CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 281808Z NOV 23 MID120000661124U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//DNS// BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 287/23 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/NOV// SUBJ/FY-24 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT TRAINING COURSE FOR CHAPLAINS AND RELIGIOUS PROGRAM SPECIALISTS// REF/A/DOC/SECNAV/11MAR19// REF/B/DOC/NAVEDTRA/10AUG18// REF/C/DOC/CNO/JUL22// REF/D/DOC/CNO/MAY19// REF/E/OPNAV/09NOV22// REF/F/MCO/16AUG18// REF/G/COMDTINST/9MAR12// REF/H/COC/MAY23// NARR/REF A IS SECNAVINST 1730.7E, RELIGIOUS MINISTRY WITHIN THE DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY. REF B IS NAVEDTRA 135D, NAVY SCHOOL MANAGEMENT MANUAL. REF C IS CHIEF OF NAVAL OPERATIONS NAVIGATION PLAN 2022, JULY 2022. REF D IS NAVY LEADER DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK, VERSION 3.0, MAY 2019. REF E IS OPNAVINST 1730.1F, RELIGIOUS MINISTRY IN THE NAVY. REF F IS MCO 1730.6F W/ADMIN CH, RELIGIOUS MINISTRY IN THE MARINE CORPS. REF G IS COMDTINST 1730.4C, RELIGIOUS MINISTRIES WITHIN THE COAST GUARD. REF H IS DIRECTOR OF RELIGIOUS MINISTRIES STRATEGIC PLAN 2023. RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN establishes the Chief of Chaplains as program sponsor for the professional development of Chaplain Corps (CHC) officers and Religious Program Specialists (RP) in line with references (a) through (h). The Chief of Chaplains conducts annual short-course training for CHC officers and RPs to sharpen the unique capabilities and competencies chaplains and RPs bring to the institution and to inspire excellence in delivering religious ministry. The FY-24 Professional Development Training will consist of a total of four days and is required for all chaplains and RPs barring operational commitments. This training also provides continuing education units, which may be required to maintain religious organization credentials. 2. The Professional Development Training Workshop (PDTW), conducted the first day, will focus on Spiritual Readiness. 3. The Professional Development Training Course (PDTC), conducted the following three days, will address Building Spiritual Readiness Through Counseling. The PDTC will train, develop, and inspire chaplains and RPs to develop and enhance programs that build the Spiritual Readiness of warriors and their commands and will provide Religious Ministry Teams with a framework and experience in counseling. 4. The FY-24 PDTC objectives are to train chaplains and RPs to be able to: a. Identify the Navy standard of pastoral counseling. b. Distinguish how this may differ from Religious Organization (RO) standards of faith group-specific counseling. c. Identify how it may overlap with RO standards of faith group-specific counseling. d. Describe how Professional Naval Chaplaincy (PNC) informs counseling. e. Differentiate pastoral counseling done in the "provision competency" from counseling done in the "care competency. f. Present the Naval standards for pastoral counseling. g. Make chaplains and RPs aware of types of counseling methods currently available. h. Demonstrate the ability to use knowledge learned to complete a Capstone Event. 5. Dates and Locations. The FY-24 PDTW and PDTC will be offered on these dates at the following locations: CONUS LOCATIONS DATE LOCATION 08-11 Jan NAS Jacksonville 22-25 Jan NB San Diego, CA #1 05-08 Feb MCB Camp Lejeune, NC 15-18 Apr NB San Diego, CA #2 22-25 Apr NB Kitsap, WA 13-16 May NS Norfolk, VA 20-23 May NAS Pensacola, FL 03-06 Jun JEB Little Creek, VA 10-13 Jun MCB Camp Pendleton, CA OCONUS LOCATIONS DATE LOCATION 12-15 Feb Rota, Spain 04-07 Mar MCBH Kaneohe Bay, HI 11-14 Mar Okinawa, Japan 6. Travel. Commands are authorized to provide funding in support of religious ministries within the command to include funding chaplains and RPs to attend annual PDTW/PDTC according to references (a), (e), (f), and (g). Participants are encouraged to attend the training being held in their local areas where possible. 7. Registration. Chaplains and RPs are required to attend all four days of training and must register for both the PDTW (CIN: A-5G-0005) (CDP: 19MG) and the PDTC (CIN: P-5G-1303) (CDP: 19MF) through the enterprise Naval Training Reservation System (eNTRS) via self-registration or the service member's command training officer. Training dates and locations are accessible via the Catalogue of Navy Training Courses (CANTRAC). Prospective students must submit a current email address during registration or the request will be returned. Registration SOPs and guidance are available at the Naval Chaplaincy School (NCS) milSuite site: school/pages/pdtcpdtw. If Service Members encounter issues with registration, they may contact their command training officer for assistance. If the command training officer is unavailable, Service Members may contact the Naval Chaplaincy School Professional Development Department, at (401) 841-3930/DSN: (312) 841-3930 or via e-mail at 8. Course Material/Site Sheets. Read-ahead material is required for the PDTC and is accessible on the NCS milSuite site. To assist the Service Member with travel planning, site sheets for each training venue are also available on the NCS milSuite site: school/pages/pdtcpdtw. 9. This NAVADMIN is cancelled for record purposes on 30 September 2024. 10. Released by Mr. Andrew S. Haeuptle, Director, Navy Staff on behalf of the Chief of Chaplains.// BT #0001 NNNN CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED//