UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 151823Z DEC 21 MID200001326635U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 285/21 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/DEC// SUBJ/GOVERNMENT TRAVEL CHARGE CARD USE DURING PERMANENT CHANGE OF STATION LESSONS LEARNED// REF/A/NAVADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/241737ZJUN20// REF/B/NAVADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/061749ZAUG19// REF/C/NAVADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/171240ZJUL19// REF/D/DOC/DOD/MAY2021// REF/E/DOC/DOD/16OCT2015// REF/F/DOC/DTMO/MAR2021// REF/G/DOC/JTR/01AUG2021// NARR/REF A IS NAVADMIN 176/20, GOVERNMENT TRAVEL CHARGE CARD (GTCC) USE DURING PERMANENT CHANGE OF STATION (PCS) TRAVEL FULL ROLLOUT. REF B IS NAVADMIN 184/19, GTCC USE DURING PCS TRAVEL. REF C IS NAVADMIN 161/19, PCS MOVE IMPROVEMENTS. REF D IS CHAPTER 6 TO VOLUME 9 OF THE DOD FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT REGULATION (FMR). REF E IS VOLUME 4 OF DOD INSTRUCTION 5154.31, COMMERCIAL TRAVEL MANAGEMENT: DOD GOVERNMENT TRAVEL CHARGE CARD PROGRAM. REF F IS THE DEFENSE TRAVEL MANAGEMENT OFFICE (DTMO) GTCC REGULATIONS. REF G IS THE JOINT TRAVEL REGULATIONS (JTR).// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN reinforces policy set forth in references (a) through (g) and is intended to provide information and guidance to reinforce procedures for using the government travel charge card (GTCC) during permanent change of station (PCS) travel. This NAVADMIN specifically: a. Provides Service Members, command administrative professionals and command leadership teams with information on common and reoccurring issues associated with the use of the GTCC during a PCS move. b. Helps mitigate pitfalls and friction points associated with misinterpretation of policy and procedures for using the GTCC with PCS moves. 2. Reference (b) introduced the use of the GTCC for PCS. Continued analysis of program efficacy indicates program controls and procedures require reinforcement at all levels of engagement. 3. It is imperative that Service Members, command pay and personnel administrators (CPPA), agency program coordinators (APC) and command leadership clearly understand their roles and take actions necessary to help mitigate potential outstanding PCS travel debt. a. Commands are responsible for the timely processing of Service Members PCS travel claim vouchers. b. Individual cardholders are responsible for timely and full payment of their GTCC balance. 4. Accurate and timely submission of PCS travel claim vouchers a. In line with reference (d), PCS travel claim voucher submission is mandatory and must be filed within five working days upon arrival to the permanent duty station (PDS). b. CPPAs shall ensure PCS travel claim vouchers are submitted within five working days of arrival. The chain of command and the Service Member shall follow-up with their CPPA for status of their PCS travel claim voucher if not paid within 20 days of reporting to their PDS. c. GTCC accounts become past due or delinquent simply due to the *split disbursement* option not checked on the PCS travel claim voucher. To reduce the potential for late or insufficient payment to Citibank, CPPAs shall ensure *split disbursement* is annotated on the travel claim voucher or subvoucher (DD form 1351-2) and include the total amount charged to the GTCC in the applicable field on the form when GTCC is used for a PCS move. d. Incomplete PCS travel claim vouchers significantly impede the timeliness of payments and contribute to PCS travel claim voucher rejections. CPPAs shall verify all applicable blocks on the PCS travel claim voucher are marked correctly prior to submission of PCS travel claim voucher for payment. All signatures, key supporting receipts and documents must be submitted with the PCS travel claim voucher. e. Service Members are strongly encouraged to use MyPCS Mobile to promote accuracy and timely processing of PCS travel claim vouchers. As discussed in reference (c), tools such as the PCS entitlements calculator and the MyPCS Travel Claim Voucher are located in MyPCS Mobile under the Assignment, Leave and Travel tile. Access MyPCS Mobile on the Navy App Locker at https://www.applocker.navy.mil/#!/apps or MyNavy Portal website at https://my.navy.mil/. 5. GTCC account management a. Service Members shall check-out with the APC at the losing command and check-in with the APC at their gaining command to ensure the APCs have the Service Members cell phone number and e-mail address. Upon check-out, APCs shall: (1) Counsel cardholders on proper use of the GTCC and provide contact information for any issues experienced with the card while on official travel. (2) Verify the Service Members GTCC is active and in good standing. (3) Verify the credit limit has been adjusted to support travel and account is placed in mission critical (PCS/MC) status. b. Upon check-in, the gaining command APC shall: (1) Ensure the Service Members GTCC is added to their hierarchy. (2) Advise the cardholder to update their contact information and address in Citimanager. If the cardholder does not have a Citimanager account, the APC should make the necessary changes or assist the cardholder in creating an account. (3) Advise cardholders to split-disburse their PCS travel claim voucher and review their GTCC statement to ensure the card balance is zero at final settlement. c. APCs shall maintain purview over Service Members accounts, however, Service Members must self-register on https://home.cards.citidirect.com/CommercialCard/login for access to Citimanager in order to view their expenditures and to receive online GTCC statements. d. To ensure the GTCC is paid in full, upon PCS travel claim voucher liquidation Service Members shall review their Travel Advice of Payment in MyPay. If the split payment was not applied, zero (00) dollars will be reflected under the *GOVT charge card payment* and the Service Member must ensure the total card balance is paid. If split disbursement was applied but the *GOVT charge card payment* reflects an amount lesser than the total amount charged to the card, the Service Member must pay the remaining card balance. To prevent financial hardship, Service Members must not spend the funds dispersed to an individual bank account without first ensuring the amount is correct and the GTCC balance is paid in full. 6. Mission Critical - PCS (MC/PCS) status a. Accounts are placed in a MC/PCS status while a Service Member is traveling to their new PDS. MC/PCS status protects the Service Member from any payments being due on the GTCC until 60 days after reporting to the ultimate PDS. b. Citibank program limitations only allow accounts to be in a MC/PCS status for 120 days at a time. Most accounts will be placed in a MC/PCS status only for the duration of the travel time from PDS to PDS which may be less than 120 days total. c. To prevent the Citibank bill from being due prior to the member reporting to their PDS, Service Members experiencing travel delays or with orders with travel in excess of 120 days must contact their detaching command APC or the MyNavy Career Center (MNCC) at 833-330-MNCC or 901-874-MNCC to have their MC/PCS status extended. d. APCs and MNCC shall provide Service Members with their MC/PCS status expiration date. Failure to extend the account in MC/PCS status may result in the Service Member being placed in a past due or delinquent status and ultimately lead to loss of GTCC privileges and potential damage to personal credit rating. 7. As discussed in reference (b) and to prevent overpayment and indebtedness, travel advances shall not be authorized for Service Members using the GTCC during their PCS except to support non- concurrent travel of dependents. If dislocation allowance (DLA) is received as an advance, then the GTCC shall not be used for DLA expenses. 8. As with any new program, awareness of applicable regulations, education and training are paramount to mitigate stress on Service Members and their families who choose to serve in the Navy. Command leadership must implement PCS travel claim voucher submission best practices to ensure their Service Members remain at high levels of operational readiness. All Service Members who used their GTCC for PCS travel or commands who processed PCS travel claim vouchers with GTCC use are encouraged to provide feedback via the following link at https://surveys.max.gov/737856?lang=en. 9. Adherence to the guidance contained herein can eliminate or mitigate any unnecessary stress on Sailors using the GTCC for their PCS move. Active involvement at the command level is paramount to assist Sailors with the familiarization of this process, timely liquidation of travel claims and reducing past-due or account delinquencies. 10. This NAVADMIN will remain in effect until superseded or canceled, whichever occurs first. 11. Released by Vice Admiral John B. Nowell, Jr, N1.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//