UNCLASSIFIED ROUTINE R 041449Z MAR 22 MID200001546592U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 051/22 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//DNS// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//DNS// SUBJ/NAVY TRANSITION TO TASK MANAGEMENT TOOL - PHASE II// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/DNS/MAR// REF/A/MSG/012157Z FEB 22/ REF/B/MSG/021659Z FEB 22/ NARR/Reference (a) is NAVADMIN 022/22, Navy Transition to Task Management Tool - Announcement. Reference (b) is NAVADMIN 025/22, Navy Transition to Task Management Tool - Phase I.// RMKS/1. Purpose. Per reference (a), this NAVADMIN details the timeline and plan for Navy's completion of Phase II of the Navy's transition from the current system, the Department of the Navy Tasking, Records, and Consolidated Knowledge Enterprise Repository (DON TRACKER), to the Enterprise Task Management System 2.0 (ETMS2), commonly referred to as Task Management Tool (TMT). In addition, this NAVADMIN provides leadership with a current state of training and expounds on the role our senior leaders, typically O6 or GS-15 and above, and principal officials, typically Flag Officers and Senior Executives, that are designated to sign official documents on behalf of their command will have in the full electronic routing of tasks in ETMS2 using the Senior Leader Approval Process (SLAP). 2. Phase II commences immediately. All organizations shall complete the following tasks by 1 April 2022: a. Complete a comprehensive review of all NIPR and SIPR taskers in DON TRACKER and close out any inactive taskers. b. Complete training for all daily users and approving officials. NOTE: There are training requirements for nearly every member of any command currently using DON TRACKER as the roles in ETMS2 expand all the way to the most senior leaders, including Flag Officers and Senior Executives. Paragraph 3 of reference (b) outlines required training for the various levels of users, including senior leaders and principal officials. 3. State of Training. a. 5,304 users of the ~17,000 required have completed Beginner Training. Beginner training is the minimum requirement for obtaining an account in ETMS2. b. 291 users have completed Advanced Training. While optional, current users that have attended have found it to be highly useful. Advanced training is highly recommended. c. 44 of ~200 senior leaders and principal officials across the Navy have completed Senior Leadership Training. 4. Senior Leader Approval Process, also known as SLAP, is a process within ETMS2 whereby senior leaders and principal officials who have authority to sign executive-level correspondence on behalf of their command conduct package approvals by electronically signing packages being routed to the Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV) and Office of the Chief of Naval Operations (OPNAV). This process enhances task efficacy, reduces unnecessary waste, and improves access to historical documents. a. Senior leaders and principal officials are required to use the SLAP tool within ETMS2 for all documents routed to SECNAV and OPNAV effective 1 May. b. Electronic routing via ETMS2 allows individual electronic approvals through the "Route for Approval" action button. c. When an approval route is created, individuals assigned to the route will receive a notification via email that a task or document is ready for review. d. Using the link provided in the email notification (or by logging into the system), the individual can access the document or task that requires their electronic approval. e. During review, the document can be opened, annotated via tracked revisions, and approved or disapproved. 5. For questions or concerns regarding Navy's transition to the TMT, please contact your local organization's Task Manager(s) or the Navy's ETMS2 Transition Team at navy_etms2_transition(at)us.navy.mil. 6. Applicability. This NAVADMIN is applicable to commands using DON TRACKER as the Navy's primary Task Management Solution. 7. Released by Mr. Andrew S. Haeuptle, Director, Navy Staff.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//