ROUTINE R 211745Z JUL 22 MID200080046676U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 156/22 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/JUL// SUBJ/FISCAL YEAR 2023 SENIOR ENLISTED ASSIGNMENT OPTIMIZATION// REF/A/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/071453ZAUG17// REF/B/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/022009ZDEC19// REF/C/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/111604ZDEC02// NARR/REF A IS NAVADMIN 192/17, OPTIMIZING SENIOR ENLISTED (E7-E9) ASSIGNMENTS. REF B IS NAVADMIN 274/19, SEA SHORE FLOW ENLISTED CAREER PATHS UPDATE. REF C IS NAVADMIN 395/02, TRAINING AND ADMINISTRATION OF RESERVE SEA SHORE ROTATION TOUR LENGTH REVISION.// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN supports references (a) through (c) and announces the assignment optimization plan for Active Component (AC) and Training and Administration of Reserve (TAR) chief, senior chief and master chief petty officers (CPO, SCPO and MCPO respectively). Commander, Navy Personnel Command (COMNAVPERSCOM), Enlisted Assignment Division (PERS-40) will work with the Fleet readiness integrators (FRI), type commanders (TYCOM) and budget submitting office (BSO) N1 staffs to evaluate all chiefs assigned to billets with incorrect paygrades or those who are not aligned to funded billet requirements. The goal of this optimization plan is to ensure our most experienced enlisted Sailors are aligned to billets which specifically need their training, leadership and experience. This plan will lead to the realignment of chiefs into billets appropriate to their skills and experience. 2. COMNAVPERSCOM will host two virtual senior enlisted manning summits in Millington, TN. Participants may attend in person (Fleet, FRI, TYCOM and BSO participants will be given seating priority) or by dial-in teleconference, with dial-in information distributed separately. The SCPO and MCPO summit will be 25-29 July 2022. The CPO summit is scheduled 24-28 October 2022, contingent on release of selection board results. In-person groups supporting the summits will be governed by the applicable health protection condition restrictions, see local guidance for specifics. During registration for the summits, attendees have and will be provided with specific risk mitigation instructions. The summits will allow Fleets, TYCOMs and BSOs to work with COMNAVPERSCOM to fill their most critical gapped billets. a. Enlisted Readiness and Placement Branch (PERS-4013) have provided a list of misaligned chiefs to the FRIs. The FRIs have distributed the list of misaligned Sailors to the TYCOM and BSO N1s. Prior to the summit, PERS-4013 will evaluate chief billet requirements in MyNavy Assignment (MNA). b. Chiefs who are aligned to billets of an incorrect paygrade may be subject to the following options: (1) Realignment to an in-paygrade requirement at their current command. (2) Movement to a valid billet at another command. (3) If immediate alignment to a valid in-grade billet is not reasonably possible, then adjustment of projected rotation date (PRD) to enter the order negotiation window earlier than their current PRD. Chiefs in receipt of a PRD adjustment should expect to negotiate for orders to fill an in-paygrade requirement and will be considered a sea or shore roller based on a ratio of sea and shore duty billets available within their paygrade. c. Enlisted manning stakeholders identified in paragraph 1 shall review misaligned personnel, as well as Fleet billet vacancies and provide their recommendations for consideration at the manning Summit. d. Fleet readiness concerns will guide all decisions and actions, but each move will be considered on a case-by-case basis. e. The movement of realigned personnel will begin approximately 30 days after each summit concludes. Any out-of-area moves will receive adequate time to prepare and execute. All transfer timelines will take into account the vacancies that they will create and those they will fill, and limit or prevent *double-stuffing* of billets. f. CPO optimization efforts will not include nuclear chiefs, nuclear billet structures, or nuclear enlisted manning stakeholders. 3. The summit precept requires participants to evaluate all Sailors without prejudice or partiality. Each participant must pay particular attention to each Sailor and billet to ensure that they are meeting the intention of the optimization process. During deliberations, participants may consider any negative impacts a realignment may have on the activity or the Sailor. Before any decisions are made, TYCOM/BSO and FRIs will provide their input. If the requested actions are within one FRI, the FRI will make final decisions. If the requested action involves more than one FRI and there is a disagreement, the manning control authority will make the final decision. A copy of the precept will be provided to participants by the summit coordinators. 4. Fleet activities shall continue evaluating MNA alignments to ensure that Sailors are accurately aligned aboard their current activity. Chiefs should be aligned to billets for their specific paygrades. If Sailors of any paygrade need to be realigned to another billet, the activity manning manager (AMM) should submit a member realignment request (MRR) in MNA. If the MRR is approved, PERS-4013 will update the alignment. AMMs should contact their placement coordinator in PERS-4013 with any questions or concerns. 5. Key messages: a. Sailors. We are working to better align our enlisted supervisors to billets which require their skills and experience. The emphasis on operational readiness and unit prioritization reflect our identity as a sea service. We must preserve the readiness of the Fleet and ensure that chiefs are optimally assigned to meet mission readiness. We will take each Sailors personal considerations into account. b. Commands. Commanders, commanding officers, executive officers and command master chiefs must ensure their Sailors understand the intent of this message. Your cooperation and support of this senior enlisted optimization will greatly contribute to achieving maximum Fleet and operational readiness. 6. To register for the CPO manning summit, participants should contact any of the following summit coordinators: a. CDR Eric Lull at or 901-874- 4360. b. ITCM LaToya Bauman at or 901-874- 3753. c. ISCS Keith Wold at or 901- 874-4340. 7. Points of contact. For specific questions, please contact your PERS-4013 placement coordinator, rating detailer, or the MyNavy Career Center at askmncc(at) or 1-833-330-MNCC(6622). 8. Released by Rear Admiral J. P. Waters, Acting N1B.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//