UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 061639Z JAN 22 MID600051392937U FM CHINFO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 005/22 SUBJ/2022 NAVY COMMUNITY OUTREACH PLAN// REF/A/DOC/OSD/20SEP21/-/NOTAL// REF/B/DOC/OPNAV/16DEC19// REF/C/NAVADMIN/24JUN16// REF/D/DOC/OSD/29OCT21/-/NOTAL// NARR/REF (A) IS ATSD MEMO ISSUING DOD 2022 PUBLIC AFFAIRS COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT PLAN. REF (B) IS OPNAVINST 5726.8C, OUTREACH: AMERICAS NAVY, AND ESTABLISHES NAVY COMMUNITY OUTREACH REQUIREMENTS. REF (C) IS NAVADMIN 148/16 ANNOUNCING THE AMERICAN CONNECTIONS PROGRAM. REF (D) IS DOD GUIDANCE FOR COVID-19. POC/ROB NEWELL/CIV/CHINFO/LOC: WASHINGTON, DC/TEL (703) 614-1879 /EMAIL: ROBERT.D.NEWELL.CIV(AT)US.NAVY.MIL// 1. In support of references (a) through (d), this NAVADMIN issues implementation guidance and tasks support for the Navy's Community Outreach Program for 2022. 2. The second half of 2021 saw the return of in-person community outreach. Navy Weeks; Navy Demonstration Team Performances; Executive Engagements Visits; San Francisco Fleet Week; and visits by surface ship, aircraft carrier and submarine crews to their namesake cities were safely executed while staying in compliance with HPCON, CDC, and local civilian authority COVID guidelines. Per reference (d), commands are required to follow the same approach in 2022. In the event public health measures restrict face-to-face engagements, commands are once again encouraged to engage the public virtually using existing IT platforms. The following is provided to guide commands in both their in-person and virtual community outreach efforts. 3. Data. National Surveys continue to show a growing overall understanding of the Navy’s importance to national security, but demographic disparities exist. a. 28 PCT of Americans now say the Navy is the most important service to our countrys national security, the highest number amongst the services. b. This rise has not been proportionate across demographics: 38 PCT of 18-29 year-old men view the Navy as most important compared to just 12 PCT of women from the same demographic. In the 30-39 year-old demographic the disparity is also significant with 35 PCT of men viewing the Navy as most important compared to 16 PCT of women. c. While 72 PCT of Americans view the Navy favorably, just 51 PCT of adults under 30 do, with the number even lower amongst 18-29 year-old women at 44 PCT. d. 57 PCT of 18-29 year-old men say they know some or a lot about the Navy compared to 26 PCT of women in that same age group. e. Similar disparities also exist when segmented for race. 19 PCT of African Americans view the Navy as most important to national security while 25 PCT of Hispanics do. 66 PCT of African Americans and 66 PCT of Hispanics view the Navy favorably. 4. Goal. Continue to increase the number of Americans who understand the Navy’s importance to national security. 5. Objectives. a. Ensure 50 PCT of all community outreach engagements focus on 13-29 year olds and 50 PCT of all engagements within this age group focus on young women and young people of color. b. Increase the number of women under 30 who view the Navy as most important to national security from 12 PCT to 17 PCT. c. Increase the number of women under 30 who view the Navy favorably from 44 PCT to 49 PCT. d. Increase the number of African Americans who view the Navy as most important to national security from 19 PCT to 24 PCT. e. Increase the number of Hispanic Americans who view the Navy as most important to national security from 25 PCT to 28 PCT. 6. Reference (a) has authorized the following community outreach programs for Calendar Year 2022 (CY22): a. Eight Fleet Weeks. Tasking and responsibilities for these events will be provided SEPCOR by cognizant operational and regional commanders. In order to best meet Fleet Week Community Outreach requirements, commanders are encouraged to provide a minimum of the following ships: one LHA/LHD/LSD; two DDGs; one LCS. (1) (East Coast) New Orleans, LA; Port Everglades, FL; New York City; Baltimore, MD. (2) (West Coast) Los Angeles, CA; San Francisco, CA; Seattle, WA; Portland, OR. b. 15 Navy Weeks. (1) Mobile, AL, 21 FEB 1 MAR (2) Savannah, GA, 14 - 20 MAR (3) Tampa, FL, 21 - 27 MAR (4) Trenton, NJ, 2 - 9 MAY (5) Richmond, VA, 16 - 22 MAY (6) Memphis, TN, 13 - 19 JUN (7) Detroit, MI, 11 - 17 JUL (8) Milwaukee, WI, 18 - 24 JUL (9) Dayton, OH, 25 - 31 JUL (10) San Jose, CA, 15 - 21 AUG (11) Albuquerque, NM, 12 - 18 SEP (12) Reno, NV, 26 SEP 2 OCT (13) Charleston, WV, 10 - 16 OCT (14) Houston, TX, 24 - 30 OCT (15) Atlanta, GA, 31 OCT 6 NOV c. Per reference (b), the Navy Week program is a community outreach requirement, led by the Navy Office of Community Outreach (NAVCO), and is designed to provide Americans around the country with the opportunity to personally connect with their Navy. As such, principal stakeholders identified in reference (b), as well as subordinate commands specified in subsequent tasking, will support the 2022 Navy Week campaign to the maximum extent operational schedules allow. d. The American Connections program, announced in reference (c), will continue to be a prominent component of the Navy 2022 community outreach strategy. Managed by NAVCO, it was established to share the Navy story with media across the country serving markets that generally do not receive Navy news and information. In 2022, the program will include the following elements: (1) Media production visits. NAVCO deploys production teams to commands to produce feature stories and accompanying photos of assigned Sailors, which are provided to media outlets where those Sailors have local connections. NAVCO is planning 10-15 Media Production Visits in 2022 in support of key Navy communication priorities and programs. If travel is not feasible, NAVCO will work with commands to conduct remote media production visits. In accordance with reference (b), commands are required to support media production visits from NAVCO. Expected areas of focus for 2022 include: (a) Centennial of U.S. Navy Aircraft Carrier (b) Undersea Warfare (c) Strategic Deterrence/Ohio Replacement (d) Surface Readiness/Shipbuilding (2) Media advisory service. Commands are encouraged to continue highlighting their Sailors awards, promotions, retirements, changes of command and other recognition by emailing content to navyoutreach.civ(at)us.navy.mil. NAVCO shares with media where Sailors have local connections and provides links to commands so Sailors can share with family and friends. (3) Fleet-produced content sharing service. Every day, commands throughout the Navy produce hundreds of stories and photos featuring the professionalism of our Sailors and the accomplishments of Navy commands. NAVCO provides these stories and photos to media where Sailors have local connections and to media with ties to namesake units. In accordance with reference (b), commanding officers are encouraged to, "ensure all internally produced media products for public release include local connections for any Sailors identified in stories and photos." (4) Radio shoutout service. A toll-free telephone service (1-855-OUR -NAVY or 1-855-687-6289) is available for Sailors to record a short greeting, which is shared with radio stations where Sailors have local connections. Greetings can be submitted in conjunction with a holiday or observance, such as Independence Day, Veterans Day, etc. Greetings can also be sent from Sailors, or namesake units, to offer support to their home teams participating in major sporting events. Throughout the year, Sailors can share shoutouts to commemorate milestones such as birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, etc. Those wishing to be notified of shoutout opportunities can e-mail navyoutreach(at)navy.mil. e. Naval Aviation Outreach. Naval Aviation Outreach is particularly effective, in that it has the unique ability to bring a primary warfighting platform to inland markets. The following Naval Aviation Outreach activities are authorized in 2022 when HPCON levels and CDC/local authority health guidelines warrant: (1) 34 full Blue Angels performances. (2) 70 Navy Parachute Team (Leap Frogs) performances. (3) Six Navy Hosted Air Shows/Open Houses: NAF El Centro, CA; NAS New Orleans, LA; USNA, Annapolis, MD; NAS Oceana, VA; NAS Jacksonville, FL; NAS Pensacola, FL. These events are authorized to have aerial demonstrations by aviation assets organic to the installation. (4) 42 TACAIRDEMO performances/Legacy Flights at Chief of Information (CHINFO)-authorized air shows at which the Blue Angels are not performing. (5) Aircraft static displays at CHINFO-authorized air shows and other events. (6) 50 flyovers (two aircraft maximum unless authorized by CHINFO), equally divided between East and West Coast aviation assets, at CHINFO -authorized events. Sporting events are permitted one regular season and one post-season flyover at home games or matches, unless otherwise approved by CHINFO. Requests are submitted to NAVCO using DD Form 2535, reviewed by the Aviation Outreach Working Group (AOWG) consisting of representatives from CNAL,CNAP, NAVCO and CHINFO, before being forwarded up to CHINFO for final approval. (7) Aviation outreach support that falls into the following categories is not subject to limits specified in reference (a): (a) Military services retain operational authority over support for funeral and memorial service flyovers, which are not considered community outreach events. (b) Flyovers for ceremonies and other events intended primarily for an internal audience are not considered outreach events and may be conducted with TYCOM approval. This includes U.S. Naval Academy events. (c) Aviation outreach support, to include flyovers, at CHINFO -authorized events in the local area are permitted when it is deemed by the local or regional commander to be in the interest of maintaining good relations with key community partners and organizations. f. 14 Continental United States Port Visits. From an outreach perspective, there is no more effective means to showcase the Navy's capabilities and its talented Sailors than allowing Americans to visit a ship or submarine: (1) (East Coast) eight cities TBD. (2) (West Coast) six cities TBD. (3) Other port visits conducted primarily for training or operational purposes are not subject to limits specified in reference (a). Per reference (b), the following elements should be incorporated into every community outreach port visit SOE: (a) Media day (pierside press availability and a shipboard tour). (b) Very important person (VIP) reception. (c) VIP tours for local civic and community leaders. (d) The maximum amount of public visitation possible to the extent that time and force protection restrictions permit. (e) Two or more community relations projects, such as beach clean -ups, Habitat for Humanity, school visits, etc., with appropriate media coverage. g. Civic and Executive Outreach. Reference (b) approves dedicated community outreach travel for non-governmental organization, civic and executive outreach. (1) 25 Executive Outreach Visits. Suggested cities for FY2022 include, but are not limited to, Kansas City, MO; Salt Lake City, UT; Tri- Cities, TN; San Antonio, TX; Madison, WI; Buffalo, NY; Boise, ID; Helena, MT; Pierre, SD; Little Rock, AR; Long Island, NY; Chicago, IL; Columbus, OH; Louisville, KY; Grand Forks, ND; Grand Junction, CO; Omaha, NE; Philadelphia, PA; Tucson, AZ; Waco, TX; Fort Worth, TX; Athens, GA; Idaho Falls, ID. NAVCO administers the Navy's Executive Engagement Visit (EEV) program for Flag Officers, SES civilians and Post-Deployment Commanding Officers conducting in-person multi-day or virtual outreach engagements in U.S. cities. NAVCO will coordinate itineraries for participating Navy leaders to include engagements with corporate executives, government officials, education leaders, civic groups, veterans organizations, diversity organizations and media. As an extension of the EEV program, NAVCO will also conduct outreach engagement visits for post-deployment commanding officers. NAVCO welcomes flag officers, SES civilians and post-deployment commanding officers who are interested in conducting outreach to areas of the United States not mentioned above where they have close personal ties. (2) Per reference (b), travel by Flag Officers, SES civilians and members of the command triad outside the local area to participate in community outreach and other representational events that demonstrably help achieve the Navy's mission are authorized and will be considered essential official business in the governments interest. (3) Navy Community Ambassador Program. The Navy Community Ambassador Program stood up in September 2021 to develop a network of non-DoD civilian community leaders who understand the strategic communication challenges facing the Navy, and who can present engagement opportunities made possible by their experience, connections, and audiences. The first seven ambassadors joined the program in 2021 to represent D.C., Virginia, and Maryland. In 2022, the program aims to add additional ambassadors to the program who have access to audiences comprised of young women and communities of color, for both in-person and digital engagement. Those wishing to nominate an ambassador or learn more about the program can e-mail katryn.a.mccalment.ctr(at)us.navy.mil. h. Ship and submarine namesake crew visits. One of the most effective means to connect Americans with their Navy is through strong and enduring namesake unit relationships. In addition to the requirements specified for the Navy Week program referenced above, reference (a) approves visits by crewmembers of the following ships and submarines with namesake ties to their namesake city or state: USS Kidd, USS Charleston, USS Omaha, USS Pearl Harbor,USS Cincinnati, USS Mobile Blue, USS John S McCain, USS Somerset, USS Princeton, USS Michael Murphy, USS Mobile Bay, USS Oakland, USS Kansas City, USS Montgomery, USS Portland, USS Anchorage, USS Essex, USS Gonzalez, USS Bainbridge, USS San Antonio, USS Vicksburg, USS Porter, USS Laboon, USS St. Louis, USS Little Rock, USS Wichita, USS Paul Ignatius, USS San Jacinto, USS Lassen, USS Mason, USS Farragut, USS Arlington, USS Ronald Reagan. i. Navy Band tours and ceremonial unit performances. U.S. Navy Band and Fleet Band Activities will oversee and collect all community outreach measurement guidelines as detailed in reference (a). Reference (a) approves the following: (1) Fall/spring/summer tours (2) Fleet/regional band performances (3) U.S. Navy Band international performances (a) Singapore International Band Festival, July 2022 (b) Norwegian Military Tattoo, Oslo, Norway, September 2022 (4) International and Midwest Band and Orchestra clinic (5) Navy Band public outreach concerts (6) Concerts outside the NCR (7) Large public concerts (DC Concerts on the Ave/Christmas concert) (8) Ceremonial Guard: Parade outside of NCR/seven Navy Weeks j. Social Media and Emerging Trends Outreach. Social Media remains a growing component of the Navy 2022 community outreach strategy. A separate department, managed by NAVCO, was established in 2021 to share the Navy story across social media platforms nationwide serving markets that generally do not receive Navy social media news, content and information. Commands are encouraged to consider the following 2021 best practices: (1) Best Practices. (a) On all platforms always use tagging functions. Geotag the location, tag the city and local officials, tag groups (schools, nonprofits, businesses) and use Navy hashtags and popular local city hashtags. (b) Create and share videos that highlight the diversity and talent of our Sailors. (c) Instagram Reels are a must use and consistently outperform all other types of posts in terms of engagement. (d) Encourage influencers to cross share content from NAVCO to their audiences. Give specific guidance for tags and hashtags for the best results. (e) Coordinate with CHINFO OI-2 to share content on Navy flagship accounts to access larger audiences. (f) YouTube (YT) reaches more millennials than all TV networks combined, and 80 PCT of Gen Zers say YT has helped them gain skills/prepare for their future. Gallup reports 33 PCT of people 18-29 said they heard about the Navy in the last 30 days on YT. To reach target audiences use popular search terms in titles, tags and descriptions. Incorporate interesting thumbnails and include end cards in videos. Create a purposeful posting schedule and have a complete channel profile (background banner, populated channels tab, video on auto play when users view account). (2) Ship2Shore (S2S) Program. Take advantage of this NAVCO platform to highlight the compelling stories of Sailors. POC is CDR John Fage, john.e.fage.mil(at)us.navy.mil, (901) 874-5802. k. Navy Birthday and Historical Observances. Funding is approved under reference (a) for commands and activities to commemorate the Navy Birthday and Battle of Midway. l. Community Outreach in Local Areas. For activities not included in reference (a), use of local resources to support outreach activities in the local area is authorized and encouraged. Local area is defined in Joint Travel Regulation, Chapter 2, Article 0206. m. Entertainment Media. Support is authorized for entertainment media engaged in the production of the feature films Devotion and Top Gun: Maverick; television series NCIS and NCIS Hawaii; the multi-part NETFLIX Series Making of an F-35 Fighter Pilot and other entertainment media projects approved for support by DoD and CHINFO. n. Aircraft Carrier, ship and submarine underway embarks for distinguished visitors and media will be authorized again as dictated by HPCON levels and CDC/local authority guidelines. 7. All modifications beyond the scope of reference (a) require approval by the Office of the Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs. Requests for an exception to policy must be forwarded through CHINFO. For additional questions pertaining to this NAVADMIN and the execution of the Navy's 2022 Community Outreach Plan, please contact Mr. Rob Newell at (703) 614-1879, robert.d.newell1.civ(AT)us.navy.mil. 8. Released by RDML C. W. Brown, Chief of Information.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//