CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED ROUTINE R 131905Z JUN 22 MID600051969159U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 134/22 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N7// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N7// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO/N7/JUN// SUBJ/ACADEMIC YEAR (AY) 2022-2023 LOW-RESIDENCY GRADUATE EDUCATION PROGRAM// REF/A/DOC/OPNAV INSTRUCTION 1520.23C-CH3// REF/B/DOC/DOD INSTRUCTION 1322.10// REF/C/DOC/DON MEMORANDUM OF 23MAY22// NARR/REF A IS NAVY DIRECTIVE ON GRADUATE EDUCATION. REF B IS DOD INSTRUCTION 1322.10, POLICY ON GRADUATE EDUCATION FOR MILITARY OFFICERS. REF C IS DON MEMORANDUM DATED 23MAY22 WHICH AUTHORIZES AY 2022-2023 LGEP EXECUTION// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN announces the Low-Residency Graduate Education Program (LGEP) Academic Year (AY) 2022-2023 and provides guidance for applications. 2. Background: a. LGEP provides naval officers in paygrades O-2 to O-5 with a Department of the Navy-funded graduate degree opportunity in strategy, management and international relations through a low-residency delivery model at selected regionally accredited partner universities or colleges. b. The LGEP pilot program will offer studies that are designed to fit into shore duty tours, allowing officers with compressed career paths to stay close to the waterfront or flight line while earning a Master's degree. LGEP study programs range from 16-24 months at partner universities that may include Old Dominion University (Master of Arts in International Studies with a Concentration in Strategic Leadership), William and Mary (Executive Masters of Business Administration), American University (Master of Science in Management with a Concentration in Strategy and Security), Johns Hopkins University (Master of Arts in Global Policy), University of California San Diego (Master of Advanced Studies in International Affairs) and the University of Washington (Executive Masters in Public Administration). c. Participants will remain at their duty stations and spend limited time on campus, completing the majority of the course material online or via phone. 3. Application and Selection Process: a. The application window will close on 30 June 2022. Up to 60 participants will be selected for Academic Year 2022-2023. Target applicants are due-course warrior scholars who display all the qualities of dedicated career officers who aspire to command. b. Qualified candidates will meet the following prerequisite education and work experience criteria: O-2 to O-5, a Bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university, and a history of strong academic performance demonstrated by college transcripts. c. Candidates should submit their application package to shania.m.truelove.civ(at) via encrypted email or the SAFE tool at no later than 30 June 2022. Packages must include the following: Commanding Officer's endorsement; Detailer/Moderator endorsement; applicant biography; academic transcripts (unofficial are acceptable for the initial application) from all undergraduate and higher education to include transfer credits; statement of purpose explaining why the applicant is interested in LGEP and how the education would benefit the DON. GRE/GMAT scores are not required. The Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Manpower and Reserve Affairs)(OASN(M&RA)) will forward the applications to the Services for approval prior to the Service Members' acceptance to LGEP. d. Applicants will first apply to LGEP and, if selected, go through an expedited application process with the selected partner school. Applicants will be matched with school programs based on factors to include geographic location, career progression, prioritized student program preference, and the probability that the applicant will be accepted into the school's graduate program based upon previous academic performance. Once provisionally accepted into the LGEP, students must provide official transcripts to the prospective university's graduate program, along with other information as required. e. LGEP selectees will be announced by 15 July 2022 via email from the Naval Education Division (NED), OASN (M&RA). The LGEP program will be centrally funded and cover tuition, required books up to $500.00 per semester, and local travel within a 75 mile radius. Selectees will be responsible for internet access to participate in online assignments and web- enabled interactions with instructors and other students. 4. Service Obligation: a. Per references (a) and (b), selected candidates must sign and commit to a Continued Service Agreement, which will incur a service obligation within the DON of three times the number of months spent in the academic program served concurrently with other obligations, up to a maximum of a three-year service obligation. The service obligation will commence upon completion of or withdrawal from the program, and will be incurred whether or not the service member successfully completes the academic coursework or degree. 5. Point of contact: a. Shania M. Truelove at email: shania.m.truelove.civ(at) b. Submit applications to shania.m.truelove.civ(at) via encrypted email or the SAFE tool at, with notification to Shania M. Truelove shania.m.truelove.civ(at) of package submission. 6. This message will remain in effect until superseded or canceled, whichever occurs first. 7. Released by VADM J. W. Hughes, Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Warfighting Development (N7)// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//