CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 081545Z FEB 24 MID120000882536U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 023/24 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/FEB// SUBJ/FY-25 ACTIVE-DUTY NAVY LIMITED DUTY OFFICER AND CHIEF WARRANT OFFICER IN SERVICE PROCUREMENT SELECTION BOARD RESULTS// REF/A/DOC/MANMED/20FEB19// AMPN/REF A IS NAVMED P 117, MANUAL OF MEDICAL DEPARTMENT.// RMKS/1. Congratulations to selectees of the Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 Active- Duty Navy Limited Duty Officer (LDO) and Chief Warrant Officer (CWO) In Service Procurement Board. 2. For LDO and CWO selectees, read name, commissioning month/year. All appointments are effective on the first day of the commissioning month. Members are directed to verify their select status via BUPERS Online. LIMITED DUTY OFFICER ENSIGN DECK SURFACE - 6110 Bennett Jeremiah Gregory 0525 Brefo George Owusu 1024 Dalton Elias Chase David 0225 Daniels Raphei Anwar 0825 Grafton Curtis Alan 1124 Hussein Mohamed Mohamud 0925 Huweart Jasmine 0325 Matthews Faeline Voncile 0825 Meadows Jacob Paul 0925 OPERATIONS SURFACE - 6120 Ables Jeremy Edward 1024 Daniels Matthew Laurence 0325 Evans Chad Allen 0825 Jorge Henry Manuel 0925 Mercedes Luis Roberto Jr. 0525 Porri Gabriella Freitas 0925 Roethle Lucas John 0325 Shepherd Brandon Desean 0225 Smith Jacob Sean 1124 Thompson Cornelius B 1224 Vega Kristian Tioong 0825 Zamora Lulu Delilah 0425 ENGINEERING/REPAIR SURFACE - 6130 Bliss Spencer Charles 0525 Bourdain Desmond 0325 Catizone Trevor Michael 0325 Colson Johnkirby N 0425 Corpuz Virgilaustin P 0825 Decker Lloyd Vincent V 0925 Garcia Gharnel Clemente 0925 Hart Cody Lee 0925 Hofmann Christopher Jacob 0425 Holland Chase Parker 0825 Kryukovskaya Alena S 0225 Lash Dylan Curtis 0525 Lewis Aaron Martez 0825 Linton Corey Phillip 0525 Madera Raymond Faminiano 0925 McDew Shawn Edward II 0525 Moriarty Mitchell Lee 0525 Robinson Dominique Lloyd 0525 Ruple Michelle Muico 0825 Siewert Melissa Lee 1124 Silvestre Aldrian P 0925 Singh Raequan Taj 0925 Smith Logan Andrew 0825 Suarez Yoel Roberto 1024 Swen Garfield Siejipoe 0825 Tan Sheldon Maurice 0825 Trevillian Joshua Kyle 0425 Vargas Alexander 1224 Whitehead Nicholas Joseph 1124 Zaza Hozan Ibrahim 0225 ELECTRONICS SURFACE - 6180 Boyd Travis Lemar 0325 Byers Dillon James 1024 Campfield Zachery James 0525 Cline Sandra Abilene 0225 Coatney Joshua Brett 1124 Doeden Michael David 0825 Flaherty Michael Jason 0925 Franciose Kurtis Richard 1024 Gatlin Joseph Duane 0325 Hancox Connor Devon 0925 Jeffries Samuel Owen 1224 Kim Lewis Y 1024 King Rayjohn Lamar 0425 Lewis William Thomas 0925 Lockett Emerson Jahmaahl 1024 Mascardo Richardallan N 0425 Maynard Nathaniel James 0925 Mills Kirk Jr. 0525 Mussa Rami Alan 0825 Neiner Matthew Scott K 0825 Osterhout Hunter Jacob 0325 Puni Caleb Ualesi 0225 Ramirez Jose Antonio 0925 Ramos Israel 1224 Ray Oscar Saul 0925 Rosal Benedict Cruz 0825 Severns Shay Blake 1124 Slabinski Seumas Keith 0225 Somera Bryan Jun Amoyo 0825 Stitt Jacob Casey 0425 Thongpet Varinda Michelle 1224 Vigil Lorenzo Bearheart 0825 Warren Ethan Monroe 1124 Webb Jonathan R 0525 Welsh Tyler Storm 0525 Wold David Charles Jr. 0825 ENGINEERING/REPAIR SUBMARINE - 6230 Bitten Rian Thomas 1024 Buchanan Russell N Jr 0525 Fernandez Jesus Eduardo 0825 McCurley Connor Frankl 0925 Proveaux Ryan Anthony 0225 ORDNANCE SUBMARINE - 6260 Bosch Tyler Jacob 0425 Casey Jennifer Lynn 0825 Cureton Trevor Lee 0825 Gordon Marvin Dale Jr. 1124 Martinez Alexander Julius 0325 Murphy Christopher Kai 0525 Smith Brian Thompson Jr. 0925 Whitehead Justin Scott 0225 ELECTRONICS SUBMARINE - 6280 Hand Reese Chapin 0225 Lamb Iain Michael 0525 Murphy Sean Michael 0925 Smigel Michael David Jr. 1024 Smith Jermaine L 1124 COMMUNICATIONS SUBMARINE - 6290 Docter Shane Michael 1024 Garleb Alec William 0925 Nelson Eric Christopher 0825 Nelson Ian David 0925 AVIATION DECK - 6310 Bonsu Emmanuel Osei 0825 Compton Mason Tyler 1024 Constantinoperez Denver O 0925 Flores Alejandro 0925 Lehew Scott Jeffery 0825 Morrissey Michael Milo 0225 AVIATION MAINTENANCE - 6330 Anderson Etoryia Lanae 1124 Bilderback Birkett P 0925 Campbell Luka Nesta 1224 Daniel Gregory Lee 1024 Davis Thomas Ryan 0325 Diazzavala Roberto 0925 Dillon Remie Ivan 0825 Holley John William Jr. 0225 Imm Ryan Charles 1124 Kelso Kelly Wayne 0525 Lopez Louis Sergio 0825 Marken Frans Milton 0925 Martinez Juan Luis 0425 Maxwell Jodikay Angellee 0425 McCaskill Alesha Bushe 0825 Olasunkanmi Moses O 0325 Pickett Jason Adam 0825 Randall Collin Matthew 0225 Roberts Zachariah Joseph 0225 Rodriguez Johnny A 0925 Rutsch Matthew Henry 0525 Schaefer Addie Cordelia 0525 Siochi Jamesmartin H 0825 Truitt Kali Williams 1224 Williams Terry Rhys 0525 Wollaston Hunter C 0925 AVIATION ORDNANCE - 6360 Brown Jeremy Alexander 0425 Denison Kasey A 0925 Gravely Jesse Dennis 0525 Jackson Joshua Timothy 0825 Lindhout Josef Scott 0225 Mendezmartinez Alexa 0525 Meza Carmenta Del 1224 Portillo Joshua Kane 0325 Pridmore Eric Lee 0825 Regino Augustin 1024 Robinson Merrissa Rhianne 0925 Smith Sydney Olivia 0925 Sutton Saudia Monique 0825 Wright Malik James 0925 Zyskowski Anita Lisa 0225 AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL - 6390 Decanio Nicholas Patrick 1024 Galinski Daniel Francis 0525 Ledbetter Brent Scott 0825 McCague Tyler James 0225 Reese Shelley Lynn 0925 ADMINISTRATION - 6410 Ablian Ralph Fajardo 0425 Arias Vanha Lonje 0425 Boateng Sefah 0925 Burnett Joshua Lamont 0925 Cabe Travis Michael 1224 Carbajalmendiola Joanna 0525 Dorsey Synthia Alexis 1024 Fleming Ingry Lissette 0225 Hagans Sache Micheala 1124 Hill Joshua Isaac 0825 Lathrop Michael Lawrence 0825 Lewis Cody Edward 0525 Macaraeg Maria Fe Theresa 1124 Marshall Tatayna Renea 0325 Moffett Enoch Albert V 0925 Morton Daniel Christian 0825 Nance Kenneth Ray Jr. 0925 Pope Gary Lamar III 0325 Ruiz Victoria Angel 1024 Sanchez Julianalbert R 0825 Sutherland Cody James 0225 Whitis Jacob Price 1224 BANDMASTER - 6430 Britt Brandon J 1024 Schulte Carl Joseph 0325 EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE DISPOSAL - 6480 Ahlquist Travis Edward 0825 Browne Vincent Alan 1224 Fraser Adam Michael 0525 Vizenor Andrew Joseph 1224 SECURITY - 6490 Aguilar Jose Isaac 0325 Armijo Pasqual Alfredo IV 1024 Benoit Justin Aaron 1124 Bruton Kyle Austin 0525 Castro Ryan Michael 0825 Catoni Charlotte Michelle 0825 Corniel Luis Daniel 0325 Cowan Joseph Michael 0225 England Trenton Lee 0825 Erwin Tyler Edward 0825 Francios Kimberly Yanick 0525 Gardunopough Dangelo Aug 1224 Hamilton Kathleen Teresa 0925 Lowery Adonis M 1124 Ng Jacky S 0925 Nievesfigueroa Carlos G 0925 Parlan Morgan Marie 0925 Roberts Cody Everette 0925 Solla Victor Manuel 0425 Spurlin Jeffrey M 0525 SUPPLY CORPS - 6510 Boakye Peter 0325 Brown Jammaal Isaiah 0325 Cox Shache Andre 1024 Mitchell Kirk Anthony 1224 Nyinaku Theophilus 1024 Sharpe Ebony Ann 0925 CIVIL ENGINEER CORPS - 6530 Adams Ryan Michael 0925 Harris Antonio C 0325 Holland Kayla Irene 0825 Stachurski Jesse James 1224 CHIEF WARRANT OFFICER (W-3) SPECIAL WARFARE TECHNICIAN - 7151 (A) Rutledge Sean M 0225 SPECIAL WARFARE TECHNICIAN - 7151 (B) Peters Keystone Elliot 0625 FOOD SERVICE WARRANT - 7521 Haynes Keevan Allister 1024 INTELLIGENCE TECHNICIAN - 7831 (C-OPINTEL CCA) Burris Derik MD 1024 CHIEF WARRANT OFFICER (W-2) BOATSWAIN SURFACE - 7111 Brown Marqus David 0325 Cleary Michael R 1124 Coates Kevin L 0625 Cox Joseph Anthony 0625 Esparza Said Gabriel 1024 Liberty David James 0225 Midland Kenneth Gordon II 0625 Pennywell Nathaniel M 0225 Potter Brian Edward Jr. 1224 Tunal Christopher Daniel 0325 OPERATIONS TECHNICIAN SURFACE - 7121 Adams Julius Lamonte 1024 Bailey Damian K 0225 Brown Justin Leroy 0325 Burns Dominique Michelle 0225 Case Jason Allen 0625 Dobbin Carols Antonio II 0425 Gooden Bobby Lentiar 1124 Johnson Christopher M 0525 Lara Daniel 0625 Moore Michael Anthony 1124 Stockslager David J 0425 Tinoco Michael Anthony 0625 ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN SURFACE - 7131 Butts Varron Antione 0225 Carpenter Roseanne S 1124 Doyle William Carl Jr. 0325 French Jason E 0225 Gallagher Terrance C 0225 Gee John Henry Jr. 1224 Hardemon Travis Santel 1024 Isidore Jean DanielC 1224 Jenkins Kenneth Alan 1224 Le Jeffrey Khoa 1124 Lemke Brandon Todd 1124 Li Yuan Yue 0525 Miller Michael Adam 0525 Morton Blake Andrew 0325 Neberman Kevin C 0425 Ramirez Justin Michael 0425 Reyescruz Jose Luis 0625 Robles Jose Mario 0425 Russo Calvin J 0425 Squires Damien Oswyn 1024 Talkington Vickie T 0625 Wilson Anwar Kieron 0625 Zhao Si 0225 SPECIAL WARFARE TECHNICIAN - 7151 (A) Badalamenti Ronald Jr. 1224 Bunek John Anthony 1224 Dambrosio Daniel V Jr. 0425 Eldridge Phillip W III 1024 Golden John Henry 0625 Gottlick William Ross 1024 Khan Kevin Von 0625 Natale Shawn Michael 1224 Nice Brandon Blake 0425 Prestie William J 0325 Schleis Spencer John 0325 SPECIAL WARFARE TECHNICIAN - 7151 (B) Scardilli Daniel Steven 0625 SPECIAL WARFARE COMBATANT CRAFT CREWMAN - 7171 Clark Shaun Thomas 1024 Vlk Jeffrey Paul 1124 ELECTRONICS TECHNICIAN SURFACE - 7181 Ames Marcus Darnel 1124 Asbell Samuel Harrison 1224 Brice Thomas Charles Jr. 0425 Buit Brett Allan 0625 Clark Justin Matthew 0525 Cosens Benjamin Howard 0425 Detrolio Michael W Jr. 1124 Findlay Kamon Ronique 0425 Fitts Jason Alan 1024 Garza Joshua Scott 0625 Grant Carlos Leon 0325 Heidtman Robert Perry 0325 Henry Davis Patrick 1224 Jeffers Anjoe S 0325 Konopa James Michael 1024 Madiedo Alina 0525 Orr Kyle Duane 0625 Welch William J 0225 DIVING OFFICER - 7201 Blankshine Nicholas B 1024 Coughlin Kyle Michael 0425 Laitila Joshua George 0325 Sanders Marc David 0625 Schroeter Chet Taylor 1124 Stephenson Eric John 0425 ORDNANCE TECHNICIAN SUBMARINE - 7261 Mercier Kyle Douglas 0625 Schweibold M Clayton 1024 ACOUSTIC TECHNICIAN - 7281 Brown Jeffrey Dale 1224 Brown Nicholas Lee 0425 Cross Jeffrey Michael Jr. 0625 Green Nicky Daniel 0625 Imfeld William Joe 1224 Messrah Robert Philip 0625 Stemmley Tiffany Michele 1024 Towne Bailey Alan 1124 AVIATION BOATSWAIN - 7311 Calilung Rolando L 1224 Dunkley Jerome Storbin 0325 Gaxiola Jonathan 0425 McNeese Joshua Lee 0425 Ogletree Jason Carl 1224 Smiley Bobby Paul 0325 AVIATION OPERATIONS TECHNICIAN - 7321 Bates Carl Warren 1124 Bolduc Michael Donovan 0225 Carpenito Ian Michael 1224 Cook Ronald William Jr. 0225 Cooper Jonathan Robert 1124 Garcia Michael Anthony 0225 Granger Christopher E 0325 Green Matthew Harold 0625 Nettles Nicholas Diante 0325 Pillars Robert Paul Jr. 1024 Scoggin Kanan Ry 0625 Scotten Kristopher Neil 0625 Solis Ruben Carlos 0425 AVIATION MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN - 7331 Addy Carl Kwabena 0625 Angeles Johnerickson Z 0225 Barker Dustin Aaron 1124 Breaux Randall Louis 0225 Brooks Michael Edward 1024 Castillo Jason Allan 1124 Chua Carlito Paclarin 0425 Clark Joshua Gerald 1224 Culler David Joshua 0325 Dejesussilva Aldo Javier 0525 Glover Delvon Lemar 0625 Hays Gerrod A 1024 Hummer Carolyn Claire 0225 Ituriaga Hernane T III 0525 Lewis Andre Jamie 1224 Luczak Paul Anthony 0225 Lytle Joshua Awet 1224 McCracken Tyler Joe 0425 Miller Matthew Lee 0325 Navarro Ramon Lopez Jr. 0525 Nigri Brandon Richard 1224 Rabon Chad David 0625 Rhodes Matthew Sean 0625 Rumph Kyle Robert 1124 Soares Hitalo Donizzeti 0325 West Jacob Jeffrey 0425 AVIATION ORDNANCE TECHNICIAN - 7361 Beemer Nicholas Alexander 1224 Brown Shanta Tyneka 1124 Caceres Juan Manuel 0325 Ceaser Fiero Lashun 1024 French Cynthia Diane 1024 Harris Carlos Antonio 0325 Hunt Bryan James 0325 Justice Kerin Kerrel 0625 Pettit Everett William 0625 Roberts Angela Marie 0625 Weide Justin Duane 0225 Westbrook James Rydnell 1224 SHIPS CLERK - 7411 Antiller Mary Grace Lapuz 0425 Booth Jesse Colten 0225 Canoespinoza Luis A 0625 Cargin Devela Edith 0225 Collins Semetria Lashell 1024 Davis Renita Deshall 0325 Denny Brandy Lynne 1024 Edwards Jonathan David 0325 Emanivong Paseuth 1224 Esparza Jorge Jr. 0625 Farrow Corey Bernard 0525 Hernandez Miguel Angel 0525 Jones Nicholas 0325 Kershaw Kendall Ryan 0425 Letts Omphroy Michael 1124 Maurency Jhempson M 1224 Oliver Myles O 0525 Smith Nicholas Ross 1124 Solis Mario Darrel Jr. 1124 Tu Yiubond 0625 Twigg Abigial Marielynn 0425 Urey Teddie Robert II 0225 Williams Jeffrey M 0625 Woods Antonio Basiler 1124 SECURITY TECHNICIAN - 7491 Beckford Chance Alejandro 0225 Esquivel Alfredo III 1224 Gomez Natasha Marie 0625 Jones Janis Rose 0325 Robertson Brandon Clark 1124 Wiltrout Adam Christopher 1024 Zeise Justin Robert 0625 FOOD SERVICE WARRANT - 7521 Guevarra Glennajane L 1224 Hamilton Keis Labarron 0425 Jones Sylvester Jr. 1224 McCray Krishina Laterria 0425 OCEANOGRAPHY - 7801 Swenson Tesse Mae 1124 Walt Zachary Thorin 1024 CRYPTOLOGIC WARFARE TECHNICIAN - 7811 Bickford John Warren 0625 Booth Brandon M 0625 Dannenberger Michelle L 1024 DeJesus Eric Ruben 0325 Goss Troy Donatello 0425 Griffith Kevin Scott 0525 Lalisan Jeremiah James 1224 Lovett Caleb Blake 0225 Mea Greg Anthony 0625 Neely Steven Edward 0225 Pearce Lori Suzanne 1224 Scholl Ryan Scott 1124 Szymczak Karl Robert 1124 Thomas Jomario Lamonte 0525 Vettori Michael Giovanni 0425 INFORMATION SYSTEMS TECHNICIAN - 7821 Barnett Naporsha S 0225 Buchanan Kayshonda D 1124 Cox Jonathan Thomas 1224 Cruzgomez Dorian Dereck 0625 Drury Joshua Wayne 0525 Graves Eric Dewayne 1224 Hall Elijah E 1124 Handy Ulysses Lee Jr. 0625 Henry Aaron Adonis 0325 Jobb Danielle Elizabeth 0625 Jointer Akeem Adbuljabbar 1224 Jones Pattrick William 0425 Kelly Devin Obrien 0525 Loveless Robert Gordon 1224 MacCarone Patrick Thomas 0425 McCroskey William Talbert 0625 McKay Patrick Shane 1124 Ortiz David Michael 1024 Ramirezrodriguez Alfonso 1024 Shanley Todd Daniel 0325 Smith James Jonathan 0225 Stokes James Reeves Jr. 0425 INTELLIGENCE TECHNICIAN - 7831(A-CI/HUMINT CCA) Ash Frank Nelms 0425 Bridges David Alexander 1224 Dills Johnathan Elzy 1024 Kinsella Robert F IV 0625 INTELLIGENCE TECHNICIAN - 7831 (B-GEOINT/TGTING CCA Buller William Edward IV 1024 Campbell Robert E Jr. 0425 Hart Taylor Scott 1024 Holman Ryan N 0525 Merrill Seth Daniel 0625 Zabala Roderick Mercado 0325 INTELLIGENCE TECHNICIAN - 7831 (C-OPINTEL CCA) Evanoff Nicholas A 1124 Garland Jon Robert II 0525 Heeren Kristin Marie 0425 Tejero Nelson Manicsic 0625 WARRANT OFFICER (W-1) CYBER WARRANT - 7841 Besel Alexander Daniel 0625 Butler Garrett Michael 0425 Phillips Brandon Leon 0625 3. Each applicant should take pride in knowing that the superior performance documented in the evaluations reviewed by the board required the members to dedicate long hours in making hard choices to ensure only the best and fully qualified applicants were selected. I am confident that each selectee will justify their selection time and again in their new career as naval officers. Those not selected are highly encouraged to seek out an LDO/CWO in your area for advice on ways to grow professionally and improve opportunity for future selection. Bravo Zulu to all who were willing to answer the call. 4. This message is not authority to issue appointments. Frocking is prohibited. COMNAVPERSCOM (PERS 806) will deliver appointments to the Transaction Service Center (TSC) Great Lakes, who will distribute directly to the respective CPPAs. TSC Great Lakes will also process the conversion from enlisted to officer status for LDOs and CWOs, for all commands other than those who have the ability to process their own (CVN, SPECWAR, etc.). TSC Great Lakes can be contacted directly at the below email address. 5. Commanding Officers are directed to: a. Notify selectee. b. Notify PERS 803 via official correspondence not later than 10 days following release of this message of selectees who do not accept appointment. Selectees who decline their commission within this 10 day period will be considered by the FY-25 Enlisted Selection Boards. After the 10 day period, PERS 802 will invalidate all FY-25 Active-Duty Navy LDO and CWO In Service Procurement Selection Board selectees eligibility for the FY- 25 Active-Duty Enlisted Selection Boards. c. Per reference (a), ensure LDO and CWO selectees obtain a commissioning physical within 90 days preceding the appointment month. Notify the applicable officer detailer upon completion. d. Hold execution of all permanent change of station orders in abeyance, if applicable, and immediately notify PERS 40 of member's selection. e. Administer official Physical Fitness Assessment (PFA) within four months of commissioning date. If selectee fails to achieve satisfactory medium, notify your applicable officer detailer. Hold commissioning in abeyance until successful completion of PFA. f. Hold appointment in abeyance if it is determined that a selectee is no longer mentally, physically, morally, or professionally qualified or if they fail to meet current PFA requirements. Immediately forward documentation citing reason to PERS 803. 6. If an LDO or CWO selectee's enlistment (including any extensions) expires after the date of appointment, they are not reenlistment eligible unless appointment is declined. 7. Each selectee should contact their officer detailer for submission requirements with regard to personal information and history cards, and inform PERS 806 of address changes to facilitate appointment delivery. 8. Points of Contact a. PERS 803 point of contact for LDO/CWO In Service Procurement Board, issues/questions is CWO4 Tameka Reid at (901) 874 3170/DSN 882 or e-mail b. PERS 806 point of contact for issuance of oath and commissioning documents issues/questions is Mrs. Alda Boster, at (901) 874 3294/DSN 882 or e-mail at c. TSC Great Lakes point of contact for oath of office distribution and conversion questions is 9. Released by Vice Admiral Richard J. Cheeseman, Jr., N1.// BT #0001 NNNN CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED//