UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 261859Z JAN 22 MID200001412340U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 013/22 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/JAN// SUBJ/ADAPTIVE MOBILIZATION// REF/A/NAVADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/032039ZAPR20// REF/B/DOC/TITLE 10 U.S.C.// REF/C/DOC/OPNAV/17AUG18// REF/D/DOC/CNO/11JAN21// REF/E/DOC/OPNAV/13OCT11// REF/F/DOC/OPNAV/13DEC21// REF/G/DOC/OPNAV/26FEB21// NARR/REF A IS NAVADMIN 099/20, MOBILIZATION PROCESSING OF NAVY RESERVE PERSONNEL IN SUPPORT OF COVID-19 RESPONSE OPERATIONS. REF B IS TITLE 10 U.S.C. SECTIONS 12301 THROUGH 12304B. REF C IS OPNAVINST 3060.7C, NAVY MANPOWER AUGMENTATION GUIDE. REF D IS CNO NAVIGATION PLAN 2021. REF E IS OPNAVINST 5400.44A, NAVY ORGANIZATION CHANGE MANUAL. REF F IS OPNAVNOTE 5400, NOTICE FOR ISIC SHIFT. REF G IS OPNAVINST 5440.77C, U.S. FLEET FORCES MISSION FUNCTIONS AND TASKS.// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN cancels reference (a) and allows for alternate pathways for the mobilization processing of Sailors in the Ready Reserve ordered to Active Duty pursuant to reference (b) and for Sailors on Active Duty preparing to deploy individually in support of overseas contingencies. Adaptive mobilization (AM) is the use of mobilization pathways tailored to the mission requirements of the ultimate duty station. This NAVADMIN establishes AM, provides exceptions to policies that require mobilizing Sailors to process through Navy mobilization processing sites commanded by the Expeditionary Combat Readiness Center (EXPCBTREDCEN) per reference (c), designates Commander, Navy Reserve Force (COMNAVRESFOR) as the Navy supported commander for Ready Reserve activation and deactivation and directs the command and control transfer of EXPCBTREDCEN to Commander, Navy Reserve Forces Command (COMNAVRESFORCOM). 2. AM enables the Navy to respond with speed and quantity of personnel in support of a large-scale contingency. The AM construct applies to both Active and Reserve Sailors ordered to serve in individual augmentee (IA) assignments and establishes a mobilization to billet pathway (MOB-to-billet) for Selected Reserve (SELRES) Sailors. MOB-to-billet is the activation (other than for training) of SELRES Sailors to serve in the authorized and funded manpower billet at the command to which they are permanently assigned. The establishment of MOB-to-billet processing pathways aligns with reference (d) to develop a seasoned team of Naval warriors by using the Navy Reserve Component in critical roles at sea and ashore rather than as IAs. 3. COMNAVRESFOR is designated as the supported commander for Ready Reserve activation and deactivation processing. This key policy change leverages COMNAVRESFORs nationally distributed infrastructure of Navy Reserve Activities to activate SELRES personnel and minimizes the interim stops that Sailors are required to make between their home of record and their ultimate duty station during MOB-to-billet and Navy IA mobilizations. 4. COMNAVRESFOR shall a. Coordinate with the Chief of Naval Personnel (OPNAV N1), Chief of Navy Reserve (OPNAV N095), Navy Personnel Command and U.S. Fleet Forces Command (COMUSFLTFORCOM) to update policies and refine procedures necessary to perform activation and deactivation processing for the Ready Reserve. b. Provide assessments and recommendations to OPNAV N095 and OPNAV N1 to improve activation and deactivation policies, processes and procedures that will enable an effective mass mobilization capability for the Navy. The Navy will establish the capability to activate 50,000 SELRES personnel within 30 days in order to provide Fleet and Joint commanders the predictability necessary for effective operational planning. 5. Command and control of EXPCBTREDCEN shall transfer from Commander, Navy Expeditionary Combat Command (COMNECC) to COMNAVRESFORCOM to align personnel mobilization support functions under one Navy commander. Authority and responsibility of type commander (TYCOM) and local area coordinator for mobilizations (LACMOB) delineated in reference (c) shall transfer from COMNECC to COMNAVRESFORCOM. Command, TYCOM and LACMOB authorities transfer consistent with references (e) and (f). Control functions will transfer in a conditions-based phased process throughout Fiscal Year 2022, concluding on or about 1 October 2022. Commands that have officially been delegated LACMOB authority shall retain this authority until superseded or cancelled. 6. Per reference (g), COMUSFLTFORCOM shall maintain roles and responsibilities as U.S. Navy global force manager and will continue to serve as CNOs designated executive agent for IA. 7. Reference (c) will be revised and updated to reflect these policy changes. COMNAVRESFOR and COMUSFLTFORCOM may provide interim guidance that deviates from reference (c) according to their roles and responsibilities established with this message. 8. Points of Contact a. CAPT J. A. Perkins, OPNAV N13R, at (703) 604-5050 or via e-mail at juliet.a.perkins2.mil(at)us.navy.mil b. CAPT T. H. Healy, OPNAV N0955, at (703) 614-4384 or via e-mail at thomas.h.healy.mil(at)us.navy.mil c. CAPT D. R. Wilkinson, USFF N1B, at (757) 836-5254 or via e-mail at donald.r.wilkinson12.mil(at)us.navy.mil d. CAPT J. M. Spagnoli, CNRF N3, at (757) 322-6688 or via e-mail at joseph.m.spagnoli(at)navy.mil 9. This NAVADMIN will remain in effect until superseded or canceled, whichever occurs first. 10. Released by Vice Admiral John B. Nowell, Jr, N1, in concurrence with Vice Admiral John B. Mustin, N095.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//