CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED ROUTINE R 261849Z MAY 22 MID200001750836U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 122/22 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/MAY// SUBJ/NAVY RESERVE PROMOTIONS TO THE PERMANENT GRADES OF CAPTAIN, COMMANDER, LIEUTENANT COMMANDER, LIEUTENANT, AND CHIEF WARRANT OFFICER IN THE LINE AND STAFF CORPS// REF/A/DOC/OPNAV/11JUL11// REF/B/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/211859ZDEC17// REF/C/DOC/OPNAV/28FEB12// REF/D/DOC/SECNAV/24JUL19// REF/E/DOC/COMNAVPERSCOM/23JUL07// NARR/REF A IS OPNAVINST 6110.1J, PHYSICAL READINESS PROGRAM. REF B IS NAVADMIN 304/17, PHYSICAL READINESS PROGRAM POLICY CHANGES. REF C IS OPNAVINST 1811.3A, VOLUNTARY RETIREMENT AND TRANSFER TO THE FLEET RESERVE OF MEMBERS OF THE NAVY SERVING ON ACTIVE DUTY. REF D IS SECNAVINST 1920.6D, ADMINISTRATIVE SEPARATION OF OFFICERS. REF E IS MILPERSMAN ARTICLE 1070-180, OFFICER PHOTOGRAPHS.// RMKS/1. Congratulations to the following officers on their promotions to the ranks indicated in this message. This NAVADMIN is the authority for effecting permanent officer promotions on the dates indicated. Columns read name and designator. PERMANENT PROMOTION TO CAPTAIN CAPTAIN LINE AND STAFF SENATE CONFIRMATION DATE LINE 29 JULY 2021 STAFF 29 JULY 2021 DOR/EFF DATE 01 JUNE 2022 Christman Emily Munro 2105 Ferry Teresa L 1317 Gollatz Brian John 1125 Mulinix Benjamin Scott 1315 Perez Anderson James 1125 Qualey Michael Paul Jr 1315 Qureshi Ahmed Irfan 1835 PERMANENT PROMOTION TO COMMANDER DOR/EFF DATE 01 JUNE 2022 Anantatmula Vishnu A 1115 Champagne Charles J. Jr 3105 Collins Patrick R 1315 Cooper Lance George 1825 Deangelis Christopher K 1115 Didier Daniel C 1317 Dozier Meredith J 1115 Ferguson Derek Lee 1125 Fitzgerald Kathleen W 2905 Frantz Timothy D 2105 Grillo Christopher Allan 1135 Iribarren Juan Bautista 2105 Minkin Amy Jean 1207 Mittelstaedt Adrianne M 2505 Munde Jared Paul 1315 Olson Chris Martin Jr 2105 Phillips Allan Thomas 1115 Schaefer Martin Patrick 1445 Shaffer Robert Henry 1835 Shorter Jared Blake 1115 Squyres Seth Michael 1315 Strawbridge Shawn P 1665 Vining Brett Richard 1315 Yonkers Marc R 1815 Zager Thomas M 1315 PERMANENT PROMOTION TO LIEUTENANT COMMANDER DOR/EFF DATE 01 AUGUST 2021 Bandong Daniel Xavierza 1115 DOR/EFF DATE 01 MAY 2022 Russo Patrick James 1315 DOR/EFF DATE 01 JUNE 2022 Brigham Daniel Joseph 1115 Carey Christopher Edward 1115 Carter Paul Mitchell 1665 Charles Joseph Samuel Jr 2905 Chin Daniel Peng Yan 1665 Corson Robert Pennington 1835 Deboer John Patrick 1665 Defelice Arthur Thomas 1835 Dehart Gia Alexandra 1205 Foy Chase Ryan 2105 Gagnon George R Jr 1115 Gallagher Matthew P 1115 Halliwell Brian C 1115 Hamlin David Richard 2305 Harris Logan Richard 1125 Hillenbrand Christopher 1115 Ibarra Laura Anne 1325 Jebeles Jennifer Nicole 2905 Kass Tucker Blue 2505 Mcnevin Sean A 1655 Miller Melanie 4105 Reilly Nevin Leo 3105 Rhea Lisnnette Marie 5105 Riffitts Joseph Neil 1125 Sargent Matthew Stephen 3105 Shahjahan Jason Jeeshan 1835 Sherman Matthew T 1115 Simons Joseph Judah 1835 Solger Shane Edward 2105 Spaulding Tyler Allaire 1665 Stoltz James Joseph IV 3105 Wilkins Nina Tragia 1115 PERMANENT PROMOTION TO LIEUTENANT DOR/EFF DATE 01 JUNE 2022 Adase Dominic D 1665 Ahrens Travis W 1665 Akiona Kalamaku C 1665 Aldridge Eric S 1665 Alwan Connor W 1665 Andrus Spencer Keith 1835 Arnold Andrew H 1665 Axelsson Sven A 1665 Bailey Elizabeth Grove 1665 Bair Michael S 1825 Balsamo Lawrence D 1665 Baransky Christopher P 1665 Berdel Douglas S 1665 Berumen Eric Mitchell 1835 Bessler Rebecca B 1665 Bilsky Evan F 1665 Bledsoe Stephanie Deanne 1825 Bott Samuel Raymond 1835 Brannon Tucker W 1665 Bristol Jeffrey P 1835 Brophy Frank H 1665 Burns William R 1665 Busick Richard V C 1835 Butt Austin T 1665 Calhoun Will D 1665 Campbell Bryson K 1665 Cann Joshua C 1665 Carissimo Frank Edward 1835 Carmon Tichina B 1665 Carrasco Michael E 1665 Castellano Joseph A 1665 Castelli Nicholas J 1665 Cheeseman Jeffrey C 1835 Chen David T 1665 Chrisman Brian M 1835 Clayville Kaleb S 1665 Coll Patrick M 1665 Colla Anthony T 1665 Collins Paul Francis 1945 Cooper Dominic M 1665 Deman Christopher D 1665 Dentry Drake D 1665 Deschamps Nicholas M 1665 Dickens Zandria Wallace 1815 Dietz Kyle J 1665 Dix Ryan E 1665 Dove Elijah M 1665 Drake Samantha E 1665 Dudo Matthew J 1665 Earnest Austin J 1665 Edinger Justin R 1665 Ellington Joshua E 1665 Eritano Jason Michael 1835 Espinoza Phillip T 1665 Fisher Adam J 1665 Fletcher Charles C 1835 Footit Mara J 1665 Foster Clayton R 1665 Franz Dylan B 1665 Frederick Jennifer M 1805 Frey Ryan Anthony 1105 Gabriel Brandon Alan 1835 Gamache Austin R 1665 Gilman Steven John 1835 Gleason Kayla P 1665 Godoy Carlos Andres 1835 Gonzalez Michael Anthony 1835 Goudreau Matthew J 1665 Gramer Emily L 1665 Grignon Rachael A 1665 Haley Kyle A 1665 Hanthorn Joshua Lee 1835 Hart Nathan C 1665 Hayashi Gary Tomoki 1835 Healy Michael P 1665 Hegarty Patrick C 1665 Helfand Neil S 1835 Henkle Nathan M 1665 Hernandez Shannon R 1825 Hess Samuel J 1665 Heyward Robert D 1665 Higgins Patrick B 1665 Hinkle Chase S 1665 Hinton Stephen R 1665 Hommertzheim Ivonne 1705 Huff Alexander 1665 Hull Brandon Tristan 1465 Hussung Dale Phillip Jr 1465 Hutter Donald G 1665 Ianozi Phillip A 1665 Jackson Sterling E. II 1835 Jacobson Corey Andrew 1835 Johnson Carll D 1665 Johnston Scott R 1665 Jones Charlie N 1835 Jones Devar A 1665 Jumaoas Brandonrey K 1665 Kajitani Hidekatsu 1835 Karpesky Jonathan Jason 1465 Keister Devin P 1665 Kennedy Robert W 1665 Kessler Shawn C 1665 Kim Brandon H 1665 Kimble Zarah Michelle 1825 Knapp Adam J 1665 Knizewski Thomas E 1665 Krumme Kevin Thomas 1835 Labejsza Michael A 1835 Lade Heather M 1665 Lafourcade Gregory Alan 1835 Lamadrid James Espanola 1835 Lamar Mario Teron 1835 Layman Kodie W 1665 Ledwith Travis C 1835 Lee Edwin S 1815 Lee Issac S 1665 Leung Kevin 1835 Librizzi Jacob Andrew 1835 Lindeman Maya Y 1665 Lloyd James 1835 Lomax Charles W 1665 Lonergan Holly Ball 1835 Lucy Stephen P 1665 Macelrevey Daniel A 1665 Mahoney Jacqueline G 1665 Mahoney Sean M 1665 Manoushagian Joshua T 1835 Marino Cassandra F 1665 Marino David E 1665 Marino William D 1665 Martin Katherine I 1665 Maudsley Maximilian C 1665 Mauer Cassandra M 1665 Mccabe Robert C 1665 Mccormick Edward Matthew 1815 Mccuanberglin Quinn M 1665 Mcgrath Colin M 1665 Mcguinness Patrick F 1665 Mcneal Ryan D 1665 Meehan Shaun M 1665 Melnyk Connor H 1665 Meyer Adam Nickolus 1825 Milafsky Sarah L 1665 Miller Alexandria L 1665 Miller Jessica Erin 2905 Miller Nathan G 1665 Moeller Jeffrey Martin 1835 Monroe Lucas M 1665 Moore Robert B 1665 Morris Christian A 1835 Morris Kyle J 1665 Murray Brian P 1665 Neel Thomas 1665 Nelson Mary Kay 1835 Neumann Blase A 1665 Noel James H 1665 Odea Patrick J 1665 Odonnell Benjamin P 1665 Okeefe Chase A 1665 Oladele Akinola Thomas 1465 Packer Andrew I 1835 Pagio Aldon W 1665 Pari Matthew T 1665 Park Jeramy Peter 1815 Pennington John R 1665 Pescatello Travis J 1665 Pettinger Brian Phillip 1835 Pham Tri H 1665 Phillips John C 1665 Plourde Danna M 1665 Pope Dominique J 1665 Powers Stephan D B 1835 Provost Alan D 1665 Ragonese Louis T 1665 Rainear Eric R 1665 Raney Adam J 1665 Rhea Harry Michael 1835 Riddle Arthur E 1665 Riosolmo Ricardo 1835 Roberts Elliot E 1665 Robinson Christopher Mic 1835 Rockett James P 1665 Rotella Michael H 1835 Russo Nicholas Joseph 1815 Salazar Gabrielle O 1665 Sams Benjamin D 1665 Sanchez Daniel R 1665 Sandoval Anthony R 1665 Scalise Ryan R 1835 Scherling Jordan M 1665 Schwartz Matthew R 1665 Seymore Aleksander Huryn 1835 Shanks Brittany N 1835 Sheffield Davis W 1665 Sherman Jacob D 1665 Sithong Jacob M 1665 Smith Nolan A 1665 Snyder Rebecca M 1665 Spencer Lindsay Michelle 1815 Storino Vincent T 1665 Supry Nicholas J 1665 Sweeney Ryan M 1665 Takla Andrew Atef 1465 Talamo Matthew G 1665 Tepaske Derrick Marcus 1465 Testa Anthony J 1665 Thibeault Madeline M 1665 Tiefenthaler Luke E 1665 Tillyard Mitchell R 1665 Toler Myckenzie N 1665 Toomalatai Maraea M 1835 Torres Ryan M 1665 Treon Nicholas J 1665 Vadsaria Naheed J 1835 Velasquez Luis Eduardo 1465 Viera Daniel G 1665 Wakefield Grier H 1665 Wall Bryan P 1665 Wallin Karl P 1665 Watterson Eve E 1665 Weaver Jordan A 1665 Webster Stephen H 1665 Weiler Zachary James 1835 Willingham Robert Sawyer 1105 Wittendorf Christian R 1665 Wolfberg William S 1835 Wright Brendan H 1665 York Paul A 1835 Yost Justin T V 1825 Zinni Charles D 1665 Zubchevich Craig O 1665 PERMANENT PROMOTION TO CHIEF WARRANT OFFICER, W-5 No officers promoted in this category. PERMANENT PROMOTION TO CHIEF WARRANT OFFICER, W-4 No officers promoted in this category. PERMANENT PROMOTION TO CHIEF WARRANT OFFICER, W-3 No officers promoted in this category. PERMANENT PROMOTION TO CHIEF WARRANT OFFICER, W-3 No officers promoted in this category. 2. If a selected officer does not decline in writing prior to the projected date of rank (noted above in paragraph 1), that officer is considered to have accepted the promotion on the date indicated. An officer who chooses to decline promotion must submit the declination in writing to COMNAVPERSCOM (PERS-806) within thirty (30) days of the release of this NAVADMIN. 3. The commanding officer (CO), the Secretary of the Navy, or his designee, has the authority to delay projected promotions. Upon the exercise of a delay, the officer shall be notified in writing before the effective date of the promotion, and not be tendered the promoting appointment. The delay authority will immediately forward the notification of delay with supporting documentation to COMNAVPERSCOM (PERS-83), copy to COMNAVPERSCOM (PERS-806). 4. COs are reminded of their responsibility to ensure the officers they are promoting are mentally, physically, morally and professionally qualified in accordance with 10 U.S.C. 14311. Per reference (a), officers are ineligible for promotion if they have failed the most recent Physical Fitness Assessment. COs shall verify the promoting officer's information in the Physical Readiness Information Management System to ensure compliance with reference (a), as modified by reference (b), and delay the officers promotion in accordance with paragraph 3 of this NAVADMIN, if required. 5. Prepare a Delivery of Permanent Appointment (NAVPERS FORM 1421/7) (Rev 10-13). Use this NAVADMIN as reference (a). Use 10 U.S.C. 14308 as reference (b) for permanent lieutenants and above. Use 10 U.S.C. 12242 as reference (b) for chief warrant officers. Mail the completed form to COMNAVPERSCOM (PERS-806) or email via MNCC at askmncc(at) 6. Officers should review reference (c) and Retirements/Officer-Retirement-Laws/ for minimum time-in-grade (TIG) requirements for purposes of voluntary retirement (NOTE: TIG requirements for active-duty LCDR voluntary retirements changed with NDAA-2021; Update to reference (c) is pending). Full time support officers and those officers temporarily on active-duty anticipating release from active-duty under reference (d) may accept promotion without incurring any additional active- duty obligation. 7. New photographs are required for all officers within three months after acceptance of promotion. See reference (e), for specific requirements. 8. Released by Vice Admiral John B. Nowell, Jr, N1.// BT #0001 NNNN CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED