ROUTINE R 291252Z AUG 22 MID200080356139U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 193/22 MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC//N4//AUG// SUBJ/NAVY INTERIM GUIDANCE FOR THE LIFE CYCLE MANAGEMENT OF SHORE ELECTRONIC SECURITY SYSTEMS (CORRECTED COPY)// REF/A/DOC/DOD/04MAY22// REF/B/DOC/OPNAV/28JAN09// REF/C/DOC/OPNAV/28MAY21 REF/D/DOC/CNIC/06JUN16// REF/E/DOC/DOD/19JUL22// REF/F/DOC/DOD/23APR15/ REF/G/DOC/ICS/17SEP10// REF/H/DOC/OPNAV/16MAY14/ REF/I/DOC/SECNAV/12JUL19// REF/J/DOC/DOD/24FEB12/ REF/K/DOC/UFC/18JAN17// REF/L/DOC/UFC/11SEP19// REF/M/DOC/SECNAV/19JAN21// REF/N/DOC/OPNAV/11MAY21// NARR/REF A IS DOD S-5210.41-M, NUCLEAR WEAPON SECURITY MANUAL. REF B IS OPNAVINST 5530.14E, NAVY PHYSICAL SECURITY AND LAW ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM. REF C IS OPNAVINST 5530.13D, THE CONVENTIONAL ARMS, AMMUNITION AND EXPLOSIVES PHYSICAL SECURITY POLICY MANUAL. REF D IS CNICINST 5530.14A, ASHORE PROTECTION PROGRAM. REF E IS DODINST 8510.01, RISK MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK FOR DOD SYSTEMS. REF F IS DODM O-5205.07, VOLUME 3 SPECIAL ACCESS PROGRAM (SAP) SECURITY MANUAL: PHYSICAL SECURITY. REF G IS THE INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY STANDARD 705-1, PHYSICAL AND TECHNICAL SECURITY STANDARDS FOR SENSITIVE COMPARTMENTED INFORMATION FACILITIES. REF H IS OPNAVINST 11010.20H, NAVAL FACILITY PROJECTS MANUAL. REF I IS SECNAVINST 5510.36B, DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY INFORMATION SECURITY PROGRAM. REF J IS DODM 5200.01 VOLUME 3, DOD INFORMATION SECURITY PROGRAM: PROTECTION OF CLASSIFIED INFORMATION. REF K IS UFC 4-010-06, CYBERSECURITY OF FACILITY-RELATED CONTROL SYSTEMS. REF L IS UFC 4-021-02, ELECTRONIC SECURITY SYSTEMS. REF M IS SECNAVINST 5400.15D RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT, ACQUISITION, ASSOCIATED LIFECYCLE MANAGEMENT, AND SUSTAINMENT RESPONSIBILITIES AND ACCOUNTABILITY. REF N IS THE OPNAVINST 5210.16A, SECURITY OF NUCLEAR REACTORS AND SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL.// POC/MR. JAMES JOHNSON/OPNAV N4I3/CNO WASHINTON DC/TEL: (703) 695-5516/DSN: 260-5516/ EMAIL: JAMES.A.JOHNSON13.CIV@US.NAVY.MIL// RMKS/1. Per references (a) through (m), this message provides interim guidance to clarify requirements, and define life cycle responsibilities associated with Electronic Security Systems (ESS) on Navy installations. 2. Background. Installation commanding officers have an inherent responsibility to provide protection for their installations. This is accomplished through the employment of a defense in depth approach, to include the use of ESS. A lack of policy encouraging standardization of ESS employment has resulted in inconsistent responsibilities and procurement practices; fostering a wide variety of requirements, installation and maintenance/sustainment practices. Deputy Chief of Naval Operations, Fleet Readiness and Logistics (OPNAV N4) intends to streamline and standardize the procurement, installation, sustainment, and training for ESS across the shore domain. Overall goals are to reduce waste in resourcing across the Service, improve existing and future system configurations and cyber fitness, and reduce the need for various exchanges to engage with vendors for procurement and sustainment of various systems. 3. Policy. a. Under the authority of OPNAV N4, and as a component of the Navy Physical Security Program, ESS is understood to include integrated (or stand- alone) electronic systems that encompass interior and exterior intrusion detection systems, closed circuit television or video surveillance systems (for assessment of alarm conditions), access control systems, alarm reporting systems for monitoring, control, and/or display; duress devices, and other associated components such as data transmission media (DTM). For the purposes of this policy, DTM refers only to communications and network components categorized as personal property per reference (h). b. ESS for designated restricted areas will be procured and deployed in accordance with references (b) through (m). This includes security requirements associated with installation perimeter access control and restricted areas as defined by reference (b). c. ESS for restricted areas will be centrally monitored at a location from which law enforcement/security response can be dispatched. Central (regional) and local monitoring stations will be manned by certified operators. d. All ESS employment will be executed by a single warfare center for execution of ESS projects in support of Navy requirements. e. Existing ESS on Navy installations that are not required by references (b) through (k), or validated by the Navy ESS Program, will be directed to the technical manager for ESS support. f. The Navy ESS technical manager will provide support to all Navy tenants, including Commander, Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command (COMNAVFACENGSYSCOM) for construction and special projects (i.e. military construction and facilities sustainment, and restoration and modernization funded projects). This technical support will extend to Navy tenants on other Service installations, and off installation areas as deemed appropriate by Director, Installations (OPNAV N4I) and Commander, Navy Installations Command (CNIC). This includes supporting non-Navy tenants on Navy installations as needed. g. Requests for exceptions shall use the waiver and exception process defined in reference (b). 4. Responsibilities. a. OPNAV N4I, will: (1) Update reference (b) to ensure ESS requirements and definitions are clearly defined for designated restricted areas; (2)Serve as the single Resource Sponsor for required Navy ESS; (3)Develop and validate requirements for all Navy ESS submitted during the Program Objective Memorandum (POM) cycle; (4)Identify resources associated with existing non-CNIC ESS requirements for realignment to OPNAV N4; (5)Publish guidance annually with business rules for year of execution procurement and emergent needs. b. CNIC will: (1) Act as the single Navy Program Office for ESS deemed valid by OPNAV N4I. All Navy ESS Program funded systems will be owned by, and the responsibility of, the ESS Program; (2) Serve as the single budget submitting organization (BSO) and System Owner for the Navy ESS Program; (3) Update reference (d) to ensure ESS requirements are defined for all Echelon 2 and subordinate Commands; (4) Coordinate with Naval Information Warfare Center Atlantic (NIWCLANT) to validate current ESS footprint for applicable restricted areas on all installations; (5) Develop an education campaign for region and installation personnel on Navy ESS programmatic and business cycle guidance; (6) Provide a report annually no later than the 4th quarter of each fiscal year that includes a status of the program and emergent and planned requirements for POM planning; (7) As office of primary responsibility for Navy ESS Program, continue execution of other physical security equipment categorized as real property (automated vehicle barriers, waterside security defense systems, automated vehicle gates, automated pedestrian turnstiles) ensuring system integration with ESS where feasible; (8) Ensure Navy ESS project management, execution and sustainment is supported by and incorporated within the approved information management system; (9) Maintain an inventory of all required Navy ESS located on Navy installations; (10) Participate in and coordinate with applicable working groups with the purpose of developing and standardizing processes supporting systems standardization, cybersecurity, development of best practices, integration, and life-cycle management (i.e. maintenance, sustainment, technology refreshment) for ESS; (11) Ensure all installation and life cycle management of ESS adhere to the requirements set forth in references (e) and (k); (12) Coordinate with Security Equipment Integration Working Group (SEIWG) and participate in reoccurring events, to foster physical security equipment interoperability ensuring compliance with SEIWG (SEIWG National Information Exchange Model (NIEM) Information Exchange Package Documentation) and NIEM standards, per DODI 8320.07; (13) Establish and maintain a formal training program to support end user and technical support personnel system familiarization. The training will encompass the approved ESS Family of Systems. c. Naval Information Warfare Systems Command (NAVWAR) will: (1) Support the Navy ESS Program ensuring compliance with engineering and cybersecurity standards; (2) Provide technical expertise in support of CNIC shore ESS program management efforts. d. Naval Information Warfare Center Atlantic (NIWCLANT) will: (1) Serve as the Technical Manager for Navy ESS, supporting N4I and CNIC in Programming and Planning for shore ESS initiatives; (2) Execute requirements on behalf of CNIC for the procurement, installation, training, and sustainment of ESS; (3) Provide training for ESS to system operators, physical security specialists, and field service representatives. Additional billets may be added to participate in training, with approval from CNIC; (4) Provide COMNAVFACENGSYSCOM preliminary ESS layouts and one-line diagrams to include in the construction project solicitation documents; (5) Review construction project design submittals and provide comments to COMNAVFACENGSYSCOM on ESS layouts. e. COMNAVFACENGSYSCOM will: (1)Serve as Technical Authority for facility engineering design and construction in accordance with reference (m); (2) Ensure that construction projects include necessary infrastructure (Real Property) as defined by reference (h) to support the ESS when those systems are required; (3) Coordinate ESS infrastructure layouts for construction projects with NIWCLANT; (4) Ensure that ESS is not acquired outside of the process described above; (5) Notify the CNIC ESS Program office of all requests for ESS. f. Regional Commands, Installation Commanding Officers and Tenant Commands will: (1) Publish this policy to all subordinate commands/activities. (2) Ensure that ESS is not procured outside of the requirements described above; (3) Ensure that ESS requirements are identified early in project planning; (4) Direct all requests for ESS to the POCs identified by the CNIC ESS Program office, via the information management system approved by OPNAV N4I; (5)Enable the installation physical security department as the single point of contact at the installation level to support ESS requests; (6) Designate in writing installation physical security personnel to act on behalf of Installation Commanding Officer and Installation SECO by participating in facilities planning discussions (MILCON, FSRM, etc.) ensuring physical security and ESS requirements are identified; (7) Ensure installation physical security personnel are identified as the initial POC for ESS project oversight, maintenance, and sustainment. 5. Implementation Timeline and Funding responsibilities. The following tasks will be formalized via formal tasking system. a. CNIC shall develop a plan for implementation and plan of action and milestones that accounts for all actions required to achieve full operational capability. b. Major milestones of policy implementation (i.e. programming of resources, execution of resources, project execution, operator training and certification) will be provided to the applicable stakeholders to allow reasonable response and action. c. Mission owners with existing (or planned) contracts shall reference guidance published by the Program Management Office. Mission owners with requirements that will not be funded by the Program Office shall initiate coordination with the technical manager to initiate planning and project execution. 6. Applicability. This message applies to all Navy installations and the tenants aboard Navy installations, with the exception of tenants who have security requirements per reference (a) and (n). Navy tenants aboard other Service installations will adhere to the host Service ESS policy. This policy remains in effect until the new revision of reference (b) is released. 7. Released by VADM R. L. Williamson, N4.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//