ROUTINE R 121527Z MAY 22 MID600051839731U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 112/22 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/MAY// SUBJ/INITIATION OF NAVY SEABEE UNDERWATER CONSTRUCTION TECHNICIAN MASTER DIVER RETENTION BONUS PROGRAM// REF/A/MEMO/ASN WASHNGTON DC/31AUG21// REF/B/DOC/DODI/05NOV20// REF/C/DOC/USC/01JAN22// NARR/REF A IS MEMORANDUM FOR DEPUTY CHIEF OF NAVAL OPERATIONS, RETENTION BONUS SEABEE UNDERWATER CONSTRUCTION TECHNICIAN MASTER DIVER 31AUG2021. REF B IS DOD INSTRUCTION 1304.31, ENLISTED BONUS PROGRAM. REF C IS SECTION 331 OF TITLE 37 U.S. CODE, GENERAL BONUS AUTHORITY FOR ENLISTED MEMBERS.// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN announces the Navy Seabee Underwater Construction Technician (UCT) Master Diver Retention Bonus (RB) Program. 2. Program Overview. This bonus is authorized under references (a) and (c). Specific critical Navy enlisted classifications (NEC) and approved award levels have been prescribed by Assistant Secretary of Navy (Manpower and Reserve Affairs) (ASN (M and RA)). The Navy Seabee Enlisted Community Manager (BUPERS-329) will act as the UCT RB Program Manager. All applications for this bonus will be submitted to the UCT RB program manager for processing and tracking. In line with reference (b), a Service Member (SM) may receive no more than 360,000 dollars in RB monies over a career. Selective reenlistment bonus awards are included in this cap. 3. Eligibility. In line with reference (c), UCT senior enlisted SMs with NEC B18A, in paygrades E-7 and above, who have between 20 and 27 years of active service, shall be eligible to apply for the UCT RB but must also meet the following eligibility criteria: a. Be serving on Active Duty in a regular component. b. Have the favorable recommendation of the commanding officer for receipt of UCT RB. c. Be assigned to a valid B18A billet throughout the duration of the RB period. d. Be fit for full duty. 4. Ineligibility a. SMs serving under an existing RB contract are not eligible to receive an additional RB for service outlined in the original contract agreement. b. SMs are not eligible for RB payments past their high year tenure (HYT) date. HYT waiver requests must be completed before submitting a UCT RB application. 5. Contract Terms. UCT RB contract lengths, payments and Active Duty service obligations are outlined below. a. SMs may sign a contract in their 20th year of service (YOS). RB payments begin at 20 YOS. Enlisted SMs may contract to their HYT mark. E-7s are eligible to contract to 24 YOS. E-8s are eligible to contract to 26 YOS. E-9s are eligible to contract to 30 YOS. If a SM serves a partial year, that year will be prorated. Specific bonus amounts are graduated pursuant to YOS. (1) 15,000 dollars per year for 3-year contracts. (2) 17,500 dollars per year for 4-year contracts. (3) 20,000 dollars per year for 5-year contracts. b. UCT RB contracts may be for a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5 years. SMs under RB contract will not submit a request for retirement or tender a resignation with an effective date that is prior to completion of the agreement. Enlisted SMs must reenlist or extend their enlistment contract, soft end of active obligated service, for a period of at least 2 years. SMs are authorized early reenlistment in order to align RB and reenlistment contracts. Reenlistments and extensions may be combined to align service dates for maximum opportunity, up to a reenlistment of 6 years and extension of up to 12 months. 6. Program Execution a. SMs should submit requests for UCT RB to the program manager 60 to 180 days prior to entering into a UCT RB contract via their chain of command. If operational commitments limit the ability to submit RB applications via this manner, commands should submit requests through their immediate superior in the chain of command who can submit the request to the program manager. b. Upon acceptance of an agreement of the SM by the program manager, the amount of the bonus becomes fixed and the SM incurs a firm service obligation. c. SMs will receive the annual bonus amount in a lump sum payment, effective from the date of contract execution. d. RB requests for personnel who are being processed for disciplinary action, NEC removal or restoration will be held in abeyance pending final resolution. e. SMs unable to complete the service obligation specified in the RB agreement may be subjected to repayment of any unearned portion of the retention bonus. f. All payments must be made before the SM reaches their 28th year of service. Any payment that would be due to the SM past this point will be included in the final regular payment scheduled prior to reaching their 28th year. 7. Point of contact is BUPERS-329 at (901) 874-2037, DSN 882 or email at seabee_ecm.fct(at) 8. This message will remain in effect until superseded or canceled, whichever occurs first. 9. Released by Vice Admiral John B. Nowell, Jr, N1.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//