CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED// CORRECTED COPY ROUTINE R 031424Z NOV 23 MID120000594641U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 259/23 MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N2N6/NOV// SUBJ/GUIDANCE FOR NAVY SYSTEM AUTHORIZATION ACCESS REQUEST AND RECIPROCITY// REF/A/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N2N6/221441Z DEC 20// REF/B/MEMO/DONCIO/25 FEB 20// REF/C/INST/OPNAV/18 JUL 18// REF/D/INST/SECNAV/JUN 2016// REF/E/INST/DOD/6 MAR 20// REF/F/INST/DOD/7 OCT 19// REF/G/MANUAL/DOD/29 OCT 20// REF/H/MANUAL/SECNAV/AUG 2018// NARR/ REF A IS NAVADMIN 331/20, NAVY SYSTEM AUTHORIZATION ACCESS REQUEST-NAVY (SAAR-N) RECIPROCITY. REF B IS DEPARTMENT OF NAVY CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER MEMORANDUM, ACCEPTABLE USE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY. REF C IS OPNAV INSTRUCTION 5239.1D, U.S. NAVY CYBERSECURITY PROGRAM. REF D IS SECNAV M-5239.2, DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY CYBERSPACE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND CYBERSECURITY WORK FORCE AND QUALIFICATION MANUAL, JUNE 2016. REF E IS DODI 5200.48, CONTROLLED UNCLASSIFIED INFORMATION. REF F IS DODI 8500.01, CYBERSECURITY. REF G IS DOD MANUAL 5200.02, PROCEDURES FOR THE DOD PERSONNEL SECURITY PROGRAM. REF H IS SECNAV M-5210.2, DON STANDARD SUBJECT IDENTIFICATION CODE MANUAL.// POC/CDR JAYSON BEIER/MIL/OPNAV N2N6D/EMAIL: JAYSON.L.BEIER.MIL(AT)US.NAVY.MIL/TEL: 571-256-8514// POC/MICHAEL CHADWELL/CIV/OPNAV N2N6D/EMAIL: MICHAEL.W.CHADWELL.CIV(AT)US.NAVY.MIL/TEL: 703-695-7620// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN cancels reference (a) and updates the Navy's System Authorization Access Request (SAAR) process as directed by references (b) through (h). As part of this process update, this NAVADMIN directs the Usage of the Department of Defense (DoD) SAAR Form (DD Form 2875) in place of the Navy SAAR-N Form (OPNAV 5239/14). 2. Policy: Per references (b) and (c), all Department of the Navy (DON) Information Technology users must have an approved SAAR form on file prior to being granted access to networks, systems and applications. In order to bring Navy into alignment with the rest of the DoD, all new access requests must be completed using the DD Form 2875 no later than 28 February 2024. a. Commands can continue to use the current approved OPNAV 5239/14 (REV 9/2011) on file until the SAAR needs to be re-issued or modified. b. No later than 28 February 2024, all commands must use DD Form 2875 for initial access requests, re-issuance of access requests, or modification of access requests. c. The differences between the current OPNAV 5239/14 and the DD Form 2875 changes are noted below and the form is available at (1) Per reference (e), references to "For Official Use Only" were replaced with "Controlled Unclassified Information." (2) Block 19 was changed from "Information Assurance Officer" to "Information Systems Security Officer (ISSO) or Appointee" per reference (f). (3) Blocks 22 and 22b have been added to identify if the user is enrolled in the Continuous Evaluation Deferred Investigation Program and enrollment date per reference (g). (4) Block 22c was changed from "Clearance Level" to "Access Level". Access level refers to the access determination made based on the user's individual need for access to classified information or Controlled Unclassified Information to perform official duties. (5) User Agreement. The Navy User Agreement/Standard Mandatory Notice and Consent Provision using general terms and requirements is posted on the Department of Navy Chief Information Officer portal (, but the specific hosting site or system may require a separate form with site/system specific specifications. (6) Information System Privileged Access Agreement (PAA) and Acknowledgement of Responsibilities. Users requiring privileged access must submit a PAA for the system(s) they require privileged access alongside the SAAR. PAA can be found in reference (d) appendix 2. 3. SAAR Reciprocity a. Navy commands and organizations must reuse SAAR forms issued by other commands and organizations approving access to any DON networks, systems, or applications at the same or lower classification level and need-to-know status. This applies for both permanent changes of station and for temporary duties (e.g., Temporary Additional Duty, exercises, deploying, embarkation, etc.). (1) Modifications to move accounts within the Navy and reactivate disabled accounts due to inactivity do not require a new SAAR form. Information System Security Manager (ISSM), ISSO, or Information System Coordinator (ISC) will request account movement or reactivation after validating the current SAAR form and completion of mandatory training. (2) Users who require access to systems of a higher level of security clearance or additional need-to-know requirements than is reflected in the existing SAAR form require additional documentation or a new SAAR form. b. A new SAAR form is required upon change of personnel category status (e.g., MIL to CTR, CTR to CIV, MIL to CIV to NAF) and prior SAAR form will be updated by the ISSM/ISSO/ISC to request account deactivation to retain separation of personal (e.g., CIV, MIL, NAF, CTR, VOL). c. For reservists who are also employed within the Navy as contractors or civilians, one SAAR is required for each personnel category. This SAAR does not require update for each activation. 4. SAAR Processing a. For individuals with DoD approved digital signature certificates, when possible the initial SAAR must be digitally signed by the account requestor, the supervisor level person (supervisor or Information Security Officer or ISC or ISSM/ISSO), the security manager, and the validating official (system administrator) before the account is provisioned and enabled. The supervisor level signature cannot be the same as the account requestor. If a digital signature is not possible for any of the above, a wet signature is acceptable. (1) All signatures on the SAAR form must be within 90 days of the signature in Block 11. Once initial provisioning is complete, original signatures on the document will stand for the period prior to the applicable expiration. (2) Automated SAAR capabilities will adhere to this signature work flow. b. SAAR forms must have validation documented in the Date Processed block of Part IV by one of the following: the ISSM/ISSO, an ISSM/ISSO designee/appointee, or an ISC. ISSM/ISSO or ISC must perform validation, for continued user access, and be documented in the Date Revalidated block of Part IV. c. Once approved, the SAAR form must be retained on file by the command ISSM/ISSO or the unit's ISC until one year after the user account is terminated. This includes the initial SAAR form activating an account and any subsequent SAAR forms submitted (e.g., modification or deactivation requests). Archive retention requirements for SAARs follow reference (g). d. Command ISSMs will coordinate the disablement of accounts of users who do not complete required training by its required date and maintain a non-compliance list of accounts that were disabled. e. SAAR forms submitted for de-provisioning will have the digital signature of either the supervisor, ISC, or ISSM/ISSO. f. Commands will incorporate their ISSM/ISSO, ISC, or designee into the check-out process to ensure timely actions are taken to deactivate accounts upon loss of affiliation with the Navy (e.g., End of Active Obligated Service, Retirement, End of Contract, End of Employment). 5. Automated Processing a. Command developed automated processing, storage and maintenance of the approved SAAR forms are authorized but automated work flow, storage, processing and management must adhere to the requirements in this NAVADMIN. b. Total Workforce Management Services is the current DON and Navy capability for automated SAAR processing and reciprocity. c. Naval Identity Services (NIS) will be the mandated Identity, Credential, and Access Management solution for the DON. Systems that are integrated with NIS will use the SAAR automated account management process for account provisioning and de-provisioning. 6. Moving forward, Navy will continue to identify efficiencies that can be gained in the system access process with the long term goal of moving towards only requiring a single SAAR for every user as well as a standardized user agreement. In order to support this, Office of Chief of Naval Operations for Information Warfare will establish a Navy-wide SAAR Working Group following the release of this NAVADMIN to coordinate process improvements and clarify implementation guidelines. 7. This NAVADMIN will remain in effect until cancelled or superseded. 8. Released by Ms. Jennifer Edgin, Assistant, Deputy Chief of Naval Operations For Information Warfare, OPNAV N2N6.// BT #0001 NNNN CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED//