CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 301920Z JUN 23 MID120000270295U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 152/23 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/JUN// SUBJ/ANNUAL RECERTIFICATION OF SPECIAL DUTY ASSIGNMENT PAY// REF/A/DOC/OPNAV/5OCT17// REF/B/DOC/DOD/11JAN19// NARR/REF A IS OPNAVINST 1160.6C, SPECIAL DUTY ASSIGNMENT PAY PROGRAM. REF B IS DOD INSTRUCTION 1340.26 CHANGE 1, ASSIGNMENT AND SPECIAL DUTY ASSIGNMENT PAY.// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN announces the annual Special Duty Assignment Pay (SDAP) recertification process for fiscal year 2023. In line with references (a) and (b), commanding officers (CO) are required to annually review and certify the entitlement to SDAP for each Sailor in their command. 2. Recertification must be completed by 31 August 2023 and is a requirement for continued payment of SDAP to Sailors at each command beyond that date. 3. A complete list of authorized skills and SDAP amounts can be obtained from the MyNavy HR website at: Management/Enlisted-Career-Admin/SRB-SDAP-Enl-Bonus/. 4. Process: a. Obtain a summary of the authorized SDAP billets for the command using the My Navy Assignments database. This is the filtered billet based distribution (BBD) report for the command that only lists the Sailors who are currently receiving SDAP. (1) This report may not be exhaustive. Certifying commands must verify their entire complement of Sailors in order to validate SDAP payments to those who may not be electronically gained to the command or Sailors who are gained but are erroneously receiving SDAP. (2) Commands without an activity manning manager may request access to command career management system-interactive detailing using the procedure outlined in the following MyNavy HR web address: gnment/MyNavy_Assignment_Access.pdf. Certifying commands must have access to all subordinate unit identification codes (UIC). (3) Commands may contact BUPERS-328 via or (901)874-3260/DSN 882 for additional assistance in obtaining their SDAP BBD report. b. Validate the entire command using the SDAP BBD report from the My Navy Assignments database as follows: (1) Next to each Sailor listed on the report, simply annotate the SDAP level and the associated Navy enlisted classification (NEC) for which SDAP is authorized in line with the most current SDAP eligibility chart. Any erroneous SDAP payments must be corrected through the servicing TSC upon discovery. (2) In the event of an unposted activity loss or strength loss that resulted in a Sailor who has already transferred still being listed in the BBD report, simply line out or delete the line item. (3) Sailors who are not listed in the report due to a delayed or unposted activity gain should be added to the list and validated appropriately. (4) Once each Sailor at the command is validated, a signed letter from the CO or acting (not by direction) must be addressed and forwarded to Director, Military Community Management (BUPERS-3) with the SDAP BBD report as an enclosure. The contents of the validation letter will include a statement from the CO certifying that a complete review of all authorized SDAP billets at the command was conducted and all discrepancies were rectified or are in the process of being resolved. The letter will also contain the e-mail address and phone number of a suitable point of contact at the command and should also contain a list of all pending discrepancy resolution actions. (5) Send the command SDAP recertification letter and enclosed SDAP BBD report via encrypted e-mail to BUPERS-3 at: The e-mail subject line must contain the UIC of the certifying command. (6) If a command has trouble sending the encrypted e-mail, ensure the encryption e-mail certificate is posted to the global address list. If there are still encryption issues, contact BUPERS- 328 for additional options. (7) E-mail is the preferred method, but if needed to send the report via regular mail, please send to: Bureau of Naval Personnel Enlisted Incentive Program Department (BUPERS 328) 5720 Integrity Drive Millington TN 38055-0130 5. Any action required to start, stop, or change the level of SDAP of a Sailor must be submitted to the supporting TSC via the Command Pay and Personnel Administrator. All corrective transactions older than 240 days will be processed by BUPERS-328 via an e-mailed request submitted to 6. Commands can check the status of their SDAP recertification at: Management/Enlisted-Career-Admin/SRB-SDAP-Enl-Bonus/. Please allow 5 to 10 days after submission for the webpage to be updated. 7. Point of contact. BUPERS-328,, (901) 874-3260/DSN 882. 8. This NAVADMIN will remain in effect through October 2023 unless superseded prior to that date. 9. Released by Rear Admiral James P. Waters, N13.// BT #0001 NNNN CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED//