UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 081730Z MAR 22 MID60010002072965S FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO SECNAV WASHINGTON DC ZEN/CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLASSIFIED R 081730Z MAR 22 NAVADMIN 058/22 MSGID/NAVADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N3N5/FEB// SUBJ/UPDATE TO NAVY-WIDE OPTASK VISUAL INFORMATION// REF/A/GENADMIN/NAVY-WIDE OPTASK VISUAL INFORMATION/COMUSFLTFORCOM/ 011001ZOCT19// REF/B/DOC/INCSEA AGREEMENT/USN/25MAY72// REF/C/DOC/OPNAVINST/05APR21// NARR/REF A IS THE NAVY-WIDE OPTASK VISUAL INFORMATION. REF B IS THE 1972 AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES AND THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLIC ON THE PREVENTION OF INCIDENTS ON AND OVER THE WATERS OUTSIDE THE LIMITS OF THE TERRITORIAL SEA. REF C IS THE CHIEF OF NAVAL OPERATIONS (CNO) INCSEA AGREEMENT IMPLEMENTATION GUIDANCE FOR THE OPNAV STAFF AND NAVAL COMPONENT COMMANDS.// POC/LCDR ROBERT MAUL/703-545-8181/EMAIL: ROBERT.W.MAUL.MIL(at)US.NAVY.MIL// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN updates reference (a) to incorporate INCSEA reporting guidance. 2. This update addresses underreporting of incidents between United States and Russia that occur outside the limits of territorial seas, reporting that is required per the Incident at Sea (INCSEA) agreement between our two nations (OPNAVINST 5711.96D). Underreporting results in an incomplete picture that constrains our position at the annual INCSEA Consultations; designed to minimize the risk of miscalculation. 3. OPNAVINST 5711.96D directs that INCSEA violations are to be reported within 15 days of occurrence. 4. Action for Navy Component Commands (NCC). To ensure that interactions between U.S. and Russian Federation Forces are evaluated under both Visual Information criteria and INCSEA Agreement criteria, the following guidance will be added to Reference (a), paragraph E "Interactions with Russian Ships and Aircraft": a. Per OPNAVINST 5711.96D, all interactions between U.S. and Russian Ships and Aircraft that generate a VI report shall be evaluated for INCSEA violations by Navy Component Commands (NCC). The NCC shall include in their VI report their assessment of whether or not an associated INCSEA violation occurred, with details provided separately per OPNAVINST 5711.96D if it indeed met INCSEA violation criteria. b. INCSEA incident criteria is independent of VI Criteria. An interaction determined to be safe and professional under VI guidance may still meet INCSEA reporting criteria, driving the need to evaluate each event independently against the criteria in references (a), (b) and (c). Although less common, underreporting may also exist for INCSEA violations that do not trip a VI report, e.g. a simulated attack outside visual range. c. When in doubt, report the event as an INCSEA violation for further evaluation by OPNAV ahead of annual INCSEA consultations, facilitating the larger efforts of minimizing miscalculations while also maintaining information balance. 5. For questions, please contact LCDR Robert Maul, email: robert.maul(at)navy.smil.mil 6. Released by VADM W. R. Merz, Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Operations, Plans, and Strategy, OPNAV N3/N5.// BT #3176 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//