ROUTINE R 171634Z JUN 22 MID200001807380U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 136/22 MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/JUN// SUBJ/FALL 2022 (CYCLE 111) NAVY-WIDE ADVANCEMENT EXAMINATION FOR SELECTED RESERVE E-4 THROUGH E-6 CANDIDATES// REF/A/DOC/BUPERS/19SEP18// REF/B/MSG/SECNAV WASHINGTON DC/052044ZMAR13// REF/C/MSG/COMNAVRESFOR NORFOLK VA/081615ZOCT21// REF/D/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/201449ZDEC18// REF/E/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/272057ZDEC18// REF/F/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/161157ZJUL20// REF/G/DOC/USD(PR)/04APR2022// REF/H/OPS ALERT/NPPSC/19FEB21// REF/I/OPS ALERT/NPPSC/15MAR21// NARR/REF A IS BUPERSINST 1430.16G, ADVANCEMENT MANUAL FOR ENLISTED PERSONNEL OF THE U.S. NAVY AND U.S. NAVY RESERVE. REF B IS ALNAV 015/13, PERSONNEL SECURITY INVESTIGATION SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS. REF C IS ALNAVRESFOR 012/21, NAVY RESERVE NOMENCLATURE CHANGES. REF D IS NAVADMIN 312/18, ADVANCEMENT POLICY UPDATE. REF E IS NAVADMIN 316/18, ENLISTED ADVANCEMENT WORKSHEET. REF F IS NAVADMIN 201/20, PROFESSIONAL MILITARY KNOWLEDGE ELIGIBILITY EXAM REVISED BUSINESS RULES. REF G IS USD P&R CONSOLIDATED DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE CORONAVIRUS DISEASE 2019 FORCE HEALTH PROTECTION GUIDANCE AVAILABLE AT Guidance/. REF H IS OPS ALERT 007-21, PMK-EE REQUIREMENTS FOR E3 NEW ACCESSIONS. REF I IS OPS ALERT 011-21, PMK-EE REQUIREMENTS FOR E4 NEW ACCESSIONS.// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN announces the guidance for the administration of the fall 2022 (cycle 111) Navy-wide Advancement Exam (NWAE) for Selected Reserve (SELRES) Sailors in paygrades E-5 through E-6 and E-4 Prior Service Reenlistment Eligibility Reserve (PRISE-R) candidates and the use of an alternative final multiple score (FMS) rank-order method without an exam for all other SELRES E-4 advancement candidates. E-4 candidates (with the exception of PRISE-R) will not participate in an exam, but will be given the opportunity for advancement using an alternative FMS rank-order method, without the inclusion of an exam score from a proctored exam. E-4 PRISE-R, E-5 and E-6 candidates will be administered NWAEs in August per reference (a). All candidates serving on voluntary recall, mobilization or as Canvasser Recruiters (CANREC) will compete for advancement as a SELRES. 2. Timeline a. 30 June 2022: Professional Military Knowledge – Eligibility Exam (PMK-EE) completion deadline. b. 1-31 August 2022: E-4 PRISE-R, E-5 and E-6 exam administration. c. 31 August 2022: Enlisted advancement worksheet (EAW) completion due date. E-4 (with the exception of PRISE-R) exams are cancelled, but EAWs must still be completed by this date. 3. Eligibility Requirements. For all E-4 through E-6 candidates, eligibility requirements are found in chapter 2 of reference (a), with the following information specific only to cycle 111: a. The terminal eligibility date used to compute time in rate (TIR) for E-4 through E-6 is 1 January 2023. b. The minimum TIR date must be on or before: (1) E-6 - 1 January 2020 (2) E-5 - 1 January 2022 (3) E-4 - 1 July 2022 c. E-6 candidate TIR requirements for early promote (EP) Sailors can be waived by one year with commanding officer (CO)/officer in charge (OIC) approval, in line with paragraph 214 of reference (a). Cycle 111 EAW must be manually created for all E-6 EP TIR waiver authorized candidates. d. High-year tenure (HYT) date for E-4 through E-6 must be effective 1 January 2023, or later. HYT waivers must be approved prior to 1 August 2022 to be able to participate in cycle 111. e. Candidates who have submitted a formal written request for voluntary transfer to the retired reserve (with or without pay) or Fleet Reserve on a date prior to their mandated HYT are ineligible for advancement. f. Candidates in a rating requiring a security clearance must have a favorable investigation adjudication by the Department of Defense central adjudication facility reflected properly in the Defense Information System for Security (DISS) prior to 1 August 2022. If the CO of the candidate grants an interim clearance, it must be entered in DISS prior to 1 August 2022. Candidates must maintain security clearance eligibility throughout the advancement cycle to be eligible for advancement. If, for any reason, a clearance is denied, revoked or not reflected in DISS, an exam is not authorized and commands will not allow candidates to take the exam until the discrepancy is corrected or a new clearance is granted and is properly reflected in the candidates EAW. Ratings requiring a security clearance are AC, AE, AG, AO, AT, AWF, AWO, AWR, AWS, AZ, CTI, CTN, CTR, CTT, EOD, ET, ETV, FC, FCA, GM, HT, IS, IT, ITS, LN, MA, MC, MMA, MN, ND, OS, QM, SB, SO, STG, STS, TM and YN. Refer to references (a) and (b) for additional guidance. g. Branch class and special program indicator (SPI) code. All SELRES including CANREC are required to take the cycle 111 SELRES NWAE. Training and Administration of the Reserves (TAR), although still referred to as FTS in some systems, with a SPI code of V will take cycle 256 (E-4 through E-6) Active-Duty NWAEs. h. For candidates eligible for advancement to E-4 and E-5, compute performance mark average (PMA) using all applicable evaluations in the current pay grade of the candidate with an ending date that falls within the following periods: (1) E-4 - 1 January 2022 to 31 July 2022 (2) E-5 - 1 June 2021 to 31 July 2022 i. For candidates eligible for advancement to E-6, calculate the reporting seniors cumulative average (RSCA) PMA, as outlined in reference (d), using evaluations in the current paygrade of the candidate with the ending date that falls within the time period 1 August 2019 to 31 July 2022. j. Refer to reference (d) and paragraph 308 of reference (a) for additional guidance on RSCA PMA and PMA including guidance on establishing PMA for new accessions that have graduated from *A* school and do not have a current evaluation. k. For guidance on establishing EAW user roles and completing worksheets, refer to reference (e). EAW is mandatory for cycle 111 and will be the authority for PMA, RSCA PMA and awards. l. PMK-EE is mandatory for all cycle 111 candidates competing for advancement, even if no NWAE is being administered, and must be successfully completed once for the exam paygrade. E6 EP TIR waiver candidates are not exempt from completing the PMK-EE requirement by the deadline. Commands must identify candidates early and Sailors should be completing PMK-EE requirement to be eligible for participation ahead of an advancement cycle. The PMK-EE completion deadline is 30 June 2022, in accordance with reference (f). No Sailor competing for advancement shall be permitted to participate in the advancement cycle without having a completed PMK-EE for the exam paygrade. For E-3 and E-4 new accession candidates authorized PMK-EE completion deadlines, refer to references (h) and (i). m. PRISE-R Sailors required to participate in the NWAE to complete their rate conversion are only required to complete the PMK-EE if they are an E-3 and are eligible for advancement in conjunction with testing to complete rate conversion. n. Commands must accurately validate, complete and finalize all EAWs in the Navy Standard Integrated Personnel System (NSIPS). E-4 EAW accuracy is critical since Navy Enlisted Advancement System (NEAS) will be reprogrammed to use finalized E-4 EAWs (with the exception of PRISE-R) rather than the candidate exam answer sheets to create E-4 candidate records. The success of this process will be dependent upon the accurate completion of E-4 EAWs to establish advancement cycle participation. Cycle 111 E-4 EAWs must be completed by 31 August 2022. 4. Exam ordering. Order exams in line with chapter 4 of reference (a). a. Deploying commands and candidates departing to congressionally- designated combat zones and approved contingency operations areas (CDCZ/ACOA) can order exams up to six months prior to the scheduled exam date. For additional guidance, refer to chapter 4 and paragraph 614 of reference (a). b. Sensitive compartmented information (SCI) exams. Cryptologic technician interpretive (CTI), cryptologic technician networks (CTN) and cryptologic technician collection (CTR) SCI exam ordering requirements can be found on the NEAS website via MyNavy Portal at information. Select Command Advancement Tools, then NEAS website. Educational Services Officers (ESOs) must verify initial TIR eligibility lists on the NEAS website for exam ordering. Supplemental SCI exams are ordered via message-formatted e-mail to sfly_cryptologic.products(at) or naval message following the guidelines with chapter 4 of reference (a). Check NEAS Web for additional exam ordering information. c. Non-SCI Exams. Exam ordering requirements can be found on the NEAS website via MyNavy Portal at information. Select Command Advancement Tools, then NEAS Website. ESOs must verify TIR eligibility lists on the NEAS website. (1) Eligible candidates who were not added to the initial TIR list can be added to a supplemental TIR list. The deadline to order supplemental SELRES exams is 31 August 2022. d. All candidate exam orders not included on the initial TIR list must be ordered in NEAS web by entering a Department of Defense identification (DoD ID) for each candidate instead of by e-mail or naval message. This is a change to guidelines in chapter 4 of reference (a). e. Exams for CDCZ/ACOA Sailors or recalled reservists will be ordered by the command holding the service record of the service member. Authority is granted for these candidates to be administered exams with the active duty exam administration. However, all SELRES including CANREC candidates are still required to take the cycle 111 SELRES exam and not the cycle 256 (E-4 through E-6) active duty exam. f. When an exam is not used during the normally scheduled event, do not destroy the exam prior to 1 October 2022. g. Cycle 111 exams should only be administered from 1-31 August 2022. Refer to paragraphs 4.g.(1) and 4.g.(2) below for requests to retain exams for late administration on a next drill weekend in September 2022. Approved late administrations must be administered prior to 1 October 2022. Administration for all late exam administrations will follow guidelines in references (a) and paragraph 4.f.(1) and 4.f.(2). (1) Since SELRES candidates may take the NWAE anytime from 1-31 August 2022, annual training (AT) and additional duty for training (ADT) orders are not a valid reason for Sailors to take the late exam. ESOs shall ensure that Sailors take the NWAE prior to going on AT/ADT orders or when Sailors return from their AT/ADT. If a Sailor will be on AT/ADT during the entire time of the scheduled advancement exam window, then the ESO shall coordinate with the gaining command to forward the Sailor's exam and EAW. (2) Naval Education and Training Professional Development Center (NETPDC) (N321) has the final approval for all late exam administration requests, but all SELRES late administration requests must come through the Navy Reserve Force ESOs prior to contacting NETPDC. The Command ESO must e- mail the Navy Reserve Force ESOs at CNRFC_Reserve_Forces_ESO(at) and carbon copy their immediate superior in command ESOs for validation of their late exam administration request. Once the Reserve Force ESOs validate the reason of the request, the command ESO will request approval from NETPDC to allow the Sailor to take the late exam. A request for approval from NETPDC must be submitted with justification via e-mail to sfly_N321_exam_order(at) for permission to retain exams for late administration on a next drill weekend in September 2022. Ensure the reason for a requested delay and Commander, Navy Reserve Forces command ESO validation are included. h. ESOs must verify the exam orders at the *View Previous Exam Orders* link via the NEAS website within seven to ten days of placing the order. If exam order discrepancies are noted, contact the fleet services branch, NETPDC (N321) as listed on the NEAS website at NETPDC (N321) point of contact table. 5. Exam administration and answer sheet returns. a. Every effort should be made to ensure appropriate COVID-19 mitigation measures are in place, in line with reference (g). b. Following the administration of exams, it is critical that ESOs expeditiously mail in answer sheet packages to NETPDC (N321). Do not hold exams until the end of the testing month. Prompt return of answer sheets will help ensure results are released in a timely manner. For answer sheet return instructions, refer to chapter 6 of reference (a). b. ESOs must check the exam tote board on the NEAS website often to ensure answer sheets have been received and processed. The tote board can be accessed via MyNavy Portal at information. Select Command Advancement Tools, then Exam Toteboard. Answer sheets with errors will not be counted until they are processed successfully. c. All eligible candidates serving on voluntary recall, mobilization or as CANREC will compete for advancement as a SELRES and participate in this advancement cycle. 6. Discrepancy Correction a. A detailed discrepancy list can be found at the NEAS website via MyNavy Portal. For guidance on discrepancy correction requirements, refer to chapters 3 and 7 of reference (a). b. Post-exam administration discrepancy correction correspondence with NETPDC (N321) is to be submitted using the EAW post-exam administration comments (PAC) function, refer to reference (e). All corrections must have CO/OIC letter and supporting documentation included as attachments. Education point corrections require a submission of a screen shot of the joint service transcript display indicating the degree type and date of completion. c. For guidance on E-4 through E-6 candidates with missed exams due to assignment in CDCZ/ACOA, refer to chapter 6 of reference (a). A missed exam cycle EAW is required to be completed by selecting *Missed Cycle/IA* entry in the *EAW Special Circumstances* data entry field. 7. Examination results. Refer to chapter 7 of reference (a). 8. Any additional information regarding this cycle will be posted on the NEAS website. 9. Points of contact a. MyNavy Career Center (MNCC) is available 24/7, by phone at (833) 330-6622 or via e-mail to askmncc(at) b. SCI exam questions and orders via phone at (850) 473- 5867/DSN 753 or via e-mail to sfly_cryptologic.products(at) c. Non-SCI exam orders by phone at (850) 473-6150/DSN 753 or via e-mail to sfly_N321_exam_order(at) d. NWAE exam records, and discrepancies by phone at (850) 473-6148/DSN 753 or via EAW PAC function. ESO pre / post-advancement exam administration inquiries may be submitted via email to sfly_N321_Discrepanc(at) 10. Any additional information regarding this cycle, to include the exam verbatim and other related documents, will be posted on MyNavy Portal at information. 11. This NAVADMIN will remain in effect until superseded or canceled, whichever occurs first. 12. Released by Rear Admiral J. P. Waters, Acting N1B.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//