CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 112015Z MAR 24 MID600117251249U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 051/24 MSGID/NAVADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/MAR// SUBJ/CULTURE OF EXCELLENCE 2.0// REF/A/MSG/CNO/121637ZNOV19// REF/B/MSG/COMUSFLTFORCOM NORFOLK VA/131415FEB20// REF/C/DOC/OPNAV N17/24JUN20// REF/D/DOC/CNO/24JUN20// REF/E/DOC/OPNAV N17/01DEC20// REF/F/MSG/CNO/101920ZDEC20// REF/G/DOC/OPNAV N17/JUL23// REF/H/DOC/PERS 451/11DEC23// REF/I/MSG/CNO/161723ZJAN24// REF/J/DOC/OPNAV N17/JAN24// REF/K/MSG/CNO/271308ZFEB24 // REF/L/DOC/OPNAV N17/MAR24// REF/M/DOC/OPNAV N17/MAR24// REF/N/DOC/OPNAV N17/MAR24// REF/O/DOC/CNO/07MAY19// REF/P/MSG/CNO/151929ZJUN23// NARR/REF A IS NAVADMIN 254/19, CULTURE OF EXCELLENCE. REF B IS 12-STAR MESSAGE PROMULGATION OF SIGNATURE BEHAVIORS OF THE 21ST CENTURY SAILOR, NAVY CORE VALUES, NAVY ETHOS, AND CORE ATTRIBUTES IN ACTION, VERSION 2.0. REF C IS THE CULTURE OF EXCELLENCE MISSION, VISION AND EXECUTION FRAMEWORK. REF D IS CULTURE OF EXCELLENCE GOVERNANCE BOARD CHARTER. REF E IS THE CULTURAL CHAMPION NETWORK QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE. REF F IS NAVADMIN 318/20, CULTURAL CHAMPION NETWORK. REF G IS THE MENTAL HEALTH PLAYBOOK V1.1. REF H IS MILPERSMAN 1320-307, PERMANENT CHANGE OF STATION/TEMPORARY ADDITIONAL DUTY WARM HAND-OFF PROCEDURES. REF I IS NAVADMIN 006/24, POLICY FOR THE ASSIGNMENT OF PREGNANT SAILORS AND SAILORS WHO EXPERIENCE PERINATAL LOSS. REF J IS THE SUICIDE RELATED BEHAVIOR RESPONSE AND POSTVENTION GUIDE. REF K IS NAVADMIN 037/24, ESTABLISHMENT OF NAVY WOMEN'S INITIATIVE TEAM (NAVY-WIT). REF L IS THE FORGED BY THE SEA: COE 2.0 PLACEMAT. REF M IS THE FORGED BY THE SEA: COE 2.0 PLAYBOOK. REF N IS THE WARRIOR TOUGHNESS PLACEMAT. REF O IS NAVY LEADER DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK. REF P IS NAVADMIN 139/23, REVISIONS TO COMMAND CLIMATE ASSESSMENTS.// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN supersedes reference (a) and cancels reference (b). References (c) through (f) will be updated in CY 2024 to reflect changes from this NAVADMIN. 2. I am releasing Culture of Excellence 2.0 (COE 2.0), the foundation by which our Navy builds its Warfighters - our People, Leaders, and Teams - as a key enabler of delivering the decisive combat power I talked about in "America's Warfighting Navy." COE 2.0, empowered by the "Get Real, Get Better" (GRGB) call to think, act, and operate differently, will advance our approach to building our warfighters and warfighting Teams. We are taking the best parts of what has made our Navy great and building upon them. 3. This is not a new requirement. Rather COE 2.0 simplifies, streamlines, and aligns several Navy programs and concepts into an actionable approach for building great culture, providing new tools for Command Triads to better understand and act on the needs of their People. In doing so, we will raise the level of our lowest- performing commands and make our best commands even better. COE 2.0 will prepare us to operate in uncertain, complex, and rapidly changing environments by ensuring every member of the Navy Team has the opportunity to become Forged by the Sea: becoming the best version of themselves and doing the most valuable work of their lives alongside Sailors and civilians they trust and respect. With the right tools, such as COE 2.0, a winning mindset, and the highest levels of integrity, we will operate safely as a Team to deliver warfighting excellence. America is counting on us to do so. 4. We have been working with leadership at all levels from across the entire Navy - both at sea and ashore - over the past year to lay the foundation for the COE 2.0 launch. This includes: a. Mental Health Playbook V1.1, reference (g). Supports command leaders in preventing mental health issues from occurring and, when they do, to connect Sailors with the proper mental health care, at the right level, at the right time. b. MILPERSMAN 1320-307, Permanent Change of Station (PCS) Warm- Handoff, reference (h). Ensures Command Triads maintain an unbroken chain of supervision as a Sailor with known challenges or issues transfers from one command to another. c. NAVADMIN 006/24, Policy for the Assignment of Pregnant Sailors and Sailors Who Experience Perinatal Loss, reference (i). Improves Sailors' ability to balance family and career goals and gives them some flexibility in assignments for continued career advancement, including the option to PCS to another geographic location to fill a critical gap ashore. d. Suicide Related Behavior Response and Postvention Guide, reference (j). Provides command leaders a streamlined reference to manage suicide crisis response, suicide related behavior response, reintegration, and suicide postvention, to include Immediate Superior in Command (ISIC) responsibilities. e. NAVADMIN 037/24, Establishment of Navy Women's Initiative Team (Navy- WIT), reference (k). Broadens awareness and influences policy to support the recruitment and retention of women by building communities, developing best practices, discussing opportunities and recommending policy and program changes to remove barriers. 5. Navy Culture and Force Resilience Office website. This website supports hyperlinks from the COE 2.0 playbook, and has additional instructions, messages, and policies which will be regularly updated for easy consultation. COE 2.0 products are available at Excellence/, and there are three entry points for every Sailor to access COE 2.0: a. COE 2.0 Placemat, reference (l). The front of the COE 2.0 placemat sets the standard for "what right looks like," where our shared Core Values and Warrior Toughness are the starting point for a winning mindset from which we build great people, great leaders, and great teams. The back of the COE 2.0 placemat is a self- assessment tool for foundational programs, moving beyond checklists and towards outcomes that make a difference. b. Forged by the Sea: COE 2.0 Playbook, reference (m). The Playbook aligns existing Navy programs into an approach for building a cultural foundation, to include one-pagers for key programs. 6. In support of COE 2.0, the following tools are now available to every Navy command: a. Warrior Toughness Placemat, reference (n). Navy is combining Warrior Toughness (taught at Recruit Training since 2018) and Expanded-Operational Stress Control (taught Fleet-wide since 2020) into one continuum. This placemat is the first step in that process, outlining a series of skills scientifically proven to enhance personal and team performance, toughness, and resilience. b. Virtual CO's suggestion box. Page 33 of reference (m) describes the QR code CO's suggestion box that can be employed alongside the traditional physical box. This anonymous feedback is only available to the command triad and is automatically deleted every 90 days. To request a virtual suggestion box, a member of the command triad can scan the QR code on page 33 or go to c. Commander's Risk Mitigation Dashboard (CRMD). Page 34 of reference (m) introduces CRMD, a new tool for commanders to better understand the risk of destructive behaviors within their commands, enabling them to take appropriate action. Command leadership can scan the QR code on page 34 to get access for their command. 7. Today's release of COE 2.0 is the first step in an enduring process of continuous evaluation and improvement, and we will provide updates to Culture and Force Resilience resources, policy, and processes as needed. In the coming months, the following resources will be made available: a. Navy will release an updated necessary conversations guide, providing all hands with tools to better listen and understand each other, especially those with a different background than their own, including age. b. The Navy Leader Development Framework, reference (o), will be updated to reflect the "Great Leaders" column of the COE 2.0 placemat, including those leadership behaviors initially rolled out as part of GRGB. c. Navy will build on reference (p) and provide updated guidance for the CY24 Command Climate Assessment (CCA) annual window. This will include a revised template for conducting the ISIC debrief and the ability for every Navy command to leverage additional survey tools to better listen to their people, take corrective actions, and better their quality of service. d. Supporting instructions will be revised to incorporate COE 2.0. 8. During this month's Naval Flag Officer/Senior Executive Service/ Senior Enlisted Leader conference, specific tasks will be provided to Navy leaders as part of the broader COE 2.0 rollout. These tasks include: Highlighting leaders and commands in their community that best embody the tenets of COE 2.0; providing best practices that build COE 2.0; and providing vignettes and training plans that explain COE 2.0 using the language of our Navy's communities, at all ranks E1 to O10. 9. Closing Thoughts. Our Navy's mission could not be more significant or consequential in this decisive decade. COE 2.0 is central to investing in the warfighters needed for mission success. I am proud to serve alongside you, and I thank you and your families for what you do every day to support our Navy and our Nation. 10. Point of contact is OPNAV N172, who can be reached via e-mail at 11. This NAVADMIN will remain in effect until superseded or canceled, whichever occurs first. 12. Admiral Franchetti sends, 33rd Chief of Naval Operations.// BT #0001 NNNN CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED//