of reference (a) and the publication of BUPERSINST 1610.10F, Navy Performance Evaluation System (EVALMAN). 2. Summary of Changes: This revision incorporates policy guidance contained in reference (b). The following new guidance applies with the updated instruction: a. Rescind a requirement for administrative change requests to be submitted within two years of the performance evaluation end date. b. Incorporates multiple changes as part of the introduction of eNavFit. The eNavFit interface consolidates the functionality of the current NAVFIT98A application with the Navy Personnel Command (PERS-32) processing capabilities into a uniform solution for the Navy. This interface is a functionality bridge and is not meant to replace or modify the performance evaluation process. The online and web-based solution allows users to create, edit, delete, route, validate and digitally sign reports. It also allows a reporting senior to group and process summary group reports. The online application is capable of receiving performance evaluation data from the offline version and will be deployed and operated within BUPERS Online (BOL) as the front end for Fleet users. The offline version uses adobe reader forms and provides many of the same capabilities as the online version. (1) Online performance evaluations submitted to BOL shall be digitally signed. The eNavFit user guide can be reviewed and downloaded at: https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/Career-Management/Performance-Evaluation/. (2) Offline performance appraisals submitted via mail (FEDEX, USPS, UPS, DHL, etc.) shall be wet signed using only black or blue-black ink. (3) Summary letters are not required for electronic submissions via BOL. (4) Personal data may be auto populated from the BOL server. It should always be verified for correctness. c. Incorporates changes in chapter 18 for mid-term counseling and coaching integration. Conducting mid-term counseling is not optional. (1) Introduces the term supervisor as coach to replace the previous terminology of counselor due to the guidance, support and direction they provide during the performance counseling session. (2) Introduces the term Sailor as performer to replace the previous terminology of member due to the member providing honest and candid feedback regarding gaps and opportunities for them to enhance their performance. (3) Authorizes the individual development plan (IDP) to be used as an optional developmental tool and to serve as a performance counseling record and growth plan. (4) Introduces addressing specific areas of performance improvement by demonstrating genuine curiosity and asking questions to guide the member to create an actionable plan. (5) Incorporates changes to the supervisors preparation requirements to include reviewing the members self-appraisal, determine any opportunities for development and to create a rough outline of meeting talking points and goals to discuss. (6) Incorporates changes to the members preparation requirements to include preparing a self-appraisal and preparing to receive both positive and constructive feedback. (7) Introduces three core skills to be used during a meaningful performance counseling session to include active listening, empathy and asking powerful questions. (8) Incorporates changes to the Guidelines for Supervisors to include the addition of five new steps titled: The Introduction, Engage the Member, Diving Deeper, Give Specific Feedback and Ending the Performance Counseling Session. (9) Incorporated changes to the follow-up/monitoring of the members performance counseling session to include the supervisor and member will agree to continue open and informal performance conversation after the mid- term performance counseling session has concluded. d. Incorporates changes to regular reporting senior for Navy Reserve Unit Personnel. (1) All members of Navy Reserve Units (e.g., commissioned/operational and readiness/augment) assigned to mobilization billets will be reported on by the commanding officer (CO) or officer in charge (OIC) of the unit mobilization unit identification code (UMUIC) effective 2 August 2022. Reports with a reporting senior signature from either the UMUIC or training unit identification code (TRUIC) will be accepted to support a transition period of 1 February 2022 1 August 2022. (2) UMUIC and TRUIC leadership will coordinate during the transition period to determine appropriate submissions/content, taking into consideration professional growth, development, continuity and member advocacy to minimize any/all disruptions related to officer fitness reports, enlisted evaluations and Navy wide advancement exam cycles. Members who are not assigned to a mobilization billet (e.g. who are in an in assignment processing (IAP) status) do not have an associated UMUIC and therefore the reporting senior will be the TRUIC CO/OIC. (3) The reporting senior for IAP members in readiness support units (RSU), formerly known as operational support units (OSU), and those in voluntary training units (VTU), will be the designated TRUIC CO/OIC or the Navy operational support center CO. e. Incorporates changes to concurrent reporting senior for Navy Reserve unit personnel. TRUIC reporting seniors shall follow procedures in chapter 4 to submit inactive duty concurrent reports on their shared cross-assigned members to recognize those who significantly contribute to their TRUIC billets via inactive duty for training. There will be a transition period of 1 February 2022 to 1 August 2022 and UMUIC/TRUIC leadership will coordinate to determine the most appropriate reporting senior for concurrent reports during the transition period. f. Incorporates changes clarifying the use and what can be included in the comments section for the *N* code, Block 20, Physical Fitness Assessment Code, for pregnant service members. (1) If using the *N* code because of pregnancy, no directed comment should be used in the performance comment section. (2) Do not quote from medical reports or summaries and do not include comments pertaining to medical issues (physical and/or psychological, e.g. pregnancy, post-partum, etc.) that do not affect the members performance of duties and/or his or her effectiveness as a leader. g. Incorporates reference (b) announcing reporting seniors shall incorporate their post summary group reporting seniors cumulative average (RSCA) score for E-5 and E-6 evaluations into Block 43 (Comments on Performance). This RSCA score will be on the last line of the comments. 3. For questions concerning these policy changes contact the MyNavy Career Center at (833) 833-6622 or via email at askmncc(at)navy.mil. 4. Released by Vice Admiral John B. Nowell, Jr, N1.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//