ROUTINE R 291841Z JUN 22 MID600052028505U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 143/22 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/JUN// SUBJ/ACTIVE DUTY PROMOTIONS TO THE PERMANENT GRADES OF CAPTAIN, COMMANDER, LIEUTENANT COMMANDER, LIEUTENANT, AND CHIEF WARRANT OFFICER IN THE LINE AND STAFF CORPS// REF/A/DOC/OPNAV/11JUL11// REF/B/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/211859ZDEC17// REF/C/DOC/OPNAV/28FEB12// REF/D/DOC/SECNAV/24JUL19// REF/E/DOC/COMNAVPERSCOM/23JUL07// NARR/REF A IS OPNAVINST 6110.1J, PHYSICAL READINESS PROGRAM. REF B IS NAVADMIN 304/17, PHYSICAL READINESS PROGRAM POLICY CHANGES. REF C IS OPNAVINST 1811.3A, VOLUNTARY RETIREMENT AND TRANSFER TO THE FLEET RESERVE OF MEMBERS OF THE NAVY SERVING ON ACTIVE DUTY. REF D IS SECNAVINST 1920.6D, ADMINISTRATIVE SEPARATION OF OFFICERS. REF E IS MILPERSMAN ARTICLE 1070-180, OFFICER PHOTOGRAPHS.// RMKS/1. Congratulations to the following officers on their promotions to the ranks indicated in this message. This NAVADMIN is the authority for effecting permanent officer promotions on the dates indicated. Columns read name and designator. PERMANENT PROMOTION TO CAPTAIN CAPTAIN LINE AND STAFF SENATE CONFIRMATION DATE LINE 24 JUNE 2021 STAFF 24 JUNE 2021 DOR/EFF DATE 01 JULY 2022 Allen William Justin 1310 Brender Timothy P 2900 Cooper Christopher L 2300 Davenport James A 1110 Dean Kevin T 1110 Elkins Theodore James 1310 Gastrell Andrew C 1310 Golden Bruce W 1110 Lancaster Joshua Todd 3100 Rahming Kiah Bernard 1440 Richer Jeffrey Arthur 5100 Sheu Robert Gregory 2100 PERMANENT PROMOTION TO COMMANDER COMMANDER LINE AND STAFF SENATE CONFIRMATION DATE LINE 24 JUNE 2021 STAFF 30 SEPTEMBER 2021 DOR/EFF DATE 01 JULY 2022 Barkley Peter David 1810 Beatty Todd Michael 1110 Blickens Jason Leach 6110 Bowers Micheal Paul 2300 Brock Brant J 1310 Campbell Joshua Ian 1520 Cooper Paul Kelly Jr. 6360 Deigel Christopher R 1440 Feins Jonathan Charles 1310 Flick Michael William 1320 Foster Devon Hugh 4100 Fox James A Jr. 1830 Golden Rayfield N 3100 Goodlow Gale K II 2100 Hernandez Amy Ann 2100 Hunt Bruce Lee 1820 Janney Jeremy Robert 1120 Jarchow Richard A Jr. 1200 Linder Kristie Lian 2900 Lindsay Timothy Boyd 1710 Mutyala Rama Kiran 5100 Obrien Leah Alston 2500 Petty Jesse Paul 3100 Rodeck Alexander Brian 1310 Sakash Jason Matthew 1320 Salvatore Shane Allan 1320 Sammur Joseph W A 1120 Sample Andrew Bradley 1120 Shaul James Allan 2200 Smith Stephanie L 2100 Stow Theodore Jay 1510 Streenan Andrew Thomas 1120 Virgadamo Joshua Ryan 1110 Warburton Timothy Robert 1320 Wiesner Jeremiah William 1310 Wines Caleb Paul 1120 PERMANENT PROMOTION TO LIEUTENANT COMMANDER SENATE CONFIRMATION DATE 26 SEPTEMBER 2019 DOR/EFF DATE 01 MARCH 2020 Jairam Rohan Amir 2300 SENATE CONFIRMATION DATE 30 MARCH 2022 DOR/EFF DATE 01 MAY 2021 Rosati John Mathew Jr. 1110 LIEUTENANT COMMANDER LINE AND STAFF SENATE CONFIRMATION DATE LINE 30 SEPTEMBER 2021 STAFF 30 SEPTEMBER 2021 DOR/EFF DATE 01 JULY 2022 Adams Andrew Michael 1830 Aderibigbe Moronkeji S 5100 Bertucci Andrea Nina 2500 Brown Eric Myron 4100 Bullard Jeremy M 1800 Chitwood Jonathan A 1820 Cornette Christopher S 6430 Coulson Karl John 5100 Crotty Alainna Christine 2900 Cusmano Paul Michael 2100 Dabre Yahaya Ali 3100 Darden Joshua Ryan 6330 Davenport Darryl Lamont 2300 Gilbert Michael A II 1520 Golphin Allen N III 1810 Gordillo Ralph Jose 6110 Jabaut Joshua Michael 2100 Landis Corinne Ann 2100 Lenny Josie Lynne 1650 Lewis Floyd E 1820 Liggett Jedson R II 2100 Lopez Carlos Javier 3100 Lynn Jed James 2300 Mastin Alexander Randall 6200 Maul Tanesia Kareema 2300 Mayer Kaitlyn Huegel 2100 Mclain Colin Andrew 2100 Obrien Jason Charles 2500 Ogi Jacqueline Mariko 2200 Quade Jason David 2900 Rappold Renee Joy 2900 Saavedra Wesley Raul 1710 Therrio Eric Anthony 1810 Wickham Ryan Joseph 1200 Wright Lance J 1440 Ziarek Michael John 1830 SENATE CONFIRMATION DATE 28 OCTOBER 2021 DOR/EFF DATE 01 JULY 2022 Belbin Alexander R 1320 Brooks Matthew D 1120 Carter Albert T 1310 Clendenin James D 1110 Couillard Kyle Profilet 1310 Danley Brian J 1110 Demarco Caleb M 1310 Dizon Christopher D 1110 Dolan Ian P 1310 Eng Samuel Thomas 1120 Evert Travis M 1120 Fernandez Benjamin Aaron 1140 Gorevin Zachary L 1320 Griffith Tyler C 1310 Harris Peter Richard 1310 Hulse Brian T 1110 Irish Simon James 1140 Lear Patrick K 1120 Lowery Amanda Hall 1310 Maxfield Scott David 1140 Mckee Christopher C 1310 Molzahn Richard M 1310 Nelson Robert Michael 1310 Nesmith Rebecca L 1310 Rynaski Alec D 1320 Schaedel Ryan F 1120 Singer Michael G 1110 Thompson Jeb Stewart 1130 Trombetta Tyler Anson 1310 Weaver Zachary J 1310 PERMANENT PROMOTION TO LIEUTENANT DOR/EFF DATE 01 OCTOBER 2020 Couch William Gordon II 1110 DOR/EFF DATE 01 MARCH 2021 Almonte Jose Carlos 6410 Ortiz Hector 6130 DOR/EFF DATE 01 MAY 2021 Cruz David Johnathan 6410 DOR/EFF DATE 01 JUNE 2021 Cohen Joshua Gabriel 1120 DOR/EFF DATE 01 JULY 2022 Addison Matthew Ramsey 1310 Agyeman Douglas D 2900 Anirudhan Nithya 1220 Astorga Brennen Anthony 1310 Asuncion Justin Gabat 1810 Barnedt Forest S S 1310 Barrera Jonathan Kyle 1830 Becker Christian Lee 1320 Bennett Kaela N 1830 Berg Richard Christopher 1310 Bernier Tanis Lee 5100 Bihl Adam Joel Jr. 1310 Bihl John Robert 1310 Birchfield Bryce Jackson 1800 Blackwood Thomas Edward 1220 Bomhack Colleen Marie 3100 Bova Stewart Carl 1830 Bradford Travis Michael 1520 Brown Brady Kendal 1320 Bryant Conor Nathan 5100 Budda Zachary Balint 3100 Burke Graham Davis 1320 Camacho Jumaari Emanuel 1160 Caraway Joseph Michael 1310 Cassley Megan Marie 1310 Castelblanco Leonel E 1820 Chitterling Christopher 1320 Christensen Ava Midori 2300 Colomb Travis Eugene 1110 Comeaux Zachary Edmond 1310 Coy Robert Evan 1830 Dipirro Christopher J 1320 Donelson Alyson K B 1310 Donovan Brian Kenneth 1310 Dorman Marshall Clayton 3100 Doxey Andrew Miller 1810 Drennan William Banzon 1110 Duckworth Justin Patrick 1310 Duffy Andrew Victor 1310 Egalla Laurence Caasi 5100 Fish Ethan Hamilton 1310 Fishbein Jennifer M 1800 Foley Paige Miriam 1160 Frazier Nikole Marie 1320 Gao Jian 3100 Garrison Hunter Austin 1310 Gearhart Chloe Noelle 1320 Gerson Samuel Isaac 1110 Gilmore Joshua Mark 1310 Hall Brandon Blaine 2900 Hanks Jack Davidson 1320 Henseler Ryan Patrick 1830 Hensley Brandon Craig 1320 Henson Brian Elliot 1830 Hernandez Benjamin 1320 Houghton Henry Lewis 3100 Hrvoich James Edward 1310 Huffington Taylor Orion 1170 Hughes Christopher R 1210 Jamieson Stuart A 1310 Jankowski John Henry 1310 Jemielity Kenneth Justin 1110 Jennings Julie A 1310 Johnson Ashlee Violet 2900 Jones Charles R III 1320 Juliano Anthony Stephen 1310 Kay Jacob Michael 1310 Kim Leng Annie 1110 King Antonia Gabrielle 1320 Knight Sean Michael 1110 Kramer Joshua Ryan 1830 Krull Samuel James 1320 Kurek Trent Allen 1310 Lamberis Shahin Anthony 1110 Lampronyork Michael L 1300 Lavalle Christian James 1310 Lenci Aaron Ryan 1320 Li Rui 5100 Lokie Shawn Thomas 1110 Lukac Daniel C IV 1210 Maguire Nicholas Michael 1320 Maly Benjamin Thomas 1130 Mann Katherine Blair 3100 Marquez Jorge Pedro 1320 Martinez Adam John 1830 Martinez David Joseph 1310 Masarik Michael J II 1320 Massillon Vladimir 1820 Mavi Mayek 2300 Mcgroder Jacob Mathew 1310 Monteleone Annelise C 1310 Morgan Alik Braden 2300 Muldoon Michael Jonathan 1310 Neal Alexandra Corinne 1110 Nichols Zachary Mcarthur 1820 Olson Carter Matthew 1310 Olson Kirsten Leigh 3100 Ortega Alexander P 1310 Park Sulbasenna Chung 1820 Penfield Austin Van 1310 Perez Jennifer 2900 Pfizenmaier Kyle Paul 1320 Phillips Austin Snow 1310 Pope Kortney Gean 1810 Post Matthew Michael 1310 Powers Barry William 1170 Przeslawski Alexander G 1820 Rano Jeffrey Michael 1810 Rasmussen Joshua David 1210 Reeder Matthew Sean 5100 Reising Michael Lawrence 1310 Richey Paden Lee 1310 Ricker Jacob Glenn 1310 Rinaldi Nicholas John 1320 Ross Bryan Douglas 1830 Sanborn Michael A 1390 Sanchez Roberto Anthony 1160 Sanpedro Gabrielle Mae P 3100 Santana Sarah Grace 1110 Schultz William Wright 3100 Scott Brandon Jeffery 1320 Shalkey Vanessa Marie 1810 Smith Jesse Layton 1110 Sobieraj Christopher 1830 Sprouse Eric Michael 1160 Steward Bradley Lyle 1320 Strohl Zachary James 1310 Stuart Liam Conklin 1110 Tarver Lee Devin 3100 Thomas Adam Gregory 3100 Thompson Christopher S 5100 Torrespagan Luis Enrique 1820 Urdinaran Isabella A 1320 Vargas Yaravi Anaya 5100 Warrington David I F 1110 Waters James Preston 1830 Waugh Dicoda Bonetto 3100 Wentz Michaela Davis 1830 Werner Andrew Tyler 1310 Wheeler Stephen Kyle 1800 White Neal Leslie 2900 Wilcoxon Melissa M 3100 Wilkerson Brittany N 2900 Williams Michael A Jr. 2300 Wise Jacob L M 1310 Wu Yifen 3100 Ybarra Crystal Anne 2300 Yueh Alexander Edward 1310 PERMANENT PROMOTION TO CHIEF WARRANT OFFICER, W-5 DOR/EFF DATE 01 JULY 2022 Scott James David 7331 PERMANENT PROMOTION TO CHIEF WARRANT OFFICER, W-4 DOR/EFF DATE 01 JULY 2022 Allison Erik Edward 7111 Dinsmore William John 7311 Felder Edda Iris 7131 Khol Nathan Aaron 7151 Myers Michael Shawn 7131 Noriega Joseph Nelson 7311 Pringle Rondy Rondell 7821 Ramsey Travis Dale 7181 Routszong Jonathan A 7811 Williams Shawnette L 7411 PERMANENT PROMOTION TO CHIEF WARRANT OFFICER, W-3 No officers promoted in this category. 2. If a selected officer does not decline promotion in writing prior to the projected date of rank (noted above in paragraph 1), that officer is considered to have accepted the promotion on the date indicated. An officer who chooses to decline promotion must submit the declination in writing to COMNAVPERSCOM (PERS-806) within thirty (30) days of the release of this NAVADMIN. 3. The commanding officer (CO), the Secretary of the Navy, or his designee, has the authority to delay projected promotions. Upon the exercise of a delay, the officer shall be notified in writing before the effective date of the promotion, and not be tendered the promoting appointment. The delay authority will immediately forward the notification of delay with supporting documentation to COMNAVPERSCOM (PERS-83), copy to COMNAVPERSCOM (PERS-806). 4. COs are reminded of their responsibility to ensure the officers they are promoting are mentally, physically, morally and professionally qualified in accordance with title 10, U.S. Code 624. Per reference (a), officers are ineligible for promotion if they have failed the most recent Physical Fitness Assessment. COs shall verify the promoting officer's information in the Physical Readiness Information Management System to ensure compliance with reference (a), as modified by reference (b), and delay the officers promotion in accordance with paragraph 3 of this NAVADMIN, if required. 5. Prepare a Delivery of Permanent Appointment (NAVPERS form 1421/7) (Rev 10-13). Use this NAVADMIN as reference (a). Use section 624 of title 10, U.S. Code as reference (b), for permanent lieutenants and above. Use section 578 of title 10, U.S. Code as reference (b), for chief warrant officers. Use sections 624 and 8139 of title 10, U.S. Code as reference (b), for limited duty officer promotion to lieutenant. Mail the completed form to COMNAVPERSCOM (PERS-806) or email via MNCC at 6. Officers should review reference (c) and Retirements/Officer-Retirement-Laws/ for minimum time-in-grade (TIG) requirements for purposes of voluntary retirement. (NOTE: TIG requirements for active-duty LCDR voluntary retirements changed with NDAA-2021; Update to reference (c) is pending.) Training and administration of Reserve(TAR) officers and those officers temporarily on active duty anticipating release from active duty under reference (d) may accept promotion without incurring any additional active-duty obligation. 7. New photographs are required for all officers within three months after acceptance of promotion. See reference (e) for specific requirements. 8. Released by Vice Admiral Richard J. Cheeseman, Jr., N1.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//