CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 302033Z OCT 23 MID120000583913U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 258/23 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/OCT// SUBJ/PHYSICAL READINESS PROGRAM UPDATE FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2024 PHYSICAL FITNESS ASSESSMENT// REF/A/DOC/OPNAV/22APR22// REF/B/DOC/OPNAV/JAN23// REF/C/DOC/OPNAV/JAN23// REF/D/DOC/OPNAV/JAN23// REF/E/DOC/OPNAV/JAN23// NARR/REF A IS OPNAVINST 6110.1K, PHYSICAL READINESS PROGRAM. REF B IS NAVY PHYSICAL READINESS PROGRAM GUIDE 4, BODY COMPOSITION ASSESSMENT. REF C IS NAVY PHYSICAL READINESS PROGRAM GUIDE 5, PHYSICAL READINESS TEST. REF D IS NAVY PHYSICAL READINESS PROGRAM GUIDE 7, PHYSICAL READINESS INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM TWO (PRIMS-2) ADMINISTRATION. REF E IS NAVY PHYSICAL READINESS PROGRAM GUIDE 9, COMMAND PHYSICAL TRAINING AND FITNESS ENCHANCEMENT PROGRAM.// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN announces a single Calendar Year 2024 (CY2024) Physical Fitness Assessment (PFA), policy changes for postpartum wellness PFA, Command Fitness Leader (CFL) recertification and a PFA Physical Readiness Information Management System TWO (PRIMS-2) update. 2. PFA Cycle 2024. The Navy remains absolutely committed to the physical readiness of our force. Sustaining one PFA per year is designed to reduce administrative requirements and empower commanding officers to build healthier people, leaders and teams. The cycle will be conducted from 1 February to 30 November 2024 in line with references (a) through (e), which are located at: Readiness/. a. The PFA cycle will be opened in PRIMS-2 starting 1 December 2023 and will be labeled *Cycle 1 2024*. b. Sailors will electronically submit their Physical Activity Risk Factor Questionnaire via MyNavy Portal (My Records). c. There will be no excellent or above incentive physical readiness test exemption for CY2024 in line with reference (a). 3. The following changes to reference (a) are effective immediately: a. The CFL recertification requirement has been extended from three to five years (paragraph 6.l.(2)(a)7). b. The postpartum wellness (unofficial) PFA requirement is cancelled (paragraph 5.(c)(1)(c)1 through 3). After delivery, Sailors should participate in a progressive and appropriate exercise program, as soon as medically authorized, to return to Navy physical fitness standards. 4. PRIMS-2 Update. Commands are to ensure designated CFLs and assistant CFLs (ACFLs) request PRIMS-2 access in line with reference (d). a. CFL and ACFLs are reminded to log in every 30 days to avoid account deactivation. Account reactivation can result in submission of an updated SAAR-N Form. b. Data Load Widget. CFL and ACFLs are encouraged to use the data load widget (csv file) for ease of uploading PFA data in PRIMS-2. c. Transferring/Gaining PFA Records. CFL and ACFLs are responsible for transferring and gaining a Sailor's PFA record in PRIMS-2. 5. Optimal performance is more than just being physically active and eating well. It is about developing and optimizing every element of one's mind, body and spirit. a. Obstacles to healthy behaviors can include unrealistic expectations, insufficient time to exercise, inadequate sleep or improper nutrition, or physical injury. If all Sailors treat their bodies as top-performing equipment and provide healthy nutrients to fuel them, they will last longer, perform better, recover faster, and be more efficient. b. The Navy Operational Fitness and Fueling System (NOFFS) is available to assist commands and Sailors to optimize the physical readiness and nutrition of Sailors. Additional information on NOFFS is located at and the NOFFS app, which can be downloaded on smartphone devices. 6. Contact the Physical Readiness Program Office for additional information: a. For policy related questions via e-mail at b. For PRIMS related questions via e-mail at c. For policy or PRIMS related questions via phone at (901) 874-2210/ DSN 882. 7. This NAVADMIN will remain in effect until superseded or cancelled, whichever occurs first. 8. Released by Vice Admiral Richard J. Cheeseman, Jr., N1.// BT #0001 NNNN CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED//