CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 031811Z JAN 23 MID600052559820U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//DNS// TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//DNS// BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 002/23 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//DNS// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/DEC/ SUBJ//ANNOUNCING NEW YEARS DAY DECK LOG POEM CONTEST FOR 2023// POC/NHHC DECK LOG PROGRAM//LOC: WASHINGTON, DC/EMAIL: NHHC_HAD_DECKLOGS(AT)US.NAVY.MIL// RMKS/1. The Naval History And Heritage Command (NHHC) is excited to announce the annual New Year's Day Deck Log Poem Contest for 2023 and calls for submissions by 2359 Eastern Daylight Time, 24 February 2023. 2. Celebratory congratulations to our winners from last year. First place: USS LAKE CHAMPLAIN (CG-57) written by ENS Sarah Weinstein. Second place: USS RUSSELL (DDG 59) written by LTJG Megan Stilley. Third place: USS CURTIS WILBUR (DDG 54) written by LT Austyn Sutton. Thank you to everyone that submitted entries for last year's contest. We look forward to reading your 2023 entries! 3. The deck log is the official record maintained by all commissioned U.S. Navy vessels. While regulations normally restrict the types of entries in logbooks, the Navy has long held the tradition of the Midnight New Year's Poem. The first entry of the new year, written in verse, allows Sailors to express their creativity, experience of shipboard life, and pride in their command. To highlight this unique tradition, NHHC will host a New Year's Day Deck Log Poem Contest. Sailors, we want to hear your voice. 4. Reviving aspects of our heritage like this time-honored tradition enhances our warfighting effectiveness. As Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Michael M. Gilday noted in FRAGO 1, as we focus on the future, we will value and celebrate our heritage. Harkening back to our heritage connects us with the generations of Sailors that came before us, creating a sense of belonging and responsibility to uphold their legacy of valor and sacrifice. 5. The focus of this contest is to celebrate the voices of our Sailors and to preserve this Navy tradition. The contest also reminds the fleet of the importance of the deck log as a historical document, one that preserves for future generations the actions and voices of our Sailors. 6. Contest Details: a. Deadline for submissions is 2359 eastern daylight time, 24 February 2023. b. Due to the public-facing nature of the contest, all entries must be unclassified. c. Submissions will be accepted by email only. Email a pdf copy of the deck log page(s) with your poem to NHHC_HAD_Decklogs(at) d. Eligibility. While it is not uncommon for squadrons and staffs to write New Year's Day poems in their watchstanding logbooks as well, this contest, for now, is limited to commissioned Navy vessels. e. Poems can be submitted with either an identified or anonymous author. Commanding Officers that would like to recognize the poems author, please provide the authors contact information with the submission email. In the case of an anonymous author, the command will be recognized and receive the award. f. Selections will be made for first, second, and third place. First place prize is a piece of historic copper sheathing from USS CONSTITUTION. Winning entries will be featured on NHHC's website alongside examples from generations past. The NHHC director will also recognize the winners. g. Winners will be announced in late April 2023 in coordination of national poetry month. 7. For examples of poems and more information, see NHHC's website: -for-the-fleet/deck-logs/new-years-contest.html 8. For questions, please contact the NHHC deck log program, email: nhhc_had_decklogs(at) 9. Released by Mr. Andrew S. Haeuptle, Director, Navy Staff.// BT #0001 NNNN CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED//