CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 151929Z JUN 23 MID600053056955U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 139/23 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/JUN// SUBJ/REVISIONS TO COMMAND CLIMATE ASSESSMENTS// REF/A/DOC/DOD/20DEC22// REF/B/DOC/CNO WASHINGTON DC/03NOV21// REF/C/DOC/CNO WASHINGTON DC/26JUN18// NARR/REF A IS DODI 6400.11, DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE INTEGRATED PRIMARY PREVENTION POLICY FOR PREVENTION WORKFORCE AND LEADERS. REF B IS OPNAVINST 5354.1H, NAVY HARASSMENT PREVENTION AND MILITARY EQUAL OPPORTUNITY PROGRAM MANUAL. REF C IS THE COMMAND RESILIENCE TEAM GUIDE.// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN revises the timeframe and process for command climate assessments (CCA), to include responsibilities for commanders, commanding officers, officers-in-charge, and civilian equivalents (subsequently referred to as commanders) and immediate superior in command (ISIC). 2. Desired Outcome. The Navy's goal is to produce people, leaders, and teams that are ready for combat, or to support those who go forward. The CCA process, leveraging the Defense Organizational Climate Survey (DEOCS) provides commanders with invaluable and actionable insight into their commands so that local conditions get better over time. 3. CCA (revised timeline and process). Reference (a) changed the time frame for annual CCAs and change of command CCAs. The command resilience team (CRT) should leverage references (b) and (c), and administer CCA in line with the following: a. Annual CCA: (1) Consist of a DEOCS, and involve consideration of multiple sources of information such as administrative records review, reports, interview data, focus groups, or other existing data. (2) Start no earlier than 1 August and conclude by 30 November, which is called the CCA fielding window. (3) Must initiate the DEOCS no later than 31 October. (4) Is considered complete when the commander signs their executive summary and plan of action and milestones (POAM). (5) Should be debriefed to the ISIC within 60 calendar days of completion. Email review and reply are not acceptable. (6) For 2023, all commanders must conduct an annual CCA during the CCA fielding window, regardless of when their last CCA occurred. (7) Commanders who conducted a CCA between 1 February 2023 and 31 July 2023, and who do not have significant changes in DEOCS results from DEOCS conducted during the required period (1 August 2023 - 31 October 2023), are not required to conduct an administrative records review, interview, and focus group data review. b. Change of Command CCAs: (1) Must occur within 90 days after assumption of command or office. (2) If the change of command occurs outside of the annual CCA fielding window, the change of command CCA should not include a DEOCS if one has been conducted in the last calendar year. (3) Consists of a review of the previous CCA(s) to assess progress and make adjustments, and should include a review of updated administrative records, reports, interview data, focus groups, and other data as available. (4) Must be debriefed to the ISIC within 30 calendar days of completion. Email review and reply are not acceptable. 4. CCA Responsibilities (commander and ISIC): a. Survey Participation: (1) All Service Members and civilian employees in the command or organization must have the opportunity to participate, but survey participation is voluntary. However, commanders, command leadership and command resilience team (CRT) members should actively promote maximum survey participation and provide opportunities for all personnel (military and DoD civilians) to take surveys during work hours. (2) Commanders should be transparent with their Sailors. The consistent best practice for increasing survey participation is a thorough debrief of the CCA, and then following through on POAM actions, with the status briefed to the command on a periodic basis. (3) Historically, the Navy has averaged about 40 percent DEOCS participation. The higher the voluntary survey participation is in a unit, the higher the confidence commanders can have that the results represent the views of the unit. (4) Commanders and CRT members should pay special attention to the written comments in the DEOCS as they may provide awareness of previously undetected issues to the attention of the CRT. b. Protective and Risk Factors. DEOCS provides data on protective and risk factors. These factors provide leading indicators of successful mission accomplishment and the potential for harmful behaviors such as suicide and sexual assault. Commanders remain accountable for totality of their climate, but based on Navy-wide data, the following guidance is provided: (1) Protective Factors. Within the 11 protective factors, commanders should prioritize the development of Connectedness and Inclusion. (2) Risk Factors. Within the 11 risk factors, commanders must actively reduce conditions that result in moderate-high stress, frequent workplace hostility, and presence of harassing behaviors (sexual and racial). This includes taking action to address microclimates within a command where these risk factors are high. (3) Additional information on protective and risk factors is contained on the fact sheet posted with this NAVADMIN on c. ISIC Responsibilities. ISICs may adjust the timing of the Annual CCA or change of command CCA based on operational requirements. d. Echelon 2 Commanders. By 31 March each year, each echelon 2 must report annual CCA ISIC debrief status to Navy Culture and Resilience Office (OPNAV N17), breaking out commands that have requested a waiver or are incomplete. 5. Prevention and Response Programs (OPNAV N170) will set up several town halls for command climate specialists to discuss and answer questions about the new CCA process and requirements. Command Triad and CRT members are highly encouraged to attend. Town hall dates will be posted on Opportunity/Command-Climate-Specialists/. 6. Questions about the CCA process can be forwarded to the appropriate echelon 2 command climate specialists, the Integrated Primary Prevention Program mailbox,; or Navy Harassment and Military Equal Opportunity Advice Line, at (703) 604-1037 or via e-mail at 7. Released by Vice Admiral Richard J. Cheeseman, Jr., N1.// BT #0001 NNNN CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED//