ROUTINE R 261901Z JUL 22 MID200080057348U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 168/22 MSGID/NAVADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/CNO/JUL// SUBJ//NAVPLAN 2022// RMKS/1. Shipmates, I am proud to announce the release of Navigation Plan 2022. This document surveys the state of our Navy and provides direction on our future. Navigation Plan 2022 builds upon the solid foundation set by last year's NAVPLAN and takes into account three significant developments. 2. First, earlier this year, the Secretary of Defense released the 2022 National Defense Strategy (NDS), which sets out how the Department of Defense (DoD) will contribute to advancing and safeguarding U.S. national interests. The NDS is clear about the formidable challenges our adversaries pose to the international rules-based order, as evidenced by China's and Russia's blatant attempts to reshape the security environment to their advantage. In response to these challenges, the NDS introduces "integrated deterrence" as a unifying principle for the DoD. Additionally, the NDS identifies "campaigning" and "building enduring advantages" as the additional ways through which we will achieve our Nation's goals. In support of these ways, the NDS calls for updated operational concepts, including the Joint Warfighting Concept (JWC), to align capabilities and missions across the Services. Our Navy plays a unique and critical role in supporting the NDS: a ready, combat-credible, forward deployed fleet is the most potent, flexible, and versatile instrument of military power. Nested under the Secretary of the Navy's Strategic Guidance and the Tri-Service Maritime Strategy, Navigation Plan 2022 outlines how we will continue adapting to the security environment in order to fulfill our singular role as part of the Joint Force defending our Nation. 3. Second, Navigation Plan 2022 accounts for the progress we have made and what we have learned as a result of the NAVPLAN Implementation Framework (NIF). The NIF has accelerated our progress in 18 separate focus areas, but we still have much work to do. To continue delivering the outcomes called for in the NIF, Navigation Plan 2022 identifies a supported commander for each objective, promoting alignment, accountability, coordination, and collaboration. We have made significant progress this past year, breaking through stovepipes and turning priorities into tangible action. However, we must accelerate key capabilities, such as our ability to shoot, maneuver, defend, and resupply, while building momentum in additional critical areas, including: live, virtual, and constructive (LVC) training, the Naval Operational Architecture, artificial intelligence, and unmanned systems. 4. Third, Navigation Plan 2022 directs necessary course corrections to the design of our future force. Six overarching Force Design Imperatives-- Distance, Deception, Defense, Distribution, Delivery, and Decision Advantage- -will guide the development of our naval capabilities and enable us to employ our warfighting concepts. These imperatives will feed an "engine" of strategy that will better inform our budget choices-leveraging wargaming, analysis, research, experimentation, and disruptive technology. The Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Warfighting Development (OPNAV N7) will become the supported commander responsible for developing, maintaining, and refining the Navy's Force Design vision. A collaborative, continuous, and iterative Force Design process will energize our modernization efforts and help us maintain our maritime advantage in this critical decade and beyond. 5. Ultimately, Navigation Plan 2022 reflects the Get Real, Get Better call to action we are now adopting throughout our Navy. The rapidly increasing capabilities of our adversaries and their demonstrated intent to threaten our national interests demand that we focus on continuous improvement. We must courageously self-assess, deliberately self-correct, and continuously learn. Navigation Plan 2022 acknowledges identified shortcomings and barriers to our future progress, while charting the path forward to overcome them. 6. Everything in Navigation Plan 2022 supports our four overarching priorities: Readiness, Capabilities, Capacity, and Sailors. We must maintain readiness, keeping combat-credible forces forward in order to protect the free and open system underpinning American security and prosperity. We must possess capabilities to deter war and, if needed, win in conflict. We must build capacity that will enable us to deliver sea control and project power. And we must lead, train, and equip our Sailors to out-think and out-fight any adversary. 7. I expect all Navy leaders to read Navigation Plan 2022, which is available on the website ( Each one of us has an important role to play, and our success depends on executing this Navigation Plan as a team. 8. Released by Admiral Mike Gilday, Chief of Naval Operations.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//