CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 112051Z DEC 23 MID120000719829U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 296/23 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/DEC// SUBJ/FY-25 ACTIVE-DUTY NAVY AND NAVY RESERVE E9, E8, AND E7 SELECTION AND SCREENING BOARD MEMBERSHIP NOMINATIONS// REF/A/DOC/BUPERS/29APR20// AMPN/REF A IS BUPERSINST 1401.5C, SUPPLEMENTAL GUIDANCE FOR U.S. NAVY SELECTION BOARDS.// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN announces the process for assignment of enlisted participants for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 Active-Duty Navy and Navy Reserve Master Chief Petty Officer (MCPO), Senior Chief Petty Officer (SCPO), and Chief Petty Officer (CPO) Selection and Screening Boards. The experience gained from exposure to the board process is beneficial to all senior enlisted leaders (SEL). Every MCPO, not otherwise restricted from participating in an enlisted board, is expected to serve as a member of one or more selection boards over the course of their tenure as a Master Chief. In order to ensure our board membership requirements are met, immediate superior in command (ISIC) and/or type commander (TYCOM) leadership are encouraged to seek out the best board member candidates within your purview and provide those names to the Membership Branch Head, copying the Naval Personnel Command (NPC) Force Master Chief (FORCM). 2. Master Chiefs are encouraged to apply for membership in accordance with the dates listed in paragraph 6. Once that date has passed, Master Chiefs will be assigned as board members pending vacancies not filled via the application process. Master Chiefs assigned as enlisted Selection Board Members will be notified of their assignment by the Selection Board Membership Branch Head. Once notified, they will have five (5) working days to submit an Enlisted Selection Board Member/Recorder Application (NAVPERS 1400/2). 3. In addition to membership criteria contained in reference (a) and on the NAVPERS 1400/2, the following also applies to selection board nominees: a. Must not have a relative or personal relationship defined in reference (a) serving on the same board in any capacity. b. All Active-Duty and Reserve Navy relatives, to include former military spouses, must be listed on the application form along with their rank/rate, even if not board eligible. c. Must not have been a member of the same board in the previous year. d. Must not be the subject of an investigation of any kind. e. If under care for any severe medical issues, the member shall consult with a treating physician regarding the possibility of travel in the time frame indicated. The medical provider is not required to endorse the members application. f. Must not have approved leave nor medical treatment scheduled immediately preceding or following the scheduled board. 4. If any of the criteria referenced in section 3 are met, assigned members must specify that in their response with the NAVPERS 1400/2 attached. In the event a member, or a members command, feels mission or job scope would prevent them from assignment to a specific selection board, direct correspondence attesting to that is required from the potential members first flag officer in their chain of command to Commander, NPC. 5. FY-25 enlisted board schedule (recorders report one week early for training): a. Reserve/Training and Administration of the Reserve (TAR) E9/E8 (combined): 4 through 15 March 2024 b. Active-Duty E9/E8 (combined): 25 March through 19 April 2024 c. Reserve/TAR E7: 28 May through 8 June 2024 d. Active-Duty E7: 24 June through 19 July 2024 6. Due dates for assigned member and recorder applications to be received by Board Membership Branch (PERS-805): a. Reserve/TAR E9/E8 (combined): 16 January 2024 b. Active-Duty E9/E8 (combined): 16 January 2024 c. Reserve/TAR E7: 28 January 2024 d. Active-Duty E7: 25 February 2024 7. Additional information pertaining to board membership: a. Frocked MCPOs may participate as selection board members and should expect assignment. b. In select circumstances, NPC may provide permanent change of station (PCS) order modifications if an applicant with PCS orders is selected to serve on an enlisted board. Selected board members should contact PERS-805 at (901)874-2436/DSN 882 or via e-mail at, if this applies. Do not contact your detailer directly as they may be eligible for the board. c. Sailors who are attached to deployed units will not normally be assigned. If the unit to which an assigned member is due to deploy during or close to the board date, assigned members will identify that in their response to the Membership Branch Head. d. Active-Duty and Reserve Component MCPOs are encouraged to apply for or can expect assignment to any of the above boards. There are no restrictions preventing a Sailor of one component from serving on a board of the other. e. SCPOs and CPOs (to include frocked) may serve as recorders on any of the above boards for which they are not eligible. f. SCPOs and junior may not serve on enlisted Selection Boards. g. Recorders must be stationed in the continental United States, no exceptions. h. Members/recorders must have an active Government Travel Credit Card (GTCC). 8. The application form (NAVPERS 1400/2) can be downloaded from: a. Active-Duty: and-promotion/active-duty-enlisted b. Reserve: promotion/reserve-enlisted 9. Recorder and member signed applications must be endorsed by the members Commanding Officer (CO) and forwarded directly to their cognizant FORCM/Fleet Master Chief (FLTCM). The FORCM/FLTCM will forward endorsed applications to PERS-805 via e-mail at or will return the endorsed applications to the member for submission. In circumstances where the applicant is assigned to a joint command or otherwise does not have a FORCM/FLTCM, the application should be sent to PERS-805 by the commands SEL, provided the SEL is not eligible for advancement on the board for which the applicant is submitting. If you are unsure of your circumstance, please contact PERS-805. 10. Applications must be endorsed by the members CO and forwarded directly to PERS-805 via e-mail at 11. Do not use request chits and do not forward applications through your commands administrative office, including those of the command master chief (CMC)/Chief of the Boat (COB), CO or FORCM/FLTCM. This will compromise board membership and invalidate your application. Applications go directly to the CMC/COB, CO, and FORCM/FLTCM. Nomination forms received from, or routed through, individuals other those noted above will not be considered. 12. Board membership will be held in the strictest confidence. Once an application is submitted, a policy of non-disclosure has been ordered by the Deputy Chief of Navy Personnel (DCNP). Do not discuss applications or selection, if chosen to serve on a board, with anyone other than your CMC/COB, CO, cognizant FORCM/FLTCM, or board support personnel at NPC. It is appropriate for a CMC/COB to be told by a member in the command of that members board service; however, the CMC/COB may not disclose their own service on a board to anyone other than the CO or next echelon ISIC. Failure to adhere to this policy is a direct violation of the Uniform Code of Military Justice and will result in removal from the board and possible administrative or disciplinary action by DCNP. 13. Careful consideration should be given to a nominees application and availability to serve as a board member. CO concurrence is required. Do not recommend personnel that are under an investigation of any kind or those with severe medical issues. If the CO initiates or becomes aware of an investigation after the initial nomination is submitted, notify the points of contact below immediately. COs, CMCs, COBs, and applicants should understand that once selected, the member is under official orders to the board and requests for removal from board duties will not be granted except in extreme cases as specified in reference (a). 14. Points of contact: a. Enlisted Board Membership Clerk at (901) 874-2436/DSN 882 b. Membership Branch Head at (901) 874-2209/DSN 882 c. PERS-805 at 15. Released by Vice Admiral Richard J. Cheeseman, Jr., N1.// BT #0001 NNNN CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED/